View Full Version : Tel$tra Warning - Interent on the mobile = OUCH!

14th March 2007, 04:03 PM
I recently upgraded the mobile to one of those flashy Treo 650's. Nice phone with all the bells and whistles but more importantly, it has the calendar, diary, task list etc i need for work.

It also gets my emails if i want them and has an internet browser as well.

Well, keen to have a play, I downloaded a program direct to the phone from the internet (to allow me to play mp3's as my ringtone).

The cost of that little session (19 minutes according to Tel$tra) was $41.60 !!!!

never again. :((

14th March 2007, 04:08 PM
Yeah when I got my new phone, the guy warned me not to use the Internet connectivity stuff until I rang and determined what plan to be on. Apparently by default it's on a casual user plan, which costs an arm and a leg for downloads. There are other plans but frankly I wont be bothering. I get enough exposure to the Internet and email sitting in front of this thing all day, without wanting to carry it around in my pocket...

14th March 2007, 05:22 PM
Well thats why their so keen on everyone going to the new G3. So the can rip more money out of everyone.

14th March 2007, 05:24 PM
it's absolute BS when you consider I get 10Gig per month for $53 on cable internet!!


14th March 2007, 05:42 PM
If parents thought they were getting high phone bills before wait until all the kids start getting the new phones.

14th March 2007, 06:39 PM
And to top it off its god damned slow

14th March 2007, 09:06 PM
thats why i dont have one of them fones. it would be so tempting to use it during boring classes.

14th March 2007, 09:14 PM
Yeah, that's rough gumby, but what about this one, I emailed 9 380kB files from my phone to my home computer and it cost $78 !!

Won't do that again


14th March 2007, 11:36 PM
Telstra are the bggest rip off criminals n australia. They have a wonderful scam going where they give u an incredbily ????? service for huge amounts of cash then never hel u out when you need it. You always end up talking to a machine on the other end of the phone when you need asistance and its useless getting anywhere with them. I have vowed not to have anything to do with the greedy mongrels unless I need to sort something with my phoneline. They have screwed me over one too many times and they arent getting my business until they improve theirs. :(

15th March 2007, 12:44 AM
Have you blokes received some advertizing from Telstra, demanding you write to your Federal Member to let them rip more money off people by establishing some sort of Broadband rip-off. I notice that it never actually says what they are trying to do, just bleats about how unfair it is that there are regulations preventing them making more money.

I feel that I should write to my Federal Polly, and the ACCC, and tell them to stop Telstra, and maybe break up an excessive monopoly as it is no longer a public asset.

15th March 2007, 07:20 AM
Telstra can turn the internet function off on your phone.

After a fairly hefty slug after playing with my new phone I wanted to make sure that I couldn't do it again accidentally.

The other thing that annoys me is that they don't put a standard ring tone on the phone. I don't want an orchestra starting when someone rings me.