View Full Version : New art work in progress

Wild Dingo
8th April 2007, 06:04 PM
This time with a different slant... a twist if you will... a bit of 3D

I was gifted a brass boat a few weeks ago and although antique I felt it needed something to "lift" it... now I considered a plith or a stand of some discription but decided that that wouldnt highlight it the way I wanted... so having made an artwork with veneer once before I thought and cogitated on how I could manage to incorporate this brass model into the art

So... I got a nice peice of 1/2in ply a sheet of Black Walnut a sheet of Hickory and a sheet of the wavey veneer I used on the other peice the name of which eludes me just now

And so I will start to document the WIP

The boat itself looks very similar to a design by Fife from back in the early 1800s but has no markings to affirm this... however onwards!!

Pic 1 and 2 are of the brass boat
Pic 3 is the clampup
Pic 4 is the dry trial run

8th April 2007, 06:07 PM
Nice use of timber in pic 4, the red timber looks like waves....:2tsup:

Al :cool:

Wild Dingo
8th April 2007, 06:15 PM
Okay something else was needed so...

First I epoxied the boat to the play form I made for it to sit on... yes I epoxied it! some would think "bloody hell Shane your a flamin drongo for doing that!!" but as I said before Im more interested in being able to see the boat in its "element" and bring out what I see as the beauty of the peice... great idea and taste eh?! :2tsup:

Pic 1 shows the slivers of Huon pine added for the setting sun and the "stairway to heaven" (yes Im having homesick pangs of the kimberlies :roll: )
Pic 2 A dry fit without the sail
Pic 3 Shows the distance out from the backing board (this is actually 1/2in out)
Pic 4 From a different angle
Pic 5 A final dry fitting with the sail before screw and glue down of the sea under the boat

Wild Dingo
8th April 2007, 06:20 PM
aah typical Al jumpin the gate as always mate! :;

Yes the veneer is unusual in that it looks very much like the movement of waves I have its name around here somewhere and will find it later... there will be a thin line with raised swirls to "show" the movement of the boat through the water thats the birdseye maple under its bum... once done it will be a lot thinner and more realistic I think.

Am presently veneering the wave veneer onto the curved peice... and having some amazing joyjoy happy happy with it I can tell you!! :doh:

I am presently wondering what to make the frame from... I was thinking a wide 3in Jarrah frame sloping and grooved with a to be made hand scraper... but Im starting to think a white frame would bring the colors out more? being color blind is a bloody pain about now! :C I usually make a couple of sections and show and tell Jody or one of the larrikins but I want this to be a total surprise :2tsup:

I will zap out there and do a bit of measuring to give you an idea of the sizes... that wheel its laying against is a 26in wheel that Im building from Jarrah :;

Okay sizes
The boat is 9 1/2in LOA (including sprit) and 2in BOA by 1in deep... the sail is 12 1/2in from tip to boat and 7 1/2in long from mast aft... the backing board is 20in high by 14in wide


8th April 2007, 06:26 PM
Well done Ding, it's looking really good. :2tsup:

9th April 2007, 02:50 AM
Dingo looks good, I realy like the 3D applacation of the boat:2tsup:

9th April 2007, 08:58 AM
That looks really good, Ding. And I reckon it's exactly the right treatment for a gift like that boat.:2tsup:

Wild Dingo
10th April 2007, 01:12 AM
Cheers mates... I agree jmk... nothing I think worse than a thing that is sceaming to be shown yet due to years of neglect and abuse missing parts cannot be done without some drastic changes to happen... this what Ive done from what Ive been told will definantly destroy the providence of the thing and any worth it had as an antique... so be it I say at least once done it can again be displayed in some glory instead of being stuffed in a box somewhere

Anyway... todays small effort

Clamping in the breakwater

I got busy with other things so thats all I got done today... maybe more tomorrow? Now about that frame?? anyone want to suggest something? I know from experience the Walnut will go dark and what with the dark of the ripple water and the brass of the boat Ive started leaning toward something light in color with little texture to detract from the actual peice... so need some ideas!

ooh and just what do we call this? Marquetry? Intarsia? wooden tolle? {as opposed to paper tolle :; } I cant have created a new art form can I?? :o

10th April 2007, 03:14 AM
" ooh and just what do we call this?"
Good work is what its called!

I reckon a nice glass faced box frame say 50mm deep would set it off nicely... make the sides as frames and put some glass in them too.

Wild Dingo
10th April 2007, 11:40 AM
I reckon a nice glass faced box frame say 50mm deep would set it off nicely... make the sides as frames and put some glass in them too.

eh? some elaboration if you please Harry cause you lost me after "make the..."

The glass faced box frame is worthy of consideration and no doubt her highness would appreciate not having to dust all over the boat... but the sides as frames?

10th April 2007, 11:57 AM
I think what Harry had in mind was that the box be made out of glass panels set in a timber frame so all the sides of the box as well as the front, are clear.

I'm not sure that I agree - I think that you might find that the best way to make the box "disappear" would be to make the sides solid and paint them white. Of course an alternative would be to join the glass like the corners of a fish aquarium.

One way to get ideas for this sort of display is to look at museum displays of insects and rocks etc.



Wild Dingo
10th April 2007, 02:04 PM
okay gotcha now!... but think I will stick with the idea of the front being glassed and the frame wide sides shaped somehow... probably darksider stuff :o you know make a scraper from an old piece of saw blade scrape scrape scrape whallah patterened frame!... think it will have to be a pale timber without much feature but strong to take the weight... quite amazing how heavy this wee boat is :;

Oregon would be my first choice but Ive only enough for a paddle for a canoe so thats out... any other suggestions? mmm yeah Im starting to lean toward Jarrah but would hate to paint it white but then the frame would detract from the picture itself... mmmm what to do?

ah well plenty of time to ponder :2tsup:


10th April 2007, 02:14 PM
The first shot hit the bullseye, Dingo, that is a beautiful marquetry background for your stand!:)

My two cents about the frame issue: any will "box in" and detract from the work, my suggestion would be to just veneer the edge or paint it the same colour as the wall. As a second best, I agree with jmk that a thin solid white frame would be the lesser evil.

Another thing you might consider: if I understand what you are trying to achieve, the support is meant to be a reflection of the setting sun on the water. If this is correct, should it not blend at the back? The horizon line is where the sun sets, there should not be another line where the "waves" start. Ok, not easy to say, I have fiddled with your picture to show what I mean.


Wild Dingo
10th April 2007, 06:21 PM
Gidday Frank
Cheers when looking at it again this morning I had a thought of a thin say 1/2in strip of something different like Aframosia which is an interesting timber or maybe just a 1/2 if something like B/E Maple? Not sure which yet but that sounds the go and maybe a bit of a as you and jmk say thin white painted something

Interesting about the sea thing... because the boat is out from the pic even leant against it it remains out by an inch the under part I made as a stand is now fixed to the backingboard and Ive layered sheets of the same wave patterned veneer over that... I guess its a perception Im looking for of distance and movement?... the background water (hickory) being the distance the under and near water being closer and therefore shows wave action under it... with the depth added by the stand this is intended to show not only movement but also distance... mmmm yes its a bit tricky to explain eh?... but now Ive added the white veneer with bubbles it has sorta taken on a more "realistic" of motion through the water

hang on a tick and I'll grab a shot now and maybe it will be clearer than mud?


Okay back... so theres much work to do mainly in the sanding areas :roll: but the idea seems to be slowly taking shape... Im thinking now I look at it maybe I should make another boat to have in the white part.. sorta smaller darker more distant? or maybe some rocks? a whale? gawd I dont know a nude?? :o :U seems that white bit may cause some issues so will have to think on it some more and see how I can alleviate that issue... ideas are also good!! :2tsup:

As can be seen in the last pic theres some room to add something that could go up into that white area to hide if you will the double horizon line... just exactly what to put there is the question!... once the sandings done and the finish is applied it should look a hell of a lot betterer! looks rough as guts now :(

Wild Dingo
23rd April 2007, 01:13 AM
Okay so during the recent downtime induced by the outrage somewhere at ubeaut of its forum software thingy I gots to finish the thing!! :2tsup:

Soo without further ado

note sorry about the pic quality :-

23rd April 2007, 03:27 AM
I like it, resaults are great and very creative.:2tsup:


22nd May 2007, 05:31 AM
Hey nice artwork Dingo man, i like it.