View Full Version : Specifying dimensions

9th April 2007, 11:36 AM
Guys, I've only had a quick look at SketchUp - I've found the dimension tool but is there a way of setting an objects dimensions by typing them into it's "property" settings as per a lot of other CAD packages.

Brown Dog
9th April 2007, 12:50 PM
hi greenie

Im not sure if this is what you mean....but when you draw an object such as a line or rectangle etc...there is a little window in the far right at the bottom of the screen, that has the dimensions in it.

..you can enter the size you want the object to be by placing the first point of the object (clicking in the place you want it) then you can type the dimesions in that little box.... eg. for a rectangle you might have 40,100 which means a 40mm x 100mm rectangle (if you have set mm as your drawing units)

hope this helps


9th April 2007, 12:59 PM
Your the dog's tail - just what I want, I didn't spot the dims box in bottom right of the screen - thanks for the help.