View Full Version : Baby change table

20th April 2007, 01:27 PM
This is a fairly simple change table I made for the little apprentice, stained to match his cot/bed.

It is made out of 70 x 35 pine. Overall height is 950mm, not including the curved bit at the back. The table top is 800 mm off the ground, and sized to fit the change pad I bought for the top.

The front and rear are the one piece, which was biscuit joined. The sides are attached to the front and rear with connector bolts and through dowels

The shelves are 140 mm lining boards and are recessed in a 12 x 12 rebate on the inside of the sides and ends. The casters are the ones with the long shaft inserted in the bottom of the legs.

All up it cost a bit over $100, which is a fraction of the $300+ at the shops for similar

photo 1 & 2 show it with and without the change pad.
photo 3 shows the side.
phot 4 shows the connectors
phto 5 shows the back corner

20th April 2007, 01:33 PM
phot 1 is the change table with the cot.
photo 2 is the change table with the cot, whcih converts to a bed.

photo 3 and 4 is the little apprentice putting on an extra finishing coat of nappy rash cream (lanolin based cream DOES NOT come out of carpet):((

photo 5 is a quick photo shop of how I would make it next time, with slide out baskets the rear

20th April 2007, 01:43 PM
This is a better shot taht shows the true colour of the table.

20th April 2007, 02:15 PM
Nice work....

Don't forget that once babies are out of the way, that the change table can be used as another "operating" table in the workshop. especially useful with the wheels.


20th April 2007, 02:40 PM
Hi Brian,

I reckon it looks great! I do like the design with the pull out drawers, I'd imagine it would make storage a lot easier (not that I'm talking from any experience in this field, mind you!).

However, I'll probably be making one in a few years time, and I hope you don't mind too much if I keep your idea in mind.

Good one!


10th April 2009, 11:35 PM
Hi Brian,

I'm looking at making a simailar change table. Bub due in Sep. I'm only just starting off with making stuff so it might be a silly question, but was wondering what connectors you used?


14th April 2009, 06:05 PM
very nice and practical. Well done.


23rd April 2009, 09:27 AM
Well done. A good, solid and practical unit.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup: