View Full Version : Stair Treads

1st May 2007, 02:03 PM
My sister and her partner have just had a new house built but they're doing most of the painting themselves. Last night while talking to said sis she asked me about help with finishing the treads on their internal stairs. From what she tells me (haven't seen them) they are made from pieces cut from laminated beams.
My first thought was Wattyl 7008 (2pack polyurethane), I'm pretty sure this was used about 25+yrs ago when Mum and Dad did the floor on an extension at home (high traffic, still looks good). Any other suggestions?

1st May 2007, 02:39 PM
I used Estapol Satin (4 coats I think) on ours 30 years ago - still going strong and never been recoated

1st May 2007, 09:09 PM
Hi Dan
Just finished casing my MDF stairway in Victorian Ash. Considered the two part poly stuff but would not have been able to get into and out of the house for a day or so. (stairs go up from the front door) So after advice from flooring suppliers I used Tung oil from Bunnings.
Gives a nice colour and gloss, easy to apply and dries in about 6 hours. The other good thing is that if it gets a bit tatty or worn a wipe over with a rag soaked in the Tung oil is all that is needed.
Hope this helps.