View Full Version : Bunnings security

2nd May 2007, 07:29 PM
It seems to me that every time I'm in Bunnings lately, there's always the announcement "security to isle three please" or "security camera two". And then comes the reply, "security acknowledged".

Who do they think they are kidding ? It must go on all day!

They musty have a bad shoplifting problem but this is getting so common I doubt the shoplifters would worry about it. It wouldn't deter them at all.

2nd May 2007, 07:33 PM
Same here at Epping, I thing its a parrot that has been trained to talk when its hungry and wants food.


Al :U

2nd May 2007, 07:37 PM
It seems to me that every time I'm in Bunnings lately, there's always the announcement "security to isle three please" or "security camera two". And then comes the reply, "security acknowledged".

Who do they think they are kidding ? It must go on all day!

They musty have a bad shoplifting problem but this is getting so common I doubt the shoplifters would worry about it. It wouldn't deter them at all.

The strange thing is that nobody ever rushes to these spots that are identified. Last time it was to an isle I was in and I waited for ten minutes, whilst sorting out what I needed, and nobody turned up despite the "security acknowledged".

And it seems that it is the same shrilly female voice at both stores I shop at.


2nd May 2007, 07:41 PM
Phew, I was beginning to wonder why it always happened 5min after I walked into the store.


2nd May 2007, 07:41 PM
The strange thing is that nobody ever rushes to these spots that are identified. Last time it was to an isle I was in and I waited for ten minutes, whilst sorting out what I needed, and nobody turned up despite the "security acknowledged".


But did you notice that pizza van that followed you home?

Al :q

Big Shed
2nd May 2007, 07:42 PM
Phew, I was beginning to wonder why it always happened 5min after I walked into the store.


Yeah, they have special facial recognition software in their security cameras:oo:

2nd May 2007, 09:12 PM
It's funny really isn't it. The same thing happens at Super Cheap Auto up here. I was the only one in a shop one morning and was under incredible security scrutiny. :U

I mentioned the practice to one of the women on the checkouts and she just laughed and shook her head at it.

Bad Woodworker
2nd May 2007, 09:13 PM
Same thing happens at Kmart!!

2nd May 2007, 09:51 PM
I know someone who works a security situation and they have tv monitors that watch hundreds of stores from one location (no doubt with facial identifcation)
In addition to the comments above.

2nd May 2007, 09:59 PM
Facial identification only works if you have a database to compare against. I doubt that under EU privacy regulations that any commercial organisation could legally have such a thing.

2nd May 2007, 10:05 PM
Facial identification only works if you have a database to compare against. I doubt that under EU privacy regulations that any commercial organisation could legally have such a thing.Think again Mark. I watched a show a few months ago about facial recognition software, CCTV, Police and Customs. It is already in place in the Middle East in some airports.

In a few years time, CCTV will be able to retrace a person's movements by backwards chaining the recognised face from an event. In other words, if someone causes a ruckus, very quickly they should be able to identify which cameras captured that person and link the footage, providing a brief history. Spooky.

Oh yeah, if you "tag" a face, the computers can find that person for you and bring up the camera that currently "has" them. All not very far away.

2nd May 2007, 10:09 PM
I have noticed the same thing in the west - my wife says they are watching me! I think it is a recording but have never really listened enough to see what isles are actually mentioned. Does it differ from store to store. My local bunnings would be lucky if it has 10 isles but the warehouses have twice that. Does that mean that isle 16 never gets mentioned or does my local have a phantom isle 16 that does?

2nd May 2007, 10:11 PM
Hey guys sorry to break it to you, there is no security, its all a pre recorded message, all the big shops like k-mart and bunnings have them. It dawned on me when i went to Kmart at 0805h and heard it. Who has security 5 minutes after opening!


2nd May 2007, 11:03 PM
It's funny really isn't it. The same thing happens at Super Cheap Auto up here. I was the only one in a shop one morning and was under incredible security scrutiny. :U

I heard that.:D So it was you they were on about. :D

Supercheap has their own radio program, coming out of Brisbane via land lines, that is broadcast simultaneous at all their stores. It features music, news and weather, adds for their own goods and the security alerts.:D Same alert at the same time all over.


2nd May 2007, 11:27 PM
K Mart has its own "radio"??? station would that be broadcast the same as super clap then ...ie recorded music and adverts along with security alerts.
I used to know someone who was a security inspector she would go into a store and be given a mobile phone it would ring, she'd answer and down to isle whatever "looking for something' damn she was good at her job too.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
3rd May 2007, 01:20 AM
Facial identification only works if you have a database to compare against. I doubt that under EU privacy regulations that any commercial organisation could legally have such a thing.

Don't wannabe an alarmist, but:


...and I know for a fact that certain guvmint records are accessible by commercial interests. :((

3rd May 2007, 05:20 PM
I was in bunnies this mornin at 7.30 and the same security message was broadcast.

All 4 customers in the shop were standing in line waiting for the one check out to get to it, while 20 employees were busying themselves at the cash register doing nothing.

Al :p

3rd May 2007, 10:15 PM
I've heard the same message in a few stores.
Just makes me think of who bought the same package - not shoplifting.

Maybe WE should rush to the targeted aisle and then ask where's the security - are we safe :D:D:D

They're a bit like car and burglar alarms - who cares

24th June 2007, 08:09 PM
I went to the new Bunnings in Epping Vic very early this morning.

I along with 2 other guys were the first customers there, no other customer turned up all the time I was there, over half an hour.

Within 5 minutes of walking into the store I heard, "security to gate 5"......"security acknowledged".

I cracked up :U, 3 guys (customers) in the whole store and 30 staff.

Owwhhh hang on.......its the staff doing all the thieving.....:o

I though of this thread as soon as I heard the "security" warning.

Just an aside, all the stores have the same guy doing security. :doh:

Al :U

24th June 2007, 08:15 PM
The bad side of me wants to run upstairs and steal the voice tape :D

24th June 2007, 08:19 PM
The bad side of me wants to run upstairs and steal the voice tape :D

Its a voice tape? :o:o:o

Al :o:o:o

24th June 2007, 08:25 PM
Margo used to be a Coles mole. When they had a security alert, they would announce over the PA, "Mr. Sneed to isle 3 please.".

I kind of liked it.

I think the security message must be pre-recorded as part of their back ground music and the ads that they broadcast.


24th June 2007, 08:35 PM
A friend of mine who is an ex copper had a job at Big W as a security officer. He spent more time catching staff that were stealing goods from the store than he did chasing customers from outside.

24th June 2007, 09:11 PM
Apropos of Bunnies and their security, what really cheeses me off is the "docket Inspector" that you have to dodge on your way out. :((

I mean, the insinuation is that you're thieving.

I know that the grunt is only doing their job but I swear that one day I'm going to tell them to shove their bloody clipboard where the sun don't shine. :((

24th June 2007, 09:15 PM
I know that the grunt is only doing their job but I swear that one day I'm going to tell them to shove their bloody clipboard where the sun don't shine. :((

Look Craig, you've got to see it from their point of view. If you saw you walking out of a Bunnings store would you stop them and make sure you're not stealing anything? I certainly would.


24th June 2007, 09:22 PM
Apropos of Bunnies and their security, what really cheeses me off is the "docket Inspector" that you have to dodge on your way out. :((

I mean, the insinuation is that you're thieving.

I know that the grunt is only doing their job but I swear that one day I'm going to tell them to shove their bloody clipboard where the sun don't shine. :((

What bugs me is that they see you go through the check out 2 feet away, yet they still have to check the docket. :?

Al :~

24th June 2007, 09:36 PM
What bugs me is that they see you go through the check out 2 feet away, yet they still have to check the docket. :?I have no affiliation to Bunnings (unless they buy us out), but I work in retail, and it basically comes down to covering my own as...., err job.

We get told that we have to ask a specific question, or check in bags, or whatever.
It is probably more of an annoyance to the customer that you serve every morning, and have to ask the standard equivelant question of "would you like fries with that?" every morning, when you know that he has not, and will not ever have "fries"
We also have random mystery shoppers, that will check out a number of things, as well as if we ask for "fries".
If we forget to ask if they have "fries", or any of the other required points, the report percentage goes down, and management isnt impressed.

Basically it comes down to being the nice little robot that the company wants.

25th June 2007, 08:41 AM
Hi guys

Don't wannabe an alarmist, but:


...and I know for a fact that certain guvmint records are accessible by commercial interests. :((

Im not surprised. All part of the War of Terror I suppose.


25th June 2007, 10:46 AM

A few times I've gone into Bunnies to get some bolts or whatever with a bolt to match it to, I ask the girl at the front if she can put a sticker on it. Sometimes she'll tell me. "Nah, it's OK, don't worry about it.", orthertimes I'll get one.

Then the thing comes over the PA, "Security check... " I find my bolts then stick mine in my pocket - well it's mine and got a sticker to say it, or I was told "no need for a sticker, we trust you"

So, even though my ugly mug has trust me writen all over it, 6 day growth hanging off my mug and shed garb on, I'll wait for the day when I get challenged, or so I thought until I read this stuff. Damn it. :doh:

Scooter, when you knock off from Bunnies we need you to come in here and set this straight for us. Probably can't though I supppose. He's proabaly gone to management and said look I know a bunch of shifty blokes, and when I see them come in the store can I do, "Security check on aisle 6" Has a chuckle to himself as Al or some other shifty bloke like me pockets his bolt with a sticker on it.

Then Scooter responds, "Security acknowledged, Al (or Waldo) put that down!" :D

Cliff Rogers
25th June 2007, 11:28 AM
I get to go into lots of different chain stores to do work on their computers & wide area networking.
I can tell you now that some of them can't even afford the recorded message & the poor old checkout chick has to remember to do it every 15 minutes.
Others (the rich ones) have a fair dinkum security room with security guards, CCTV monitors & they don't bother with the announcments.... the unmarked guards on the floor get a radio call & the silly punter gets a tap on the sholder & an escort to an unmarked side door that leads to a waiting room. :D

Most of the PA announcements are bluff BUT.... sometimes, you are being watched very very closely & you don't even know it.

25th June 2007, 09:09 PM
Then Scooter responds, "Security acknowledged, Al (or Waldo) put that down!" :D


Honorary Bloke
25th June 2007, 10:25 PM
Others (the rich ones) have a fair dinkum security room with security guards, CCTV monitors & they don't bother with the announcments.... the unmarked guards on the floor get a radio call & the silly punter gets a tap on the sholder & an escort to an unmarked side door that leads to a waiting room. :D .

Fair comment Cliff. The ones who really value security simply do it, not advertise it. If you were on aisle 6 and the announcement came, you would hare off cat quick if guilty (or if, like poor Waldo, you simply felt guilty) but that's just for show. In fact, it's a bit offputting to customers, as this thread implies.

Over here, high-end department stores and Las Vegas casinos have real security with all the bells and whistles. I doubt if one can go to the dunny in a casino without cameras watching. :D Elsewhere it's hit or miss, depending on how much shrinkage (i.e., theft) they have. Wal-Mart, for example, has good security, but it's more to watch the employees than the customers.

25th June 2007, 10:37 PM
Fair comment Cliff. The ones who really value security simply do it, not advertise it. If you were on aisle 6 and the announcement came, you would hare off cat quick if guilty (or if, like poor Waldo, you simply felt guilty) but that's just for show. In fact, it's a bit offputting to customers, as this thread implies.

Over here, high-end department stores and Las Vegas casinos have real security with all the bells and whistles. I doubt if one can go to the dunny in a casino without cameras watching. :D Elsewhere it's hit or miss, depending on how much shrinkage (i.e., theft) they have. Wal-Mart, for example, has good security, but it's more to watch the employees than the customers.



Honorary Bloke
25th June 2007, 11:02 PM


I'm outta' here! :wink: :D

26th June 2007, 12:40 PM
Hang on, that gets posted every fifty posts :cool:


26th June 2007, 04:55 PM
.... I doubt if one can go to the dunny in a casino without cameras watching. :D

A mate collapsed in the toilet at Canberra Casino, and security were there in seconds. (Minor heart problem, but OK now)

26th June 2007, 05:23 PM
sounds like a good place to have a heart attack if you have to have one :U

Challenge is on ...

Who can race down to the said aisle and spot the security guard ... first one to do so wins a ... hmm .. bonus post:p

Honorary Bloke
26th June 2007, 09:40 PM
Who can race down to the said aisle and spot the security guard

For that matter, who can race down to the said aisle and spot ANY employee at all? Especially if you are looking for help. :D :D :(

Dr Jan Itor
26th June 2007, 09:53 PM
For that matter, who can race down to the said aisle and spot ANY employee at all? Especially if you are looking for help. :D :D :(

It's easy to find an employee in Bunnings. The real trick is finding one who can correctly answer your question.

27th June 2007, 12:21 PM
It's easy to find an employee in Bunnings. The real trick is finding one who can correctly answer your question.

I've found two so far:

A woman that worked in the paint section ... her husband was a painter

A guy who used to work in the tools section ... he was a retired builder (I'd say he's come out of retirement over the last few years which is why we've lost him.

Not bad out of the 100 or so that I've spoken to over the years. :o

Sir Stinkalot
27th June 2007, 09:32 PM
I don't know what you all expect from Bunnies ..... but my local store has a security guy that is extremely hard working and he seems to be there for every operating hour. He is a true professional ..... after the loverly lady calls out a random isle or gate number ..... the security guy pauses for approximately 10 seconds, and then replies "security acknowledged", right on queue every time .....

Come to think of it the lady is also very professional as she seems to work the same hours as the guy!

27th June 2007, 10:39 PM
Going to have to put a spanner in this thread.... I was at Bunnies Blacktown a few months ago, when I was just walking in I saw two Bunny security chappies stop a bloke. Shortly after the felon pulled a pair of leather gloves from his jocks. I just shook my head and kept walking.
But then, I was at Bunnies Parramatta yesterday and heard, "Security camera 10" short pause, "Security acknowledge"
Because of this thread, I burst out laughing. I got a few strange looks, knew that none of these people were forumites...


27th June 2007, 11:37 PM
Over the last 3 -4 years I have spent many hours at our Bunnings (Balcatta Perth) and have not heard the security announcements - not even once. Seems only us honest blokes go to this Bunnings.:D

9th June 2012, 11:49 PM
this happened to me at epping when i was there with my dad in the gardening tools section when we came across the section with the machette's i picked one up had a look at it and waved it in the air , then i heard the security message in the isle i was in LOL so i put it back and we walked off hahaha.

11th June 2012, 07:15 PM
Toowoomba has my nearest Bunnings. I have never heard these announcements to which you have all referred. I think you must all live in dens of iniquity with Ali Baba as your neighbour:D.

Failing that, the recorded message which apparantly is common to all stores wouldn't be a dialect that is easily understood this far west:rolleyes:.


16th June 2012, 11:58 AM
Was in SuperCheap yesterday - me - the customer, them - 3 employees.

I was checking out the trailer light bits when the radio was interrupted with the security announcement - I broke up and was still amused by the time I got to the checkout.

16th June 2012, 02:01 PM
My word! A gumby thread reopened.....that certainly does bring back memories, :)

Just checked, and he was here on 4th April this year.


Cliff Rogers
16th June 2012, 02:56 PM
Time warp. :D