View Full Version : Ouch

16th May 2007, 08:12 PM
this hapened about 30 minutes prior to posting this thread. A piece of wood broke apart and flew out of the lathe at full speed. I gotta tell ya , I've thumped in the noggin plenty of times in my life but this was the daddy of all daddies. A lesson to all about safety gear. A couple of inches lower and would have lost an eye foe sure.

You all be careful out there.


DJ’s Timber
16th May 2007, 08:19 PM
Yeowch, that's gotta hurt. Looks like you already have a humdinger of a lump there

16th May 2007, 08:19 PM
G'Day Shorty

Be more careful mate, you won't be able to live up to your end quote about the "good looking" etc.
Seriously, hope you're ok.


16th May 2007, 08:54 PM
Thats gota hurt mate :oo: .

Well OK I will wear that visor from now on as I have only been wearing safety glasses thanks for the warning.

16th May 2007, 09:00 PM
It's a good look Shorty.

Would move things where I work.

16th May 2007, 09:09 PM

Glad it wasn't any worse!!!

I hope you don't end up with too much of a headache tonight....


16th May 2007, 09:12 PM
Man that was close to turning you into a cyclop:D , thanks for the post I just started turning so it looks like the face sheild gets dusted of.

16th May 2007, 09:15 PM
Thanks all for your concern. Very touching.
I went looking for the offending piece of wood after I had a couple of sedatives IE VB. It took me about half hour to find the little bugger. It has come off the lathe at the speed of light, bounced off me noggin , ricquochet off the fluoro light above the lathe ( note the white marks on the top left corner) and landed on some sheets of MDF up in the rafters of the shed. Bloody thing did more miles than Bourke and Wills. No wonder it left a mark. Reminds me of the mood ring i bought for swmbo. When she is in a good mood it is green and when she is in a bad mood it leaves a nasty red mark on my forehead.


16th May 2007, 09:30 PM
owwh Mate That must be painful ... Don't let it get the better of you soon as you feel better see if yo can retame that wild beast that putting an argument up

Stu in Tokyo
16th May 2007, 09:40 PM
Glad you are OK, that sucks, but yeah, it could have been a LOT worse!!

What were you wearing? Safety glasses at least?

I feel nakid with out my safety glasses on in the Dungeon, I imagine all sorts of stuff wanting to just leap up off my workbench and jam themselves into my unprotected eyes! :oo: :rolleyes: :D

On the lathe, for everything but the final cuts, I wear my Triton Powered Respirator, I very much like the feeling of safety that large well made unit gives me!!

Again, glad you are OK!!


DJ’s Timber
16th May 2007, 09:41 PM
That's a decent piece, your lucky it didn't knock you clean out.

Looks like a bit of Redgum, of just about all the horror stories that I have heard of pieces flying off the lathe, Redgum is right at the top off the list.

If you want solid bit with NO checking in it, let me know and next time I am down your way I will drop some off for you.

16th May 2007, 09:41 PM
:brick: Oh No:oo: it is a horror show!

there is a bird that can help in situations like this.
now waht was it?

sparrow... no:duh:
eagle.... no:think:
emu.... no far too big:dunno:
chicken... nup:think:

DUCK...... yep thats the one...... oh sorry too late:lb:


16th May 2007, 10:03 PM
Time for a triton respirator....

They are good for head butting low flying blocks... :o :q

Guaranteed by person tests. :roll:

16th May 2007, 10:10 PM
That's a decent piece, your lucky it didn't knock you clean out.

Looks like a bit of Redgum, of just about all the horror stories that I have heard of pieces flying off the lathe, Redgum is right at the top off the list.

If you want solid bit with NO checking in it, let me know and next time I am down your way I will drop some off for you.

Thanks heaps for the offer DJ but I have a fair bit of good redgum here. I was trying for that "special" piece of art and, well, what else can I say but I stuffed up. Lucky there was no brain damage. DUH.


16th May 2007, 10:12 PM
:brick: Oh No:oo: it is a horror show!

there is a bird that can help in situations like this.
now waht was it?

sparrow... no:duh:
eagle.... no:think:
emu.... no far too big:dunno:
chicken... nup:think:

DUCK...... yep thats the one...... oh sorry too late:lb:


Can you make duck into humble pie?

16th May 2007, 10:19 PM
From a shorty to Shorty: Aren't you lucky you are not 2 inches taller? :D
Jokes aside, don't overdo the VB and arrange to get waken up a couple of times during the night, a lump that size could have given you concussion, it is possible to slip into a coma a few hours later. Better safe than sorry.
Good luck

16th May 2007, 10:43 PM
Thanks again everyone for your concerns. Especially you soundman:D Very heart warming. I am getting plenty of sympathy and attention from SWMBO at the moment .Don't know what I would do without her. She is an absolute angel. Anyway thenks again again and I will get back on that horse real soon.


17th May 2007, 12:00 AM
i really should get a facemask...so that doesnt happen.

hope ya heal up fine, with no side effects or anything. unlucky on the bowl tho, if you had pulled it off, it would have looked pretty cool.


17th May 2007, 02:04 AM
Sorry for you Hematoma... But it brings to mind that I have been reading on this and other Turning forums where guys are suffering explosive turning accidents a lot, of late. You guys with those fancy modern Variable Speed High Powered Lathes are cranking them way Too High. Need to master the art of slower turning when you use imperfect chunks of wood. Clean sharp tools and slower speeds will accomplish a fine product just takes a bit longer, but safer in the long run, Besides the safety factor, it wastes less as the pieces don't fly apart as often.

I don't want to lessen your delima or concerns but WE (yes, I include myself although it hasn't happened to me in quite a while) need to be more mindful of the Physics involved as well as the apparent danger factor when we turn. The rush to out produce or hurry up to complete, or see how much easier it is to do, approach to Turning. The basics have lasted far longer than our experiences and will out last our modern abilities. Especially when working with figured, spalted, inclusion, deformed, natural edged, or otherwise attractive chunks of wood, we need to slow down and get it done correctly and safely.

An old Drug Abuse quotation holds true in this case as well "Speed Kills"

So lets take it easy out there in the shops/sheds.

Also , from the picture of your knoggin' I would suggest some professional looking into on that sized lump, especially if it lasts over an hour. If you can still see straight by the time you read this, you must be OK and maybe it knocked some sense in your head and remind you to crank it down a few notches.

Hope it all works out well for you. And you are not offended by my observations of not only your plight but all of our need for reminders.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
17th May 2007, 04:16 AM
That's woodturning for you. Do something wrong and you take your lumps. Hell, even when doing everything right you still take your lumps. But that one's a doozy! :p

I suspect Hickory might be right and it was cranking a wee tad too fast, especially for an "arty" piece of wood. But I know, from my own lumps'n'bumps, that even at really low RPM's a big piece can fly a long way if it decides to part company.

Frankly, I don't think a face shield would've made much difference to a ufo of that size... it'd have near the hitting power of a baseball bat. Maybe a shield'd move the marks elsewhere, or perhaps spread the damage more evenly over your face :rolleyes: but it'd still have hurt.

17th May 2007, 08:54 AM
Hi Shorty,

Im sporting a small version on the right hand side of my forehead this morning. The culprit was a banksia nut that I was trying to finish in a chuck. I hit it with the bowl gouge and away it went. Gave my 11yo who was 2 meters away a bit of a fright.

Time to buy a faceplate,


17th May 2007, 09:36 AM
Just as well it only hit you on the head. :roll:

Al :U

17th May 2007, 01:25 PM
Just as well it only hit you on the head. :roll:

Al :U

Yep! Can't do any damage there:D