View Full Version : Type of Wood for Pool Decking

17th May 2007, 05:38 PM

I was after advice on the type of wood to use around a pool. Im worried about colour leaking/staining into the wood as it will be built on an exisiting concrete slab. I asked a few people and they recommend Massara or Turpentine but it is hard finding info on massara

Is there anything anyone would recommend?


17th May 2007, 06:58 PM
If this is going to be directly laid on concrete I think you are considering the wrong material. It could look great for a while but you will (not probably) have rot problems.

If you already have concrete laid, why not put tiles down?

17th May 2007, 07:10 PM
I think Mark is spot on. Any timber sitting in the weather on concrete will be bad news.

Maybe you could look at that new decking stuff, Modwood. It may resist the moisture.

18th May 2007, 01:14 PM
i was going to build support structure (about 100mm) off the ground and lay the boards on the support beam. Will that rectify the mould problem. I currently have a drain around the pool so hopefully there wont be water buildup

18th May 2007, 02:09 PM
i was going to build support structure (about 100mm) off the ground and lay the boards on the support beam. Will that rectify the mould problem. I currently have a drain around the pool so hopefully there wont be water buildup

What will the support structure be sitting on ?

21st May 2007, 05:19 PM
i was going to lay the wood foundation on some pavers or something to allow the water to seep down to the drain. That way the structure wont get a build up of water

21st May 2007, 06:50 PM
The problem is that there will always (well in this drought maybe "always" is a little strong but you get my meaning) be some water between the decking and, in this case, pavers.

If you have the depth available what is wrong with pavers? That's what I had around my pool in the last house. I had them laid in a herringbone pattern and they looked very nice. I really think you are setting yourself for maintenance problems in the future. Pools are enough hassle as they are (hence I no longer have one!).