View Full Version : Sick of Hicks

21st May 2007, 12:02 PM
Hands up if you're sick of hearing about David Hicks' every move?

I thought for a bit of sanity last night, I'd watch the news on SBS. They're just as bad as the rest! They spent the first 10 minutes talking to their reporter, who'd "had a chance to speak to David Hicks' lawyer". And what was the burning question? "How was the flight?". Who gives a rats? And then "what did he say when the plane landed?". The first sensible question she asked was "what are his plans for the legal actions he is currently taking against the Australian government and others". Of course he has dropped them. Speculation followed on why. Hmm, perhaps it was part of the deal? No, it was because he felt that the Australian taxpayer, having footed the $500,000 bill for the transfer had paid enough. Stuff me, what was the in-flight meal like on a $500,000 flight?

Then, to add salt to the wound, the headline story on smh.com.au this morning is "Hicks Enjoys Australian Breakfast - David Hicks had a breakfast of cereal, toast and coffee, but ate alone, on his first morning in an Adelaide jail."

You have got to be kidding me. This is more irritating than when Nicole Kidman comes out here for a holiday.

21st May 2007, 12:17 PM
Silent...........leave the poor buggar alone.......it wasn't his fault :D

21st May 2007, 12:19 PM
Admit it Darren, you really have the hots for Hicks.


21st May 2007, 12:20 PM
I want to know what he'll be wearing to the movie premiere :p

21st May 2007, 12:21 PM
I want to know what he'll be wearing to the movie premiere :p

That would be an Orange jump-suit:rolleyes:

Big Shed
21st May 2007, 12:22 PM
I want to know what he'll be wearing to the movie premiere :p

Orange overalls and silver ankle braces:D

Big Shed
21st May 2007, 12:23 PM

21st May 2007, 12:30 PM
Yeah that was one of the other comments on the news "he was escorted from the plane wearing a bright orange jumpsuit, similar to the one he wore in Guantanamo Bay. Hicks had changed into it before boarding his flight." They report stuff like that when Nicole Kidman comes out too.

But what shade of orange was it? I mean are we talking pumpkin, tangerine or freakin' pomegranate? And what was the material? Cotton drill? Calico? Gaberdine?

21st May 2007, 12:30 PM
What was Ri Ri Chin wearing :?

21st May 2007, 12:31 PM
Why can’t we put him in a Qantas 747? Give the bastard business class if they really have to.

We just can't spend $500,000 every time we want to bring someone home. So whos next then? Schapelle Corby?

21st May 2007, 12:41 PM
Why can’t we put him in a Qantas 747? Give the bastard business class if they really have to.

We just can't spend $500,000 every time we want to bring someone home. So whos next then? Schapelle Corby?

I think the problem was, no airline would carry him.

21st May 2007, 12:48 PM
I think the problem was, no airline would carry him.

Give him a canoe and tell him to start paddling :p
He's just lucky he is "Australian". Any other country and he would be shot for treason.

21st May 2007, 02:20 PM
Reading one of the articles I thought the problem was the U.S. government refused to let him leave the country on a commercial flight. Having been in solitary for the best part of five years his chance of terrorism contacts must be minimal at best, surely he could have been cuffed and chained to a couple of big ugly blokes and sent back Qantas cattle class. I doubt Hicks cared if it was in a horse box he must have been pretty happy he has only one more Christmas dinner before he is let go. What gets me he was on our side in Yugoslavia and that was just fine with our lot then, but when he joins the Taliban doing the same thing he becomes a mercenary who is to dangerous for society. As far as I am concerned anyone who heads anywhere to kill is to bloody dangerous full stop and its about time we stopped being two faced on these issues.


21st May 2007, 02:26 PM
What gets me he was on our side in Yugoslavia and that was just fine with.....
What was our side?


21st May 2007, 02:36 PM
it will die down until next march when he can speak to the media i suppose....

21st May 2007, 02:46 PM
I accept that it's relatively big news, given how long people have been calling for his release and how long the US held him without trial etc. Yes, it's a headline story, no question. I just object to the mindless reporting of trivial minutiae like what he had for breakfast and how he enjoyed his flight.

Yeah, it will die down soon enough. I don't know why I let it bug me at all. I just expected better from SBS. I suppose SMH is going the way of the tabloids now. I hear they're going to reduce the format.

21st May 2007, 03:03 PM
I hear they're going to reduce the format.

Both The Age and SMH are going to a smaller than broadsheet and larger than tabloid format. A paper in the UK did this and circulation went up and the editorial content stayed the same. I hope this happens here too.


21st May 2007, 03:26 PM
yes i am sick of the hoopla surrounding this issue as i am sure Hicks and everyone else is. I think David has been persecuted enough for doing very little in real terms and I wish him all the best in recovering from his ordeal after paying the price for his supposed crime.

he pleaded guilty so the Gov gets to brand him a 'terrorist support' and he will soon get out and get on with his life and if he is kept out of the media (good luck!) then would shouldnt hear too much more of it..

21st May 2007, 04:15 PM
What was our side?


We went against the elected government of Solbo Milosevic and his Serbian goons, mainly because of their brutality, and encouraged the actions of Nato in bombing the balzes out of them in the end after the U.N. failed to reign in their nationalistic actions. The anti serb movement included a Muslim element of which Hicks became part, unfortunately for Hicks the Muslim contingent he chose in Afghanistan happended to be the Taliban an unelected Government this time round who discovered that as a mouse on the world stage it was not a good idea to poke a stick in the eye of an American Eagle. It would be fair to say that Mr Hicks is not the sharpest knife in the block regardless of how you view his off the beaten track travel itinary.

Does that answer the question?:)

21st May 2007, 04:51 PM
Reading one of the articles I thought the problem was the U.S. government refused to let him leave the country on a commercial flight.

No, the US government refused to allow the plane to fly over, or land and refuel within, their air space.

If the plane did do so the US Supreme Court would have immediately gained jurisdiction and ordered Hicks release until he was charged under normal US laws and tried in a normal US court. Then he would have been found not guilty and the US would have to pay compensation.

Hence the special charter flight costing so much money.


21st May 2007, 05:04 PM
Does that answer the question?:)

Yeah mate....:2tsup:


21st May 2007, 05:06 PM
yes i am sick of the hoopla surrounding this issue as i am sure Hicks and everyone else is. I think David has been persecuted enough for doing very little in real terms and I wish him all the best in recovering from his ordeal after paying the price for his supposed crime.

he pleaded guilty so the Gov gets to brand him a 'terrorist support' and he will soon get out and get on with his life and if he is kept out of the media (good luck!) then would shouldnt hear too much more of it..
Which ever way you look at it he's an idiot, maybe the punishment didn't fit the crime and maybe it did who really knows?

We'll see which cause he joins next.....


21st May 2007, 06:32 PM
He's my new prison bitch pen pal.....:D

At least till bubba staples a centrefold to him :(

21st May 2007, 09:30 PM
I am sick of him to. Tragedy is, I read this thread so it must be one of those train wreck things - you just can't help looking.


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Cliff Rogers
21st May 2007, 10:14 PM
One of the local radio stations did a satire roll call of terrorists....
went through a few of the big names & came to
"Hicks, David Hicks.... do we have a David Hicks?" :D

22nd May 2007, 08:19 AM
Dazzler, if hicks is what everyoen paints him to be he probably wont be anyones bitch.... :D he may be the bitcher not the bitchee....

22nd May 2007, 09:13 AM
Just illustrates, yet again, there isn't anything significant happening and the media are frantic for something to put on air. Hicks, Jeez! (But you keep him off Qantas.... not having riff raff on the National Carrier, no Sir).

22nd May 2007, 09:18 AM
not having riff raff on the National Carrier, no Sir).

Why not, they still carry me:D:D

22nd May 2007, 11:23 AM
Hands up if you're sick of hearing about David Hicks' every move?

G'day SilentC,

Me, me, me!

It's as bad and as irritating as seeing the Stuart Diver rescue, the two blokes down the mine, and Diana. Like you said, you get a blow by blow account of everything that they have done, will do etc. They've probably filmed Hicks sitting on the loo but decided to show that on Big Brther Up Late.

When news like this is being shown endlessly I make a point of missing the first 10 minutes of the news ahoping that they've got the "news" of Hicks over and done with and get on with some real news.

But the problem with this is that Ch. 10, 7 and 9 only have a 1/4 hour for the news so by the time they've shown Hicks there's no other news to report, at least SBS have a longer broadcast.

Like Martin Bryant let Hicks rot in jail until December and hopefully they get bored of him soon. But come December 30 I won't be watching the news that night :no: because I only end up shouting at the TV and get in trouble from SWMBO saying, "They can't hear you you know!"

Rant off, to plumbing for my 10HB I must go.

22nd May 2007, 11:25 AM
to plumbing for my 10HB I must go
Are you going to water cool it? Or add a beer tap or something?

22nd May 2007, 11:29 AM
Are you going to add a bear trap or something?

G'day SilentC,

:? , :no: but I had thought of a beer tap.

22nd May 2007, 11:33 AM
Now why didn't I think of that?

22nd May 2007, 12:58 PM
Are you going to add a beer tap or something?

Didn't yours come with one?:? Get on to C-tec straight away.

22nd May 2007, 01:05 PM
Story of my life. I bought my bandsaw before they added the meat slicer attachment too...

22nd May 2007, 01:52 PM
What was our side?

Whatever side the US says, I'm surprised you don't know that.:D

22nd May 2007, 06:18 PM
maybe we just all need a distraction
there is a election commrimg up

22nd May 2007, 07:13 PM
there is a election commrimg up

no doubt due to a fair bit of political wanking in progress....

lotsa wrist action.....:D

24th May 2007, 09:52 PM
Iam just suprised that customs didnt "find" any weapons of mass destruction in Hicks' luggage at the airport

Metal Head
24th May 2007, 11:32 PM
Just illustrates, yet again, there isn't anything significant happening and the media are frantic for something to put on air. Hicks, Jeez! (But you keep him off Qantas.... not having riff raff on the National Carrier, no Sir).

Are you that proud of Qantas that you have shares in them?

Metal Head
3rd August 2009, 05:01 AM
FORMER Guantanamo Bay inmate David Hicks has married girlfriend Aloysia Brooks in a secretive ceremony north of Sydney on Saturday night. Father Terry Hicks, who travelled from Adelaide for the event, said he was pleased his son was now living a normal life after years of imprisonment.

3rd August 2009, 10:55 AM
Saw the start of the news story last night, but refused to watch it on the premise that he was a very naughty little boy. :smack:

3rd August 2009, 12:38 PM
cult of celebrity, infamy rules the news, especially on slow news days.

3rd August 2009, 12:40 PM
There was plenty of news, I think it's just that the commercial networks are now more into generating their own special reports etc. :~

Big Shed
3rd August 2009, 01:39 PM
There was plenty of news, I think it's just that the commercial networks are now more into generating their own special reports etc. :~

I think the networks, especially 9 and 7, are in to generating their own news:doh:

3rd August 2009, 03:21 PM
I think the networks, especially 9 and 7, are in to generating their own news:doh:Shades of "The Truth"?:wink:

Big Shed
3rd August 2009, 03:29 PM
Shades of "The Truth"?:wink:

Now there's an oxymoron, as well as a blast from the past.

3rd August 2009, 04:46 PM
I think the networks, especially 9 and 7, are in to generating their own news:doh:

Yep, and now you see Ch 9 making news stories on a story to show later that night on 60 minutes. :~

Thankfully Ch 2 and SBS still know what news is. :2tsup: