View Full Version : Turn Sotftwoods into Hardwoods

22nd May 2007, 12:32 AM
Hello all,

I have just done a search on your forums for the name of the below mentioned company and found no information, hence the reason for my post.

Accsys Plc - http://www.accsysplc.com/

Accsys Plc are a fast growing company formed about 18 months ago. The company is in the business of giving softwoods the durability, stability and reliability of the very best hardwoods through a patent held process.

I wondered what ythe forums thoughts are on this process. It seems to me to be a great way of protecting endangered tropical forests and the process itself too is freindly to the environment.

Has anyone any thoughts on this company / process they might wish to share?


journeyman Mick
22nd May 2007, 10:24 AM
your post reads very much like an ad or prospectus for the company. Are you really an interested bystander? If you are affiliated with the company somehow you'd be much better off saying so openly rather than posting an "infomercial". Apologies if you're not affiliated. Welcome to the forums. Tell us something about yourself, ie are you into woodworking, what sort of stuff do you make etc etc etc.


22nd May 2007, 11:54 AM
After having just got back from the Ligna+ fair in Hannover, and seeing all the latest technology available to the timber industries, I really think you are pushing schit uphill trying to make softwood as versatile as hardwood. Especially Australian Hardwood.

I spoke to many exhibitors at Ligna+ and when I told them the ADD of our hardwoods, They just could not believe how hard they actually are.

English oak, beech, birch etc are as hard as our SOFTEST hardwood.

Makes you wonder...eh?

junction box
6th June 2007, 08:52 PM
I've been reading some of the advice given in these threads for a while now and this is my FIRST post. I just couldn't let this one go.
As I understand it the terms hardwood & softwood have very little to do with actual hardness of the timber.
Hardwood = timber with pores (broad leaf trees like oak, ash, eucalypt)
Softwood = timber with no pores (needle leaf trees conifers, pine)
One simply can't change a softwood into a hardwood
One of the softest timbers of all is Balsa and it's a HARDWOOD
Callitris (Aussie cyprus pine) - a relatively hard timber is a SOFTWOOD

la Huerta
6th June 2007, 10:16 PM
yeh whats the real point, why not just grow plantation hardwood in the first place, instead of growing softwood and then treating it which cost money and the result still won't be as good as the real thing...