View Full Version : Mobile Phone to Computer.....HELP !!!

4th June 2007, 08:27 PM
I have recently taken some video's on my new Samsung 3g mobile and transferred them to my computer but they won't play,the comp does not recognise them.........Can some one HELP me to rectify this problem i have and no they are not of a pretty lady they are of an excavator crushing huge logs in it's powerful jaws.........it really gives you that dendra feeling:D

Reguards Tasman..............

Skew ChiDAMN!!
4th June 2007, 09:26 PM
I have recently taken some video's on my new Samsung 3g mobile and transferred them to my computer but they won't play,the comp does not recognise them...

The first thing that pops to mind... what format are they in? What's the file extension? (the three letters after the '.' in the filename...) You may need to convert them to a more common format, or find a viewer that'll recognise the existing format.

Another possibility is the xfer program isn't putting any extension after the filename. This means the 'puta won't have a clue what program to use for display, so you'll need to check the phone's manual, find out what the format is and modify the filename appropriately.

(Apologies if you've already been through this, but you don't say so to troubleshoot we gotta start at the beginning...)

DJ’s Timber
4th June 2007, 09:40 PM
Had this prob not long ago with a friend's phone. Had to download an extension for Quicktime which plays 3GPP files. As Skew says check the file extension, they had '3gp' as the extension

5th June 2007, 09:46 AM
There's a free program called "Super", from


which will do all sorts of conversions from one format to another.


5th June 2007, 11:23 AM
thanks guy's,yes it is a 3gp file...........geezzz nothing is made easy these days especially for those who are not real computer savvy....thanks again for your info........

Reguards Tasman...........

5th June 2007, 12:02 PM
ok i have down loaded from Super and the program is called switch but i can't get it to work,it keep saying file can not be opened.....i think i have followed the instructions corectly........any hints i may have missed ????

Reguards Tasman.............