View Full Version : Dodgy Neck

5th June 2007, 05:36 PM
C'mon you lot,

We have this section, now let us share the pain and try to ease it?:D :rolleyes:

I'll start, I'm 42 and worried, I had a motorcycle prang when I was 18 and now it is catching up with me. My main concern is my neck, I visit the chiro every 3 weeks. The very top joint creaks and groans and the chiro always has to manipulate it!

What am I going to be like in 10 Yrs time?

Dear Abbey, what can/should I do?

Should I also visit the Physios?

5th June 2007, 06:42 PM
I've got a bad neck from a prang in 1981 and it creaks & groans sometimes too.
I've found that putting my head back as far as it will go and rotating it to one side and fully down to the next side and back up again a few times helps a lot. Keeping it warm helps too.

5th June 2007, 06:46 PM
Try an Osteopath. A good one is far better than a Chiro or Physio IMHO. They fixed me up.

And to keep it warm, a good old wheat bag in the microwave before bedtime is the duck's nuts. :) Good for the feet too. ;)

5th June 2007, 07:15 PM
Try an Osteopath...

I thought you'd visit a Plasticine-opath:)

5th June 2007, 07:43 PM
I agree with Gumby. Osteopath Osteopath Osteopath,
A chiropractor manipulating necks may be not the way to go.
I'm not going to post why I always walk like I'm drunk.why my hands don't work properly,but it was all from a mismanaged neck problem.
Tankstand......careful careful.

5th June 2007, 07:53 PM
Anyone suggested amputation yet??:U:U:U

5th June 2007, 07:56 PM
After visiting a Chiro for many years I now find greater relief from an Osteo, the Chiro manipulation snap is all too sudden with non of the massage or gentle manipulation the Osteos do.

Al :)

5th June 2007, 08:07 PM
I had a motorcycle prang when I was .....
Snap. Dislocated the neck.

Osteogesic tablets. Takes a few weeks but do seem to help.
Neck warmer.

Collar thingy that has a weight at the other end of a cord hanging from a frame on the door so you can sit in a chair and stretch the neck.
A little like being hung.:o

5th June 2007, 09:03 PM
Osteo for me too.

5th June 2007, 09:25 PM
Snap, around 20 only a badly fitting seatbelt in a rollover rather than a bike disaster. Used useless chiro's for years and just kept going back in the end for little result. I've alternated the same physio osteo combination for years and average about two trips a year at most. Like the others Osteo everytime they actually care for your neck not their own hip pockets.


6th June 2007, 07:23 AM
Thanks for the ideas guys,

I'd never heard of an Osteopath before, and no wonder.

A search and I've found two in Adelaide!

My wife hates me going to the chiro, so I shall seek alternative relief.

6th June 2007, 09:33 AM
My neck has never been the same after being in a car rear-ender in 1999.

The only time I will ever go to a chiro, is if I am in that much pain and I have literally no other choice, no one else is available. I hate them, have hated them from my first visit as a child.

An Osteo .....:2tsup:

David L
6th June 2007, 06:46 PM
I spent a fortune on Chiro over the years to no avail.
I find much more benefit from a massage because it benefits all the body or definitely try the Osteopath

6th June 2007, 07:18 PM
I too like others, spent a small fortune on chiro's before realising that they were'nt helping, in fact I think he has done some extra damage to my lower back with the way he was crunching me, with no massage or heat packs.

Now I go to a "Bowen Therapist" (a type of massage) and have had great relief from doing so, I only have to go every few months now, instead of weekly to the chiro.

Hadnt heard of an osteopath before, will have to check it out.

6th June 2007, 08:13 PM

Have had this problem for many years, and can vouch for an over the counter tablet called "FIORNAL" which is a muscle relaxant and has afforded great relief for me when I am having a bad time. You cannot drive after taking these tabs, but they do not work on everyone. They are a great help at times. I would not suggest taking huge quanities of these tablets but may help on occsasions.

You have my sympathy, and I too, tried chiropractor's, etc and on occasions got a bit of relief. You will learn to manage the pain and importantly what triggers it. I usually lie down and rest as necessary as a very important part of the therapy. After 20 or so years you become accustomed to the problem.

Good luck and
Kind Regards Mike.:wink:

7th June 2007, 12:44 AM
We purchased a SuperStim Plus and a SuperStim Reflectro at Hobart T&WWWShow. They are a T.E.N.S. / E.M.S. machines and work a treat on back and neck pain as well as almost any other pain it has been tried on since we got it.

I have suffered from sciatica, knee and leg pain since being skittled of a motorbike by a drunk, back in '76 a number of broken bits. Now after a number of stays in hospital and 4 knee op's later and I still get a lot of pain. Pauline has had neck pain for years and also some sciatica.

To cut a long story short here is some info on the 2 machines that have given us amazing relief since we got them.Look here for info on the SuperStim Plus (http://www.australianwellness.com.au/superstim-plus-tensems/) and here for the SuperStim Reflectro (http://www.australianwellness.com.au/foot-reflexology/).

PLEASE NOTE: I have no affiliation with these machines or anyone who sells them. The links are not to who we purchased them from just to a site with info. We looked at them after a glowing report from a very well known scrollsawer at the show. I paid a little under $700 for the 2 machines and reckon it's the best money I have spent in years. The guy who sells them was also at Brisbane and I am guessing will also be at the other WWW Shows as well.

I can highly recommend either machine without hesitation, just as they were recommended to me.

Cheers - Neil :2tsup:

Toolin Around
7th June 2007, 08:13 PM
After visiting a Chiro for many years I now find greater relief from an Osteo, the Chiro manipulation snap is all too sudden with non of the massage or gentle manipulation the Osteos do.

Al :)

Went to a chiro once - never again. It's like any sprained joint - you don't try to crack a badly twisted ankle... So why do it to an injured back or neck. I have a neck brace that is designed to gently stretch the neck muscles. Been the best treatment for me so far. That and re-learning how to sit and stand correctly. It amazing how good posture can keep the pain at bay.

7th June 2007, 08:40 PM
Well, I am truly convinced to stop visiting the chiro now. The Osteos are a bit scarce here so I'll pay my local physio a visit for now and see what he rekons.

I'll keep an eye open for ubeauts electro therapy machines:wink:

Cheers one and all.:2tsup:

8th June 2007, 02:46 AM
1. Steer well clear of Chiro's. A large number of them are very strange and/or living in their own little world - if anything doesn't work or goes wrong, its all YOUR fault. There used to be a weekend course that let people hang out a shingle as a 'chiropractor' without other qualification - all a bit dodgy.

2. A good physio is a true blessing. Even a fairly bad one won't do too much damage before you decide to leave.

3. Osteopaths seem to be a much better deal then Chiro's, have their head in the right place etc. A combination of 2 & 3 would prebably be ideal.

8th June 2007, 09:10 AM
Tankstand, you probably don't need any more convincing regarding chiros but here's my father's experience.

He had bad neck pain and was referred to a chiro who commenced a program of manipulation. The old man wasn't one to complain but the pain got worse and after a month he went back to his GP. He was referred for further tests. The source of the pain was bone cancer in his neck - and he had been subjected to a month of manipulation! A week later he was dead - the old man not the chiro.

8th June 2007, 09:59 AM
Ahwell its Friday horror story time I guess. Dad went for twelve months to a chiro who took xrays and worked out the problem. No result after twelve months Dad could barely walk and it turned out to be circulation and needed extensive surgery to correct, he was lucky gangreine hadn't set in. The chiro did no good and no damage, except to the hip pocket. The FIL went with a crook hip, chiro again took xrays said hips are fantastic and took money for two years before FIL finally giving up. After a visit to a specialist xrays showed there was no hip on one side and it had virtually worn away the other one odly enough is fine. New metal hip has given him a new lease of life, how on earth could the chiro have misread the original xray the specialist picked up the problem on the initial examination, and the xrays only confirmed the prognosis.

I don't think Chiros are useless they do have a place for some people but they do seem very limited in ability and seemingly unaware of their limitations.


18th June 2007, 12:15 PM
i have used bowen therapy for the last 20 years .excellent for me not painfull . tried most other therapys and could hardy reverse a car .severe headaches etc . 2 treatments and relief was amazing.goodwishes , bob

18th June 2007, 01:00 PM
HWMBO had the ultimate dodgy neck tho thanks to some titanium reinforcement it's now (almost) good as new (post-surgery X-ray attached)!

Unfortunately the rest of him is pretty buggered :wink:... burst fracture of C3 = quadriplegic :(. Original prognosis was life on a ventilator but he learned to breathe again, arm and legs still non-functional. He was 38 at the time (7y ago) and is now 45, besotted father of a 3yo girl and working part time.


21st June 2007, 03:39 AM
I went to a chiropractor after falling off a ladder and landing on my head/neck and had trouble moving.

He would not touch me till I got a heap of x-rays.

Saw the x-rays, pointed out the problem areas (my whole spine zigged where it should have zagged) and then massaged me for about 15 minutes. A click in the back, a click in the neck, see you in two days.

Did that for about 2 months, and it has stayed good ever since.

Now, here's what you guys might find upsetting...

My grandpa, 82 years old at that time, had always had back trouble. Been to all of them, including a few osteopath types. No-one fixed it.

He tried out my chiro, who again spotted the problem on x-rays (birth defect in his lower spine no less), massage and a poke from a small centre punch looking doohickey since he's old and doesn't need too much persuasion to make the things move into place again.

Fixed. No back complaints for the last five years. Not one. He goes back every few months for a check, but the chiro rarely moves anything, and if he does, not before an x-ray again.

I'd hesitate to $#!?can all of the bonecrunchers since there are some good ones out there. Not too many to be sure, but they do exist.

I just found one of the very good ones.

But you all have your opinions, that's ok. I don't mind. :2tsup:

21st June 2007, 11:46 AM
Tried every thing for a very dodgy knee Eventualy nothing worked
Had a tkr ( tin knee ) done and its perfect now
But can not tell when its going to rain !

24th June 2007, 07:17 PM
GO and get a bowen it gentle non invasive and very effective in pain releif; I am a trained practitioner and it does do great releif

24th June 2007, 07:34 PM
I had a Bowen done to me 15 years ago and it was one of the worst things I have ever had done in my whole life, so I wont be getting another.

In was bed ridden for 2 days after the so called "technique" :o

Al :(

24th June 2007, 07:42 PM
GO and get a bowen it gentle non invasive and very effective in pain releif; I am a trained practitioner and it does do great releif

Another option! thankyou team.

I may have to pay you a visit Toni!:D

Al, I just found another option and now you are scaring me!:D

24th June 2007, 07:47 PM
Another option! thankyou team.

I may have to pay you a visit Toni!:D

Al, I just found another option and now you are scaring me!:D

Sorry. :(

Maybe I found a bodgy "practitioner".

Al :-

24th June 2007, 07:54 PM
Sadly with any professions there is bodgy and there is genuine. I know a freind that went for a bowen and was walked on from head to toe and he was in bed for a month. He rang me asked me if I could come and help him. I drove over 600km and I had him up and walking by the end of the day. So yes there is practitioners out there claiming to be doing bowen and they are not. Bowen does not hurt. If it does he is not a bowen therapist. All my kids line up and love it. So that says something because kids won't come back for something that hurts. Look on the wall for a BOWTECH certification. That the genuine deal

24th June 2007, 08:02 PM
1989 Motorcycle 160 kph and an unmarked hairpin....... broke coccyx, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5,S1 and S2. Six weeks in a coma, another six weeks intense physio before I could feel my legs, another two till I could walk and quite a while till I mounted a motorbike again.

I had to swim or have my spine fused. Hard choice NOT. I remember when Keiren Perkins set the world record for the 1500 at 14.48 plus change I swam the same distance in 29 flat. My physio and doctors were well plaesed.

2001 Workplace accident. Fractured patella, medial ligament detatched and cartilage damage. Knee reconstruction, Distal realignment and ligament reatatchment.

2006 Car accident on the way to work. Neck injuries. Percutaneous radiofrequency neurotomy to 7 joints and now i am numb and have pins and needles from the middle of my neck to between my shoulder blades and they are worried about spine compaction now as I am becoming slightly incontinent. (Too much information? Sorry.)

I feel the cold ...... hell yeah. Knee throbs like a biatch. Neck aches and I cant lift as much as I used to be able to but I have a wonderful family and beautiful wife.

Always someone out there worse off than me so I no complain.

24th June 2009, 12:12 AM
Have used bowen therapy for 15 years foun it works well . Ask if bowtech approved,first. Cheers bob

Weekend hack
10th July 2009, 09:34 PM
Anyone suggested amputation yet??:U:U:U

Some one asked me if I would like to loose 10 ugly pounds.
When I said that yes I was interested, they suggested I cut off my head. :rolleyes:

Had a tree fall on my scone many years ago.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself on the ground holding a chain saw...

Don't know how that happened.

Any how, my neck was displaced at C3 vertebrae.
I spent a night in the spinal ward and went home the next day...
I guess I was lucky.

However, I never received any follow up treatment like physio etc and my neck became really stiff and sore.

Eventually, years later I went to a chiro and he cracked it in.
I received treatment a couple of times because the muscles had strengthened with my neck out of alignment, and they kept pulling my spine out.

Eventually my neck became loose enough that I can now crack it back into place myself, not that this is a good thing but it relieves the discomfort. I always good for grossing SWMBO out as she can hear it from the next room sometimes.

Unfortunately I am able to do this because the bone joints are worn. This has caused calcium buildup on the joint which can be discomforting when I turn my head and I can hear and feel my neck grinding.
Additionally, arthritis pain is pretty consistent and seams to worsen with barometric changes in the weather.
I can usually tell 3 - 4 days before a change in the weather because of my neck becoming painful -- what a pain in the neck.:clap:

My experiences have been pretty good with chiros but you need to make sure you see a chiro that is a member of their fancy association. There are a couple here in SA that aren't members, wouldn't be accepted as members and aren't really what is expected of a chiro.
Their the sort of chiros that straighten the natural curve in your spine. :((

Physios seem to think you have and open cheque book for them, and you will be a regular patient for life and that for one reason or another will always need to "see them again in a day or two".

Other than that, don't cut trees down on top of yourself.:B