View Full Version : Yankee Interpreter needed

20th October 2000, 02:43 AM
I recently bought an American wood finishing book ("Great Wood Finishes" by Jeff Jewitt)that talks about 'mineral oil' to thin varnish. I thought he was talking about turps initially but then he mentioned turps sepatately. He also talks about using Naphtha as an alternative to mineral oil in certain applications. Can someone tell me what he is refering to and whether these products are sold under different generic or specific brand names in Oz. Or will good old turps do just fine?

I'm also confused about the term 'varnish'. I thought it was a very broad generic term for any kind of hard finish such as polyurethane. Is there a difference? The book also talks about gel varnish. I've not seen any in Oz, can we get it here and are they particularly useful in particular applications - rubbing for example?

And while I've got your atttention, does de-natured alchol = metho?

I appreciate any feedback.

Andrew Armstrong

20th October 2000, 09:04 AM
You should have bought the Aussie Book on finishing A Polishers Handbook (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/book.html). Written for Aussies by an Aussie. http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/frown.gif Or http://www.ubeaut.com.au/ubhome.htm and click on link.

Mineral oil = Paraffin oil
Denatured Alcohol = Ethanol (Methylated spirits) Use 100% Industrial Metho (100% IMS)
Varnish = Bloody broad term. (usually refers to the older style oil based varnishes not the modern polyurethanes etc.)

When you find more perplexing questions from that book, let us know. We'll help as best we can. http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/confused.gif

Cheers - Neil http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif

20th October 2000, 11:21 AM
Many Thanks Neil, I saw the book and was impressed with its high quality finish and all the nice colour pictures. As for content, it probably doesn't offer me anything more than your fine publication on polishing - I'm just ones of those people who can't resist a beautiful looking book - especially one on one of my favourite pastimes. As it was about the three times the price it may not have been my best ever investment but there will be an idea in there somewhere.


Andrew Armstrong

20th October 2000, 11:24 AM
ps I do have a copy of your fine book and I am happy to recommned it and support all Aussie woodworking endeavours.

Andrew Armstrong

20th October 2000, 12:02 PM

Geees, you got that in just in time to appease the GRAND POOBAH. Well done Andrew. http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"