View Full Version : Melbourne forum turners get together - date

8th June 2007, 01:12 PM
Hi folks,

See http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=49793&page=3

Need to settle on a date so do the poll thing pls.

Forum members only.

Location: Ern's shed, Reservoir. 10 mins from the Ring Road. (on the speed hump). It's closer than you think. (PM me for the street address.).


There'll be a $5 cover charge which will include a snag for lunch. Actually, two snags in 's case. Any surplus will go to the Salvos.

We'll be turning a fine lump of timber donated by DJ and it will be raffled at the end of the day with proceeds again to the Salvos.

If anyone has a portable lathe they can bring let us know so we can get more shavings on the floor.

We'll have a few special tools out for you to play with.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Jim Carroll
8th June 2007, 07:52 PM
Any other dates, both weekends snookered for me.

DJ’s Timber
8th June 2007, 07:55 PM
I am cool for all those days :2tsup:

Captain Chaos
8th June 2007, 08:40 PM
G'day Ern, If it's ok with you & the forum members, I would like to attend your Forum Turners get together. I reckon that I'll be able to swing a couple of days of my holidays so that I don't have to rush over to Melbourne & back home to Adelaide. It will be a great opportunity for me to meet the "gun " turners from Victoria etc.:2tsup:
I'm pretty flexible in regards to the actual date & will be able to work my time around the actual day once I have confirmation.
Thank you,

8th June 2007, 08:58 PM
can do any of those other than the 22nd (My youngest's birthday)

8th June 2007, 09:22 PM
Really looking forward to meeting you folk. Any:U day suits me and if there is anything i could help with even a prior day to set up pm me



8th June 2007, 10:48 PM
If anyone has a portable lathe they can bring let us know so we can get more shavings on the floor.

Could bring mine in the trailer if noone has an easier suggestion.


Skew ChiDAMN!!
8th June 2007, 11:19 PM
Hmmm... I could bring the treadly, it'll fit under one arm. On the other hand, its' base (with the all important fly wheel & treadle) need a trailer to transport. :rolleyes:

The li'l Leda might be more practical to take...

DJ’s Timber
8th June 2007, 11:55 PM
I've got my little Jet too.

Captain Chaos
9th June 2007, 11:32 AM
G'day Ern, I've also got a little Jet which I've set up on a portable stand. I'll be able to bring it with me in my ute, no problems.:)
Please let me know if there is anything else that I may be able to assist you with in regards to organising the day.

9th June 2007, 12:01 PM

If it turns out to be a Saturday for the shing-ding I can help out with a trailer Skew. :2tsup:

10th June 2007, 06:21 PM
Thanks for all the lathe offers folks.

What would work best is the second lathe on a stand or workmate or somesuch, and one that can cope with Calm's burl. Any idea what dimensions we're talking about Calm?

Skew, how are we going with dates?

Barry, we'd be honoured to see you here. [Added: happy to demo my blunderbus technique.]

Skew ChiDAMN!!
10th June 2007, 06:32 PM
Skew, how are we going with dates?

Dates are looking good, although we have some health issues (not mine, fortunately) that are eating up random days. Only time will tell for sure. :shrug:

Depending on transport, I'll possibly bring the li'l Leda anyway, along with a Triton to sit it on (time to buy a workmate? :rolleyes:) and a few lengths of redgum for some practice spindle turning. Aftyer all, it can stay in the car if it's not needed.

10th June 2007, 11:05 PM
Thanks for all the lathe offers folks.

What would work best is the second lathe on a stand or workmate or somesuch, and one that can cope with Calm's burl. Any idea what dimensions we're talking about Calm?

OK, I'm happy to bring mine. Will swing about 310mm & about a metre between centres for spindles. On it's own stand.

Inboard turning only at the moment unless a freestanding toolrest is available.

Have a spur drive, faceplate, and will have a SN2 chuck by then. 1" 8tpi thread if alternative workholding options available.

Will post a pic when available..........cheers.............Sean

DJ’s Timber
10th June 2007, 11:13 PM
Inboard turning only at the moment unless a freestanding toolrest is available.

Have one with different curved rests :2tsup:

11th June 2007, 08:40 AM
Bingo twice. Thanks Sean and DJ.

Captain Chaos
11th June 2007, 11:39 AM
Thanks Ern, I'm very pleased to be able to attend. It will be really ( U ) beaut to meet all you people in person. I'll bring along my turning tools - including my R.A.T.S hollowing tool & the little Jet. If it's not required, it can stay in the ute on the day. besides it will add a bit of weight to the back of the ute & improve the ride. I'll try to bring a few pieces of Redgum from the Barossa Valley for you as well.
Thank you,

11th June 2007, 06:52 PM
Hi again
collected the burls today and will check again to see if i can find any better ones. I will bring all although some are not that good. I grabed a couple of green ones that would make a good present to the host if they dont get used.
I hope the tape is readable to get an idea of the size.
First attempt to add photos so lets hope i got it right.


11th June 2007, 07:24 PM
Look good David.

What do you reckon Sean? Your beastie up to one of these?

... Well, given the poll and PMs, July 15 has shaped up as the best date by a nose so put it in your diaries.

I'll post an RSVP request closer to then so snags can be ordered. Tofu available on special order.

So we have ...

Sean: lathe (also Barry) - thanks for all the other offers
DJ and David: blanks
Skew (hopefully available): lathe meister
: lathe meister and fellow RSM

Tools to play with on the day apart from the garden variety:

Barry: RATS hollower
Ern: Munro's, big and baby, and Proforme, plus an assortment of semi-useless home made devices.

11th June 2007, 09:18 PM
July 15. Cool :)

Lathe up to the job? I dunno, never done anything like this. has seen it, would probably have a better idea.

It is fairly heavy & frame has a wide footprint. No variable speed, 4 speed belt drive.

Only one of the burls looks to be around 300mm for inboard turning, otherwise it is wayyyy uncharted territory for outboard. Would need DJ's toolrest then.

Workholding has me puzzled though.

Lathe has 1" 8tpi LH threaded outboard end of spindle. The insert I'll be getting will be the 1"8tpi dual threaded insert, so the chuck could maybe be used outboard.

Maybe turn a tenon on the bigger lathe to then use the chuck on mine?


11th June 2007, 09:49 PM

July 15, bugger. :saddest:

11th June 2007, 10:02 PM
Me agin

The burls are as cut from the tree with the chainsaw so if someone wants to have the burls delivered a week or so in advance to trim up and make ready for use.
Let me know I have a "L" plate daughter who would think a weekend trip from Ballarat up to "2 hours" away would be great.


11th June 2007, 10:20 PM
Sorry Waldo.

David, dropping the burls off would be very kind but we can sort the mounting out on the day. Sean will have a spur drive, chuck and screw, and faceplate. One of them will work. I have a chain saw.

(What are the spindles on the MC900 usually folks? 1 x 8 or 1 x 10. I've an old insert for one that can go into the Vicmarc chuck. Yeah, I know I could walk out to the shed and count but it's too damn cold at the moment.).

DJ’s Timber
11th June 2007, 10:25 PM
My old one was 1" x 8, came off a MC1100. For Vicmarc as well, think I've still got it too.

11th June 2007, 10:51 PM
Sorry Waldo.

G'day Rsser,

Np. :2tsup:

24th June 2007, 09:00 PM

Having spent another weekend helping a farming friend (free Labour) i noticed that his neighor had cut up a wattle tree that the wind blew out about 2 years ago. He has left the base of the trunk laying on the roadside. It is about 3 foot long and approx 18 inches diameter. (sorry about the imperial measurements but its easier)

Now to the point and why this thread.

I am coming to this shindig and thought that if the wattle is still there next weekend i could "borrow" some of it and bring it with me if any esteemed turners would know how to use it. My lathe is in storage and will be for the next 12 months and storing for myself is out of the question.

This question should have been first but it only just hit the brain.
What is wattle like to turn or does it just crack and frustrate you?


24th June 2007, 10:38 PM
Hi David,

Only turned one bit of wattle, from the tree in my front yard. No idea what species it was but it had good figure and turned clean and stable.

Appeciate your thinking of the shindig here.

So far we've got to:

a smallish burl you might bring for Sean's beast ... maybe in the afternoon, and Skew has kindly agreed to demo goblet turning perhaps in the morning.

CC may be bringing over some redgum for spindle turning, dunno whether this would suit Skew's goblet but I'll have some alternatives.

might be kind enough to run through back hollowing somewhere during the day.

DJ will have a big lump or two for the Stubby.

Maybe folk can bring down bits and pieces for show and tells or swaps.

Allan at Wallan
27th June 2007, 08:57 PM
Hi Ern,

Just confirming my intentions to be there for the
"Get Together" and looking forward to it.

As mentioned in my previous E-Mail I will be a very
interested bystander with limited experience.

Cant wait to meet the boys and share the day.

Will bring along a couple of pieces of "Osage Orange"
for anyone to play with.

Allan from Wallan.

29th June 2007, 01:38 AM
Hi guys skew just told me about this little do .can i come too ill probably bring Jess and her dad crazyscew , and if we can crowbar him in skew as well . ill bring my nova chuck with 1*8 insert and a spare 1*10 insert with extra draws . and yes ill get jess to bring her pen she made from the wood you gave her. :Dapart from some tools what else ?

29th June 2007, 07:16 AM
Sounds good Rodent.

Forum members only though so get them to join up.

Bring eye protection, and a folding chair.

30th June 2007, 11:35 AM
there both members so thats ok see you then

4th July 2007, 02:19 PM
OK, an update:

We're not just for Melb. turners - Barry is heading over from SA and Cliff looks like he can get down too. Excellent.

Skew has kindly agreed to demo goblet turning on Sean's lathe, in the morning. And we'll see about getting one of Calm's burls mounted ditto in the afternoon. Between time might demo some back hollowing and a bit of bead turning with the skew.

On the Stubby we'll have one of DJ's lumps spinning and that'll prob take most of the day.

We only have two spaces for turning so thanks to all the others who've offered to bring their lathe but we won't have the space.

You don't have to be an expert turner to take part. You can watch and you can also have a go. There'll be old hands to show you what to do.

Bring eye protection and a folding chair if you need to rest the pins between dekkos.

To repeat the logistics:

1. PM or pref email me if you're coming so I can do the numbers for the snag lunch, coffee and tea. And I'll tell you the address.
2. It's between 10 and 4-5pm.
3. Catering cover charge is $5 with surplus to the Salvos.
4. The big bowl on the Stubby will be raffled; Salvos get the proceeds.
5. Forum members only.
6. Bring along your swaps or sells.
7. Anticipating cold and wet weather and a bit of a crowd, bring along a folding chair, and donations of firewood would be welcome.
8. If you want to drink and spin, that's fine but keep it under .05

Should be a hoot. I'm looking forward to putting names to faces. Anyone with a vid camera willing to get some turning footage would be great.

4th July 2007, 08:09 PM
Anyone with a vid camera willing to get some turning footage would be great.

Agree, some footage of specific techniques would be good :2tsup:

Looking fwd to it as well. Interstaters even attending - cool.

PM sent.


5th July 2007, 02:09 AM
jess thinks its cool she gets to go and turn the day before she gets back to school .

Cliff Rogers
6th July 2007, 12:30 AM
It is going to happen. :2tsup:
I have the ticket. :D

DJ’s Timber
8th July 2007, 04:44 PM
Today I have been getting in first by roughing out one of the lumps, as Ern calls my bits of timber :U to save some time on the day

These first two pictures show the lump that has been cut roughly round with the chainsaw and mounted on the lathe

50185 50186

The next two are after I have rough turned it down and a rough shape

50187 50188

and finally some mobilcer over it to keep it in good nick :2tsup:


8th July 2007, 04:51 PM
7. Anticipating cold and wet weather.

Oh ye of little faith:D :D :D , beautiful balmy Melbourne in July:wink:

8th July 2007, 05:56 PM
Iain, if I plan for rain it won't. If I assume a fine day hughie (not Hughie!) sends her down :doh:

DJ... looking good, but leave something to the punters too eh? Wouldn't want to pass up the chance of seeing a dig on a long tool send someone through the roof would we?

It's only clear fibreglass above the lathe - nothing but the best in OHS in my shed :q

Good news is that Cliff can make it ... now that's dedication to craft :;

Cliff Rogers
9th July 2007, 12:13 AM
We had a mid sized Qld Maple on the other side of our creek fall over in Cyclone Larry.
I went past it a couple of days ago & it was buried in a vine so & went & got the tractor & chain saw & started hacking it up.
I have managed to get it all back to the veranda of my shed but I have killed 2 chainsaws in the process. :cool:
It fell over because the bottom of the trunk had been hollowed out by termites.
The timber from the base around the termite damage looks very interesting.
Some of the smaller pieces have also started to rot & have signs of spalt.
When I get one of my chainsaws going again, I'll hack off some pieces & see if there is anything worth packing to bring down with me.

9th July 2007, 04:50 PM
G'day all - this is shaping up to be a really great get together.

I hope you'll post loads of pics of the events to share with those of us that are just a wee bit too far away to pop around for the day.

9th July 2007, 07:12 PM
Hi loking forward to it also will be there with Burls and some wattle if anyone wants to take it and have a go.

PM sent


9th July 2007, 07:16 PM
Many thanks again David, look forward to catching up.

Thread shifted to http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?p=542783#post542783

Sorry about the leap-frogging.

Captain Chaos
9th July 2007, 11:44 PM
Hello Ern,
Unfortunately I am not able to attend the get together due to work related issues. I have been promoted (?) to a supervisory position & all the ensuing headaches that are sure to follow, including working Saturdays.:( I really needed this like a skew chisel through the boot!:no:
Thanks for organizing the get together & offering me the opportunity to participate. I was looking forward to meeting you all AND young Cliffy. Great to see that you can make it down Cliff.:2tsup:
Thank you Ern and to all who are able to attend. Have a beaut time & don't bust Erns Stubby.

13th July 2007, 07:12 AM
Reminder if you're coming .. let me know and I'll PM you the address

Sunday, 10 to 4ish.

Look forward to seeing you there.

14th July 2007, 07:05 PM
hey hey,
will be seeing you all at the get together.
cant wait to meet ya all

if reads this,
i have a pen to show you that i made in the lump of osage orange that you gave me last time i saw you. i'm quite happy with it, so see what you think.
by the way, i will have photos of it up in the forums some time in the next two weeks when we get a new camera.:doh:

i will be tagging along with rodent and crazyscew, (crazyscew being my dad)

see you all at the meet.

by the way, this is jess.
i posted this before realising that rodent was logged in. haha

Skew ChiDAMN!!
14th July 2007, 07:17 PM
I'm set. Spent a bit of time blunting my scrapers ready for tomorrow, decided to upset the purists by having a scraping only session :oo: with my absolute absolute crappiest tools. Which took some thought... they're all pretty crap! :rolleyes:

Just to demonstrate that a presentable goblet should be well within the abilities of a novice turner, provided that they have a decent chuck and follow a basic order. :)

by the way, this is jess.

And here I was thinking that Rod's spelling had improved 100%. :p

14th July 2007, 11:13 PM
Hey Jess,

looking forward to meeting you ...

btw, you might drag my Ruth into the shed and show her what you can do .. ;-}

14th July 2007, 11:17 PM
... sounds awesome Skew.

I'll be all agog.

I now have the Veritas burnisher which does a pretty good job of ruining a burr... feel free to excel yourself with it ;-}

15th July 2007, 10:08 PM
Post mortem & lotsa pics in this (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=52667)thread.
