View Full Version : Australian red cedar

14th June 2007, 03:16 PM
I am looking for an asian substitute for australian cedar Toona austalia (Cedrela toona)
Timber sellers in tassie say its available but ive yet to see a sample, a mainland supplier would be fine. thanks in anticipation

14th June 2007, 03:22 PM
haha most of the graded supplier stuff is the indonesian version of the toona ciliata,stock name of Surian cedar or New Guinea red cedar. Same general species as the aussie stuff but slightly different grain and texture. easily got at most mainstream timber suppliers. Good prices too.

I got some from Steve Treseize at Treesize timbers in Toowoomba

Trezise S Timbers
..Tmbr Mrchnts Parker St Cnr Morse St Drayton 4350
(07) 4630 1988more info here on the species

Theres some real aussie red cedar available round the place if u need some not usually at mainstream suppliers tho..

check out the Cedarworks in Grafton



nine fingers
14th June 2007, 03:41 PM
Hi Tedworth, I used surian cedar for a roll top desk ,about 18 months ago.
I found it very soft, very pale in colour,had to stain it to get a red cedar colour,some boards were furry,and hard to sand. I bought a small pack,out of that there was only about 20% of it that I was happy with. It came from a Melbourne merchant. If I done the desk again I would use Australin red cedar even though the cost would be at least double or more.
there my thoughts cheers nine fingers.

junction box
14th June 2007, 08:20 PM
Hi Ted, Until the end of last year I worked part time at a secondary college and it was my job to source and machine all the timber for the wood classes. I bought Surian cedar from this dealer in Melb http://www.afttimbers.com/ but it's expensive stuff! Have you tried demolition yards for Aussie cedar? In the past that's where I have bought small pieces for restoration work. Aussie cedar (Toona) is not a true cedar and is actually a hardwood species.

15th June 2007, 07:52 PM
Have just finished a cradle out of Australian Red Cedar which I bought from the Cedarworks stand at last year's Working with Wood show in Canberra. Comes up beautifully.

I have now been able to get hold of some Kalantas which is a Phillipines version of Red Cedar - looks very similar to Toona Australis, perhaps a bit lighter in weight but very similar colour and grain at least in the stuff I got.

15th June 2007, 10:11 PM
Good luck Tedworth. I was lucky enough to score some pieces from demolition works recently, but it can be a pain in the acre trying to mill a few usable boards around nails and previous construction marks, not to mention the obligatory 18 coats of old paint & varnish.

I agree with W.Lill that if looking for an alternative, about the closest appearance these days seems to be the Malaysian timber Kalantis. Not sure if it's related to Australian Cedar or not, but if you can find a few back sawn pieces of Kalantis to select from I think you'll probably get something fairly close to Toona.

Buy the true Aussie Cedar if you can get it, though. Magical stuff! This rainforest giant was one of Australia's few true deciduous natives. Like the Californian giant redwoods, much too valuable & desirable for it's own good, I'm afraid.