View Full Version : Struggling with addiction

17th June 2007, 11:27 AM
http://www.mindspear.com/woodworking/images/lumberrun_2008a.jpgI was doing really good and then my dealer sent me an email. :U

300 board feet of cherry and maple. Now there's no room to do anything.

Al B
17th June 2007, 12:17 PM
Hey Jeff
I am sure that you will put all that lovely cherry and maple to good use. :2tsup:

17th June 2007, 12:17 PM
Looks like time for some therapy then:D

17th June 2007, 02:06 PM
Looks like time for a rolling cart:) Just about need a second morgage for 300BF in my neck of the woods (very green). BTW interesting woodworking tool that orange one how did that get in there:D
Cheers Mike

Just George
17th June 2007, 07:15 PM
Are you a Triton convert by any chance or did you just see the benefit of the Woodrack?

17th June 2007, 09:35 PM
I'd reckon that you need some standing-and-thinking-while-drinking-a-beer time. I'm sure if you do that something will come to you...:wink:

18th June 2007, 02:50 AM
:U Thanks for the replies all.

Pricing was pretty good on this batch. I buy it from a guy who salvages blown down trees, or trees that people want removed for some reason. Typically its a single tree at a time, so thats not enough to attract a bigger company. He and his boys cut them up and put them in the kiln in southern Michigan. Several of us will get together and place orders, then he and his family rent a large truck and drive it here to Chicago at a common dropoff point. I could drive to Michigan too, but its about 4 hours one way, and this order would require two trips, so a local dropoff really saves me. This will be enough to last me a year, and I have storage racks built in my basement. Total cost for this (320 bf) was about $1100 USD. Just for comparison, if I bought this locally in Chicago it would cost me about 2 - 3 times this amount. The meter shows it at 8-12% moisture.

The Triton rack is ok, and that was the first rack to go in the shop. Now I use the common slotted shelving you find in the hardware store. Its cheaper and more flexible spacing - strength has been adequate so far.

There will be plenty of beer drinking after I get it moved into the racks LOL. If I try to do it before the wife will chew my a$$. Her car goes in that space too :U

18th June 2007, 10:03 AM


19th June 2007, 04:47 AM
Here's the permanent storage. the area is below the lower living space, 56 inch height... so you feel like a hobbit working down here. There is a 20" fan that blows 24/7 down the rack, plus the air is evacuated by a Dayton 265 cfm blower on a digital timer 4 cycles per 24 hour period. Humidity peaks at 38% or so in the spring and fall, temp is about 72F. If you look way down there you can see my hillbilly server rack that holds two 4U units, plus the phone system for the house.

You gotta luv those floor joists boys... those are real Douglas fir 2x12s from 1967... and stamped Klamath, Oregon. The house is all hardwood flooring and we NEVER get a squeak.

