View Full Version : Angle for Cuts

Stotty Monster
20th August 2003, 09:04 PM
I am trying to join quad into a three way joint; ie in a 3D corner. Can anyone tell me the angles I should be working with or know of a picture of this joint on the net? Any help please!!!!!

20th August 2003, 10:27 PM
The correct way to join quad in an internal corner is to scribe it. Cut the first length square and but it into the corner then scribe the next piece to fit around it using a copping saw. The third piece is scribed to fit over the first two. The reason internal corners are scribed is because timber shrinks more across the grain than along it therefore a scribed joint will only open up half as much as a mitred joint. If this seems a little tedious you could be creative and use a dental; cut a cube of wood slightly larger than the quad and fix it in the corner then simply but all the lengths of quad into it this makes for an interesting feature .

Stotty Monster
21st August 2003, 06:01 PM
Thanx, Julianx, I think the second method sounds the quickest and easiest. I would of thought that with a compound mitre sliding saw I could change the angles to suit such a cut, but to no avail. Thanks again for your help.

John G
21st August 2003, 07:04 PM
Not that I have done it...

But aren't the angles still just 45 degrees?
The difference is you have to mitre the quad from both sides, so that the quad comes to a point in the middle of the curved side. Just treat it as 3 normal corners. If it isn't cut accurately you will get a bad fit.

It's hard to describe any better, and you don't want to see the picture I drew! But I'm sure it'll work...

21st August 2003, 11:55 PM
I'm sure it could be done using angles. The reason I wouldn't do it this way is as I said in my last post to minimise shrinkage and the subsiquent (is that the right spelling) gap in the joint.