View Full Version : timber in tassie

21st June 2007, 11:53 PM
G`day woodies I am after some suggestions of where to buy timber in tassie preferably air dryed if possible (turning blanks and planks).

22nd June 2007, 12:04 AM
Hi mick,

there are heaps in Tassie. Cockatoo timbers, Island specialty timbers, gondwana timber and the strahan crew.

Try a search of the forums as there is bucket loads.

If your after turning stuff perhaps a PM to RSSR as he has toured tassie and from memory bought a bit.


22nd June 2007, 06:13 AM
theres a recent list on this thread,


most of the suppliers stock boards and blanks


just search for the others, heaps of recent threads about Tassie Timbers

23rd June 2007, 09:09 AM
As PM'ed Mick, you need to be clear about what you want by way of species and dimensions. You can cut down some time by contacting suppliers first.

When I travelled around a couple of years ago there was heaps of the common stuff you can find on the mainland as well. To find the less common took a bit of digging and there's some species you rarely see this side of the ditch.

(Thanks for the list Reeves.)

24th June 2007, 01:22 AM
also, check out little out of the way saw mills - operating or not - as they frequently have little stacks of short stuff e.g. Pughie's Mill at Frankford, or Exter Mill - who look like they only do pallets, but every now and again they will run a bit of myrtle. blackwood, sassafrass etc (depends on where they are logging). Oh, try up around Diddleum Plains and similar places where there used to be lots of little saw mills

Oops, i thought you were local but you are furrin.