View Full Version : CA Finish

25th June 2007, 07:25 PM
Hi all,
Been a long while since my last post. I have been making cigar pens and enjoying it however i am not happy with the finish i am getting as it wears of. so i am going to start trying to use the CA method and my questions are;
1. How long does it take to put 5 coats of CA on? How long should i leave between coats?
2. Where should i buy the CA from? and should it be the top end stuff?
3. I have a copy of the CA method from a guy called Fangar i think in the states does anyone have a different method?

well there are many more questions but i will leave them untill i do my next pen. I will post pictures of my latest ones in the next few days.

25th June 2007, 07:38 PM
Gidday Roger this is a personal approach everyone does it slightly different so experiment what works for you but these are my ideas.
1. well in this cooler weather it a bit longer but usually about 5-10minutes. I wait between coats til the last one is not tacky
2. Either Gary Pye or Jim Carroll I found to be better than the cheap stuff but others have no problem with the cheapo one but I do best result with the thick CA but that is all personal preference
3. I pretty much do the fangar way but with out the sanding sealer because he told me he has since learnt that it not really needed. but If I have lighter wood that I don't want to mark with darker color I seal it with CA first. and I dropped out the BLO

25th June 2007, 09:39 PM
Roger have a look at the CA/WAX/BLO thread a few of us have posted how we finish with CA may have the info that you need