View Full Version : Untidiest bench

27th June 2007, 06:18 PM
Untidiest bench.

I cant be the only pig on the forum, so fes up and show us your untidy bench. :o:U

Al :cool:

27th June 2007, 06:35 PM
In the days when I used to have a shed and a bench, the bench looked pretty much like yours. Every now and again, I give it a damn good clean which lasted for at least a day.

27th June 2007, 06:37 PM
In the days when I used to have a shed and a bench, the bench looked pretty much like yours. Every now and again, I give it a damn good clean which lasted for at least a day.

What da mean? this was after the clean up? :?

Al :U

DJ’s Timber
27th June 2007, 06:46 PM
Mate that's clean :2tsup:, it's when you can't see over the bench is when it needs cleaning :U

27th June 2007, 06:53 PM
A place for everything and everything in its place.

Cant help it if that place is the bench, can you?

27th June 2007, 06:54 PM
No contest. You win. Hands down. :rolleyes:

27th June 2007, 06:54 PM
A place for everything and everything in its place.

Cant help it if that place is the bench, can you?

Ask me for a certain item and I can lay my hands on it.:cool:

Al :U

27th June 2007, 06:56 PM
Ask me for a certain item and I can lay my hands on it

Me too. Might take me a while to find it tho.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
27th June 2007, 07:04 PM
Ask me for a certain item and I can lay my hands on it.:cool:

And which item would that be, Al? The one on top? :innocent:

27th June 2007, 07:09 PM
And which item would that be, Al? The one on top? :innocent:

Well it would be the last used...:roll:

Al :U

27th June 2007, 07:17 PM
Untidiest bench.

In the vein of the Pro Hart commercial : "Mr Al, what a mess. "

BTW you win.:D


27th June 2007, 07:25 PM
Come on Peter, admit it, your bench is worse.


Al B
27th June 2007, 07:31 PM
OK...... wheres the bench :U

Skew ChiDAMN!!
27th June 2007, 07:35 PM
I can't really laugh, it'd be the pot calling the kettle... I just had to grab my coffee cup from the shed, (How did it get out there? :rolleyes:) so while I was out there I took a few pix of mine:

Not too bad, until I consider that only yesterday (or was it the day before?) all this was on there too... :-

Stu in Tokyo
27th June 2007, 07:45 PM
Mine gets like that, but when I have to look for something that is on the bench, and I can't find it right away, I stop and clean up.

I worked at a place a LONG time ago, where the boss was really strong on the idea of cleaning up. We would spend 10 to 15 minutes before lunch, cleaning up, sweep the floor, pick up stuff, and put them back in their place. Then again, before quitting time, we had to spend 15 to 20 minutes cleaning up, we could not go home until stuff was cleaned up. Not a "Super duper white glove inspection" kind of thing, just put the tools away, and run the broom around the shop. I guess this work ethic stuck with me, as I generally do this myself now.

I have a small space, takes only a few minutes to make it a mess :rolleyes: but it is also easy to clean up.

Each to his own for sure! :2tsup:

27th June 2007, 07:53 PM
"Them what makes the mess, cleans up the mess."
My rule when in business and now in the shed - so guess who has to clean up

27th June 2007, 07:56 PM
"Them what makes the mess, cleans up the mess."

But, but, but......its only a mess if you perceive it to be a mess. :?

Al :U

27th June 2007, 08:02 PM
If it is cleaned up early, hopefully it might not be defined as a mess.

27th June 2007, 08:09 PM
Untidiest bench.

I cant be the only pig on the forum, You are the mess-meister Al :yuk:

We are not worthy....


27th June 2007, 08:14 PM
Untidiest bench.

I cant be the only pig on the forum, so fes up and show us your untidy bench. :o:U

Al :cool:Oh, yes you can!!

Oink, Oink!!!! :oo: :o :oo: :o

27th June 2007, 08:34 PM
umm not because i think mines any worse than you guys


more in solidarity with the practitioners who dont have an anal fixation on any bit of dust or clutter......those of us who grovel on our benches and really get down and drty.....those of us who couldn't do brain surgery on our benches.....those of us who actually do more than spend hours a day scrubbing down the work area to the same sterile, rigid standards enforced by swmbo in the kitchen and dunny....
i am glad there are others who dont have a "home beautiful" style shed.....

lets be proud of a messy work benches.
congratulations i say to those who have posted before me

we should really be thinking of an award for the grottiest work area shown in this thread

when i get in my shed i love it to be messy....its my place and swmbo does critique it every so often but i just tell her to b%gger off

27th June 2007, 08:38 PM
congratulations i say to those who have posted before me

every so often but i just tell her to b%gger off

Thats the spirit.

Al :2tsup:

27th June 2007, 08:59 PM
4 out of the 5 benches in my shed are in a similar state of use. The clean one is the new one which I am still finishing with Danish oil:) , although during construction, it was the resting place for a lot of . . . . :D

27th June 2007, 09:17 PM
You've got a bench? Luxury! When I were lad we never used to 'ave no benches. Used to have to do our work on dirt floor after we'd licked it clean. Used to have to start work half an hour before we went to bed, work 29 hour day in't shop for tuppence a day, and when we'd get home our dad would slash us in'two with bread knife. If we were lucky.

Tell that t' kids of t'day and they won't believe you.

Seriously, I long for the day I can make my bench untidy. At the moment there are two "work surfaces" ( I wouldn't glorify them by calling them benches) in our workshop that I can do my work on, and neither of them are accessible because of the mounds of furniture and bits stacked in front of / on top of / around them. :C :C

dai sensei
27th June 2007, 09:27 PM
Well my shed is always messy, but at the moment it is particularly bad. So I couldn't resist going down and taking a few photos :U :oo:

Pics 1&2 main benches
Pic 3 Table saw & Bandsaw (with superjaws in foreground not escaping crap)
Pic 4 Router table & drill bench

and you thought those were bad, the house isn't much better :doh: Pic 5 Stuff from WWW show on dining room table waiting for room in the shed :o :U

These photos should give Major a heart attack :roll:

Now do I win or what?

27th June 2007, 09:48 PM
Pic 4.......its the Triton Storage Bench 1600 Mk 2....:U

Al :q

27th June 2007, 10:07 PM
This picture is entitled, "Making a Box".


It's there ... somewhere ...

Regards from Perth


27th June 2007, 10:20 PM
*breaths a sigh of relief*

I feel right at home now.

BTW Neil, I'm glad I'm not the only who does the belt sander in a vice thing. :doh:

27th June 2007, 10:26 PM
What a sad thread. People displaying there filth like this in public:no:

I like to think the way people look after and maintain there tools, machines and workspace, reflects on their work:rolleyes:

And Derek, thats not messy, thats a good healthy work in progress bench:2tsup:

27th June 2007, 10:29 PM
I feel completely at ease now, thanks fella's, I am obviously in good company. My reason is simply, I am too old to waste time cleaning up, it only takes 20 minutes to restore chaos to the three days "cleaning".

27th June 2007, 10:44 PM
Well my shed is always messy, but at the moment it is particularly bad. ..........

These photos should give Major a heart attack :roll:

Now do I win or what?

I....... errrrrr, umh.......... errrrr, ah, I'm..........

Somewhat lost for words here. :wink: :o :o :o

Do you actually do any work in the shed Neil? I mean, it looks to be beyond the laws of physics. Then again the space/time continuum might just have it's first deviation into the fourth dimension.

I vote Neil the winner!! :2tsup:

27th June 2007, 10:45 PM
*breaths a sigh of relief*

I feel right at home now.

BTW Neil, I'm glad I'm not the only who does the belt sander in a vice thing. :doh:
My thoughts exactly, except I only have an orbital sander, which looks just pathetic.

I hope this isn't a code violation, but my Dad was the sort of boss someone mentioned early, where "The jobs not finished until its cleaner than before you started". Unfortunately its stuck, so I get upset if I cant drive a golf cart around my workshop and along the bench before I start work. Of course at the moment, I'm in the setting up stage of my woodworking career, so I spend more time organising tools than actually using them. Hoping to fit the Dawn vice tomorrow and try out the new grinder wheel on my hand twirled vice - just like the one in Derek's pic.

27th June 2007, 10:57 PM
Al, credit where credit is due. That is a damn fine mess your working in. I'd post a pic of mine but I can't get close enough:D

Cliff Rogers
27th June 2007, 11:12 PM
Ask me for a certain item and I can lay my hands on it.:cool:

Al :U

Lay your hand on what???? :rolleyes:

27th June 2007, 11:28 PM
Thank you, one and all, for the photos. All the previous pics in these forums (fora?) have shown workshops which have come out of the pages of Home Beautiful and SWMBO has used them as proof that I'm the only bench piggy among our salubrious company.
I clean up my bench every couple of years to make sure that there are no termites infesting it. This procedure also tends to uncover bits and pieces that I thought had been purloined or that had dissolved into cyberspace.

27th June 2007, 11:28 PM
:rotfl: And I thought my hubby was the only one that did that to the workshop! Be alright if i didnt have to share it with him.

I usually push his mess back and work around it, but every few months it just gets too much and I find myself saying not very ladylike things in a not very ladylike way and throwing things out of the shed. Then WE spend nearly a whole day giving it a total cleanup, with the reward of a couple of bourbons to douse the dust.


27th June 2007, 11:40 PM
Still on the missing in action list!. Will post a pic if I can find it!!:D

27th June 2007, 11:41 PM
Well my shed is always messy, but at the moment it is particularly bad. So I couldn't resist going down and taking a few photos :U :oo:

Pics 1&2 main benches
Pic 3 Table saw & Bandsaw (with superjaws in foreground not escaping crap)
Pic 4 Router table & drill bench

and you thought those were bad, the house isn't much better :doh: Pic 5 Stuff from WWW show on dining room table waiting for room in the shed :o :U

These photos should give Major a heart attack :roll:

Now do I win or what?

which pic is the lounge room?????
ack ack ack ack ack !!!!

you win hands down

28th June 2007, 12:39 AM
And Derek, thats not messy, thats a good healthy work in progress bench:2tsup:

I have to agree with Lignum, there is definitely a difference. Most of these other pictures are a testament as to why the emergency section of any public hospital generally has at least one bloke sitting in it with his hand bandaged up wincing in pain at any time every weekend:oo: .

I am no saint when it comes to keeping my shed clean but I never let my immediate work area get to that state, trip hazards, spill hazards, electrical nightmares and crush injuries just waiting to happen. Not wanting to be a kill joy but you have to ask yourself is the use of all your fingers and both eyes really not worth spending an hour cleaning up? I can just see it in the worksafe writeup:

"it appears the deceased jumped backwards when his finger was caught between the router blade and the improperly mounted bench vice tripping on a box of watsamedads on the way causing the tangled cord of the router which was still in his hand to knock over a container of turps from a shelf splashing into his eyes which further caused him to step backwards again at which time the cord contacted a 200kg stack of hardwood planks that was inappropriately stored causing them to slide across the face of the bench dislodging the inverted belt sander mounted in the a formentioned vice. It appears the sander has subsequently fallen from the vice into a bucket of water that had been used for quenching hot steel the previous day causing the electrical circuitry in the shed to short out. It is likley that now in complete darkness and staggering in pain the deceased person has proceeded to trip over a rubbish box falling onto the concrete head first. Autopsy has shown that the deceased has died in his sleep that night from a blood clot in his right temperal lobe."

This is a bit of a light hearted take on what could happen but in all seriousness we should all be taking more care of our work area, especially when we are using equipment that is proven to be dangerous, it is far to easy for a simple trip or slip to turn nasty.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
28th June 2007, 01:00 AM
Pic 4 Router table & drill bench

I see you've found the same use for the Triton router table as I did for mine. IMHO it's certainly no damned good as a router table... :rolleyes:

28th June 2007, 01:51 AM
When I finish work I try to say to myself - now just put away 10 tools, then go and have a beer. . . . . . . .
Doesn't seem to help much, I seem to be getting further behind, might have to up 15!

28th June 2007, 07:09 AM
I would show you mine, but the camera is somewhere on the bench......

28th June 2007, 09:33 AM
I have to confess that I'm starting to really get into the groove of Major's style of shed. I tend to sweep up when I finish a section of work and can put that tool away, eg circular saw, electric hand planer. I find I even stop in the middle of a job and do a tidy up, sweep, put tools away etc and then continue on. I suppose it's because the shed's new and already half of it is such a big mess that I trip over and give myself some very nasty bruises just trying to find that piece I just know is in there somewhere, i only put it there last weekend:oo: . Besides, it's really hard trying to install panelling and cabinets when there's stuff in the way. But the best bit is when I can simply walk out at night and leave everything exactly where I left it. :D


28th June 2007, 09:39 AM
But the best bit is when I can simply walk out at night and leave everything exactly where I left it. :D


Same here, its a good feeling isnt it!!:2tsup:

Al :U:U:U

28th June 2007, 09:47 AM
But what are all you blokes doing sneaking into my shed and taking pictures?:D

Terry B
28th June 2007, 10:16 AM
I can see that you will put your new tool roll to good use cleaning up the mess.:)

28th June 2007, 10:22 AM
Mine's looking not too bad at the moment.

28th June 2007, 10:38 AM
LOL re the bench and floors :U:U


Where do these strange storage containers with the big holes in the sides come from - I've noticed that they appear in many internal shed pix - I've seen some of these containers out in the wild but they come with names and dire warnings on them - I'd like to find a couple but am having some difficulty.

28th June 2007, 10:46 AM
Err, my father was the milkman? :)


I used to have 20 of them (enough to make a base for a double bed). Don't know where they all went. Must be a big problem for the dairy industry. The fish guys would have bit of trouble too...

28th June 2007, 10:47 AM
Where do these strange storage containers with the big holes in the sides come from - I've noticed that they appear in many internal shed pix - I've seen some of these containers out in the wild but they come with names and dire warnings on them - I'd like to find a couple but am having some difficulty.

The couple that I have, just walked in one night like stray cats and adopted me, honest:D

28th June 2007, 01:59 PM
Here's mine....:rolleyes:

28th June 2007, 03:04 PM
I will have to admit that my shed is a total mess at the moment.

I had to try to fit this (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r274/tameriska/Img00033-1.jpg) in over the pit, so nearly everything got moved.

The docker (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r274/tameriska/docker.jpg) bench is not too bad, wont take too long to clear that off.

The workbench (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r274/tameriska/vice.jpg) is totally buried, but I can still reach the vice to use it.

The sawbench (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r274/tameriska/sawbnch.jpg) works out too handy as a convienient flat surface.

I cant even get to the lathe at the moment.

Oh well, it's gotta improve now that I've gotten the car out of the shed.

28th June 2007, 05:07 PM
You people are pigs, and Im proud of you all.

Al :2tsup:

28th June 2007, 05:23 PM

Is this the winner??? snicker snicker this has been a fun thread

28th June 2007, 05:26 PM
I think the test should be to show the bench that you work at - not the one you toss all the junk on.....:D

28th June 2007, 05:42 PM
I think the test should be to show the bench that you work at - not the one you toss all the junk on.....:D

Ummm, this is the bench that I work on :((, it just looks worse than it is

28th June 2007, 09:08 PM
Pic 1 - Main bench, with borrowed Chiwanese Lathe, Record 6" vice, Beer Fridge and Junk
Pic 2 - Fidax Bench Drill and Dawn 6" Offset vice
Pic 3 - 6" Grinder amd Ryobi Linisher
Pic 4 - Hammered Bench - Junk everywhere:)
Pic 5 - Intoducing Thumper. Clean because I have not been in the shed since Sunday, after I covered it in DO.

28th June 2007, 09:20 PM
Just to prove the mess continues . . .
Pic 1 - umm, mess between the new bech, saw, hammerlock bench, sheet goods, scraps etc

Pic 2 - Sidchrome tool chest . . .

28th June 2007, 09:30 PM
You all deserve the pig in poo award for youre effort.


Al :2tsup:

28th June 2007, 09:45 PM
i got sick of the floor of my workshop being coverd in offcuts so i built a shoot out the side into a big bin but that didnt last long about 2 hours and then the entrance to the shoot became a shelf because there was no room left on the benches, i usualy clean out my workshop once the floor gets to unstable to walk on usualy a box trailer load of offcuts and oldsand paper to go on the fire heap and another trailerload of sawdust to got to my nabours stables. i have shelvs and racks for all my tools but it is just easyer to plonk the tool on the bench and rumige threw the swdust and offcuts and sawdust to find it again.

28th June 2007, 09:55 PM
it is just easyer to plonk the tool on the bench and rumige threw the swdust and offcuts and sawdust to find it again.

Its just like a big lucky dip..

Al :cool:

28th June 2007, 10:00 PM

Let me preempt the untidy part of the workshop with some better images. At least you'll know SWMBO does a good job of keeping the HOUSE and surrounds tidy :D

Of course I *DO* have a reason for this untidiness (yeah, yeah, yeah I know :D ) I just don't have any storage space except for the benchtops :D

I am working on that problem at the moment, so I hope these and the following images are the "BEFORE" images :D

28th June 2007, 10:02 PM

The REAL *Nerve Centre* of the house! :D Well *I* think it's the most important part :2tsup:

28th June 2007, 10:09 PM
I saw your first 2 pics of so called untidiness and thought..pfffttttt.


I saw your other pics :2tsup:

Cool.... :U:U:U

Al :cool:

28th June 2007, 10:18 PM
SOme of you guys still have too many things on your pegboard to qualify. They also all look like they are in their right places as well! :D :D

Honorary Bloke
28th June 2007, 10:24 PM

Let me preempt the untidy part of the workshop with some better images. At least you'll know SWMBO does a good job of keeping the HOUSE and surrounds tidy :D

How did you achieve that colour scheme in pic 1? :rolleyes: :D

28th June 2007, 10:27 PM
How did you achieve that colour scheme in pic 1? :rolleyes: :D

Its Bizzaro world.

Al :D

28th June 2007, 10:52 PM
How did you achieve that colour scheme in pic 1? :rolleyes: :DSomething like this........

Honorary Bloke
29th June 2007, 06:17 AM
Well, here's my entry. Nothing to Al's, of course, but still an ugly sight:

Pic 1: The teaser. Actual table where most of the work gets done. :)

Pic 2: But just turn around and :oo:

Pic 3: Or any flat surface, really :rolleyes:

Pic 4: Or any large tool, for the matter of that. :D

All well within the Code of Practice. :-

29th June 2007, 10:41 AM
Hey great benches fellas and gals,

I am humbled by your shed environs, thought 'I' had storage problems but wow, you win hands down. Admirable efforts all, ya deserve medals. Will never complain again about a cramped workspace.

Am almost embarrassed to show my comparatively tidy bench. The shame, the shame.


29th June 2007, 10:59 AM
Hey great benches fellas and gals,

I am humbled by your shed environs, thought 'I' had storage problems but wow, you win hands down. Admirable efforts all, ya deserve medals. Will never complain again about a cramped workspace.

Am almost embarrassed to show my comparatively tidy bench. The shame, the shame.


I'm too embarrassed to show pics of my mess. :D
Somewhere underneath it all there is , (or was) a bench:oo:

29th June 2007, 11:37 AM
Most of my trouble is I don't actually have places to store most of my tools and work peices. I'm gonna steal some ideas from these pics and get to work.

*runs to the workshop, looks for space to start working on shelves.... retires for the day*

Four benches and no space to work, there's a universal mystery at work here :(

29th June 2007, 12:30 PM
This thread is actually driving me to build more benches in my shed and clean it up!! :oo: :D

29th June 2007, 12:37 PM
How did you achieve that colour scheme in pic 1? :rolleyes: :D
Just in case that was a serious question, I used Paint Shop Pro X :D

29th June 2007, 12:49 PM
This thread is actually driving me to build more benches in my shed and clean it up!! :oo: :D

But if you have benches, but no shelves, drawers and cupboards, you will have to put the stuff on the benches, which rather defeats the purpose.:D :D

29th June 2007, 01:57 PM

29th June 2007, 03:45 PM
Pics 1 & 2. The sea of chaos in the centre, including the gardening gear, old computers, son’s drum kit, as well as all the stuff from the last move which didn’t find a home.

Pic 3. Not fair, I just tidied up at the w/e to start the next (ok ,ok finish the last….) project, so can’t really compete

Pic 4. WIP. Dovetailed drawers for bedside tables completed last year. The old steel bench with ply top cost $10, and has followed me half across the world. Works OK.

Pic 5. Not enough toys on the toolboard to compete!

29th June 2007, 03:58 PM
Pics 1 & 2. Turning tool cupboard and lathe.

Pic 3 BS and homemade saw table / router table.

Pic 4 Sharpening, microwave and more clutter.

29th June 2007, 05:33 PM
Time to fess up
This has been one of the messiest and and most untidiest threads for a while and I love it, but........:hahaha::rotfl:

I only had all that crap on my bench while I rearranged some shelves in the shed. :U

Here is a pic of the "real" mess.

Al :kiss:

29th June 2007, 05:37 PM
Yeah righto Al, we believe ya mate :p

Honorary Bloke
29th June 2007, 09:25 PM
Time to fess up
I only had all that crap on my bench while I rearranged some shelves in the shed.

Here is a pic of the "real" mess. Al

Is that your latest project in the middle of the bench, mate? :D :D :rolleyes:

dai sensei
29th June 2007, 09:54 PM
This thread is actually driving me to build more benches in my shed and clean it up!! :oo: :D

My shed used to be clean, my web page still shows it in its glory, but it comes to a point were you run out of room to put more benches or shelves and then I gave up. I promose I will clean it up before the next BBQ though Wendy, just not to Major's standard :U

I'm loving the thread though

29th June 2007, 10:15 PM
Geez, I'm not that bad am I?? :oo: :? :D Don't answer that!!!! :doh:

You never know how things will turn out when I've settled into the shed well and truly :U

30th June 2007, 07:08 PM
here is mine. thank god im not the only one.http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/attachment.php?attachmentid=49651&stc=1&d=1183190717


30th June 2007, 08:00 PM
Is that your latest project in the middle of the bench, mate? :D :D :rolleyes:

Yep sure is..

I plan to restore the Asian travelling Temple to its full glory. :2tsup:

Al :cool:

Honorary Bloke
30th June 2007, 11:05 PM
Yep sure is..

I plan to restore the Asian travelling Temple to its full glory. :2tsup:

Al :cool:

I will say you appear to have your work cut out. :rolleyes: :D

2nd July 2007, 08:43 PM
Here's my home workbench.

Never clean, even when I clean it.:wink:

Wish I had pictures of some of the boatsheds and cabinet places I've worked at, they'd make all the workshops posted so far, look like organised operating theatres. ;)

3rd July 2007, 10:34 PM
Here's my workbench in its untidiest state, in the middle of a job as I left it last night, and the third picture in its (un)natural state.

9th July 2007, 11:22 AM
Finally got the next workbench built. Challenged myself to not buy anything to build it, (except a drawer unit) but had to be built from existing supplies - anything to try to reduce the pile a little.

So I've finally found a good use for the extra laundry bench, a good spot for the drawer units and the sandpaper storage units.

Isn't it always the way, as soon as one bench is finished it fills up immediately.....


9th July 2007, 11:39 AM
Here's my home workbench.

Never clean, even when I clean it.:wink:

Wish I had pictures of some of the boatsheds and cabinet places I've worked at, they'd make all the workshops posted so far, look like organised operating theatres. ;)

That's a GOOD LOOKING radial arm saw in the background :) looks like mine :2tsup:

9th July 2007, 12:21 PM
Dear Richard.
That empty benchtop looks indecent. I get quite disturbed when I see something as naked as that. Put a wood shaving on it, at least.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
9th July 2007, 01:58 PM
Isn't it always the way, as soon as one bench is finished it fills up immediately.....

It's all that space being wasted by those curtains! :D

Given any though to making wooding curtains with shelves? If you really need light that bad you can always hang another fluoro. :innocent::p

Capt. Zero
9th July 2007, 02:07 PM
I would post a photo of mine , but today is the day it gets it's quarterly cleaning whether it needs it or not:- .

My kind of filing system; I believe in a place for everything and everything all over the place.

"eat or be eaten"

9th July 2007, 03:52 PM
I'm jelouse all that room and benches to throw junk n work onto floor space too.

Like someone else has stated when doing my trade I got into the practie of clean start clean finish and it stuck more so due to the fact of moving from one area to another.

Can't leave mess around:no: wheelinround ...no room to wheel round if you do and if I'm hobbling round on the pins stuff on the floor:doh:.

Now my father inlaws or sons place that another matter you have to wear full battle fatuiges go in with a Bob Cat just to open the door.