View Full Version : 12 Step to a further addiction

30th June 2007, 08:03 PM
I been thinking with any addiction there is a 12 step program to help get over the worse

1--pick the blank
2-- pick the kit
3--check the components colour matches the wood
4--cut the blank
5--drill the blank
6--turn the blank to appropiate shape...hands shaking will start to subside by this point
7-- sand the blank
8-- finish the blank with finish of choice
9-- take it off the lathe
10-- build the pen
11-- Give Jim, Gary, Brett etc some money for more kits
12--shakes start again have to start again:D

What do you reckon sounds better or you got a better 12 step program?

Fireman sam
30th June 2007, 09:43 PM
Hi Toni
I think that you are absolutly right spot on :2tsup: :2tsup: :2tsup: :2tsup: :2tsup: :2tsup:Andrew

1st July 2007, 06:32 AM
Thanks for the idea Toni,

1. Firstly admit that we are helpless in the need for more pens to be built, there is only one solution, more pens needed.
2. We come to believe that by relying on a greater activity we can solve the problem.
3. We make a decision to make pens.
4. We do a fearless and searching inventory of our stuff looking for bits.
5. Admit to SWMBO the exact nature of our lack of the correct bits
6. We become entirely ready to let our suppliers overcome the shortages in inventory.
7. We humbly place an order.
8. We make a list of all of those who need a pen, known and not known to ourselves.
9. Make the pens for those poor souls we have identified.
10. Make conscious contact with the "zen of pen"
11. Go and spread the word, join the forum, live happily ever after.

In all seriousness, I have had enough friends in AA over the years to know that step 10 is where they come unstuck, they lose their pens so to speak,

As for me, I refuse to admit that there is a problem


1st July 2007, 11:01 AM
Well done Sebastiaan. You did good. I thought this could be worth a laugh.

Yep I know where your coming with AA. My Dad is a sober Alcholics celebrating this years 30 years dry. (but I have a couple of mates that not lucky)
Bye Toni

Skew ChiDAMN!!
1st July 2007, 10:50 PM
As for me, I refuse to admit that there is a problem

Problem? Problem? What problem? :?

The only thing I see that could even remotely pass as one is that other people have a problem with my pen turning. (The worst are the creditors who want to get paid. :p)

5th July 2007, 03:00 AM
Turning pens what problem ?
1 turning the pen .
2 finishing the pen
3 bringing the pen to bench to assemble .
4 spending the next hour trying to find the parts , which I put down on the bench .
5 finding i put the part i want on the lathe bench ,now covered in sawdust .
6 now putting it all together only to find out i've put it all back the front about .
7 disassembling it putting it back together the right way .
8 noticing i've stuffed the finish .
9 disassembling the damn thing again
10 re finishing
11 re assembling
12 finding out its the wrong blank for this pen any how (then going up stairs for a bigg drink ):doh: