View Full Version : neutralise cedar resin

Phil davidson
4th July 2007, 12:25 AM
Require information on how to neutralise resin leeching out of lacquered hymalayan cedar timber (cedar deodara)

4th July 2007, 12:30 AM
Welcome to the forum and all that Phil but why would you want to???? It smells great! - and keeps the bugs at bay!

Phil davidson
4th July 2007, 06:31 PM
I know it smells great, but I have a small cafe fit out and they need the table tops lacquered., but they keep oozing resin, and the tops become rather sticky.
All help and advice gratefully accepted.

4th July 2007, 07:45 PM
Well I'm absolutely no help to you Phil but it sounds just like Beefwood - doesn't seem to matter how you finish it, the resin just keeps squeezin' out. Haven't found a solution to that yet either :shrug:

4th July 2007, 08:11 PM
G'Day Phil

Tried a search on your problem and got this link as an answer, perhaps you could chat tp wattyl the maker?
http://www.wattyl.co.nz/new%20site/Architects%20CD/Technical_Data_Sheets/Timber/WT550%20Estafil%20100.pdf (http://www.wattyl.co.nz/new%20site/Architects%20CD/Technical_Data_Sheets/Timber/WT550%20Estafil%20100.pdf)


Phil davidson
4th July 2007, 08:13 PM
Don't s'pose where else I can go to try to find a solution.

4th July 2007, 08:20 PM
G'Day Phil

Haymes also state "Cedar, Redwood and Cypress
These woods have high water soluble contents (resin and/or tannic acid) and extra drying times are necessary before painting otherwise staining may occur. Use a primer that retards and seals in extractive bleeding discolouration and moisture problems e.g. Haymes Wood Primer Pink/White. Drying time could be 60/90 days or longer in some instances depending on the moisture absorbed by the wood. It is very important to use a moisture metre to test the surface before applying coating. "
Email is www.haymespaint.com.au (http://www.haymespaint.com.au)


Phil davidson
4th July 2007, 08:32 PM
Thamks Bernie

These slabs were milled about 8 years ago. It seems to be more an issue with cedar deodara than than other timbers. The resin seems to stay fairly dormant on rough sawn and sanded slabs and does not seep until it is lacquered.

4th July 2007, 08:41 PM
its the moisture in the finish that dose it.

try painting it with metho or terps first that might fix the problem

Phil davidson
4th July 2007, 08:45 PM

Wonder what the chance is of trying to neutralise it after it has been lacquered and installed. mmmm!!!!

4th July 2007, 10:21 PM
Seem to recall a similar question on a yank forum a few years ago.
The answer given then was to seal the timber with shellac