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28th August 2003, 08:40 AM
You say g'day, I say hi y'all! Greeting from Wood Hell, aka Phoenix, AZ. The place where it only takes a few days to get down to 6% moisture in your wood cuz that's the humidity here. 'Course the wood's full of cracks by then, but that's what CA glue is for, right?

But seriously, glad to find your forum. I skimmed through a few posts and decided this would be a good place to land.

A bit about myself. Been living in AZ for about 25 years, originally from Oregon. I love the sunshine.

Been doin wood for nearly my whole life, but picked up woodturning a few years ago when I started making pens. Then started making boxes and bowls. Then I had to buy another lathe. And I'll prbably have to buy another, bigger lathe before this is all over. Why didn't someone warn me?

I have recently come into some Taz blackwood. Beautiful stuff. The I read soeone recommending it for kitchware. I thought the stuff had some measure of toxicity?

I also got some Taz pink myrtle. My first experience was not very good. The stuff cracked really bad. Guess I'll have to be more careful about drying it out.

Well I look forward to learning a lot from y'all. Who know? You might even learn something from me!

Richard in AZ

28th August 2003, 11:21 AM
This web thing's amazing really,
your'e there, wer'e here & all share similar passions.
You may wish to have a look at this site on Tasmanian Timbers, it is very informative & you may even request a sample veneer pack to be mailed to you.
The Myrtle is a truly beautiful piece of timber, such a pity it cracked.
What sort of temperatures do you experience throughout the year?
Good luck.

29th August 2003, 02:50 AM
Thanks! I have seen that website, but I never requested the veneer samples. Didn't think they'd spring for the international postage. Think I'll go back and give it a try.

Now here's a question for you southern hemispherical turners: I get the impression that woodturning is like a national sport for all of you. Seems like everyone is doing it down there. Is it true? If so, what's the reason?

BTW The second lathe I bought was a Mercury and I really love it. Just for fun, I outboard turned an 11 inch bowl from curly (soft) maple, just to see if the lathe could take it. You had to be careful not to take too big of a bite, but the bowl turned out great!

The weather in Arizona is quite pleasant for most of the year. From mid-May to mid-September though things get pretty hot. Around mid-July we get 110+ (sorry. you'll have to convert to celcius.) That's not so bad actaully because, as we put it, it's a dry heat (low humidity). When the monsoons arrive in August is when you just can't work your garage because not only is it 100+, but the humidity is 30+%. The sweat dripping on your turning ruins the finish!

Now I bet there's some readers in Oz who think that's nothing. And it probably is from what I read about the weather in Oz.

I have a lot to learn about drying wood without cracking. Has anyone tried boiling the wood? I read some intersting articles on this technique.


29th August 2003, 06:59 PM
Hi Richard
All of Oz is not as hot as you would like to think.
Im just noth of Melbourne, and today was about 16C ( to convert C to F, just double it and add 30, vise versa for F to C, its near enough.)
But we get days of 40C in summer with 50% humidity.
Im a bricklayer, and on the humid days the sweat drips into the mortar and keeps it workable....................yeah right.
Im usualy at home waaaaaaaaaaaaay before then.:D
My woodworking at the moment is mainly tables and cabinets, with the odd ( very odd, (read peculiar)) jewelry box.
I want to make a coffin some time soon, no Im not dieing, but I plan to in the future.

Cheers, Allan

re do 4 u
2nd September 2003, 09:09 PM
just a word on blackwood, it always makes my hands go black when i work or sand it, and i have heard that it can cause breathing problems. why is it that these dangers seem to surface after years of working with the stuff??
i have been to nevada 3 times but never az. maybe next time. all my best vacations have been in the u.s, i got married in vagas 15 years ago, just love it there but the heat knocked me out last time-7 days straight over 100f
