View Full Version : Little Blue Pot

dai sensei
15th July 2007, 01:52 PM
Ok this started as a green lump of Morton Bay Fig from Soundman. I few members mentioned this stuff was crap, and after this exercise, I tend to agree. When green it has beautiful figure and a whitish colour. Unfortunately as it dries it goes a horrible mouldy grey colour.

I tried putting it in shavings drying it slow, drying it fast (that caused cracks :(( ), drying it slow again, spraying it with Exitmould - nothing stopped the mould. The Exitmould did turn it white on the surface, but underneath it was that horrible colour.

I turned it, being very careful with a mask because of the mould, then sprayed it with Exitmould again, even dropped it in bleach for a while, but I couldn't get it back to the orginal white all over. So after sanding to 1200 I dyed it blue - I used Ubeaut's stuff. I used Ubeaut's sealer first to try and get an even coat. Then used hot water mix to start with, but ended up with staight out of the bottle to get a beautiful deep blue.

As I sanded it again, with just 1200, some areas still reverted to the lighter colour which I didn't like, but those areas did show the chatoyance (3D effect). So I went back through the sand paper grades to sand back and show the chatoyance all over, but that didn't work either and I ended up with a half and half.

The photo doesn't show the chatoyance too well, but can't say I'm happy with the overall result anyway. My son just said - "that looks pretty crappy" :doh: :U It's finished with Shellewax and Shellewax Cream.


Gil Jones
15th July 2007, 02:27 PM
Hey, Neil, I like the shape of your bowl a lot!! :2tsup:
I am wondering how it would look if you used more than one color.
Use any color, sand it, then apply the next color and it might color the sanded areas(??). Maybe even a third color.
Then lacquer (or some clear coat) to get that deep look.

15th July 2007, 04:38 PM
As you say Mr Sensei, nicely configured grain - shame about the discolouration. I think the blue finish was a practical way to disguise the problem.

I also agree with Gil, nice shape you ended up with. Put a handle on it and it could be a mini version of one of the old chamber pots?

15th July 2007, 09:21 PM
I like it.

I think it's a very clever idea to use colour like that to emphasize the grain.

I think it looks bloody good and you've given me some ideas......

15th July 2007, 10:10 PM
I was wondering what that fig would do...... I wonder if it burns?

I dosn't look too bad.


16th July 2007, 12:22 AM
....... My son just said - "that looks pretty crappy" ......Offspring are a joy aren't they!! I used to get "Just a piece a wood!" - then I kicked him out! :;
I like what you did with the colour Neil - must have a play with some myself some time. :U

16th July 2007, 09:06 AM
What Gil said.
I like it too. Shape is nice. (with or without the handle) :)
Looks sort of like ash grain... never saw fig that large before... all I've ever seen was about 50mm dia with the bark.
.... now where did I put that red dye.....

16th July 2007, 09:27 AM
Good one Neil!! a good save! That blue water dye of UBeaut's is great.


16th July 2007, 11:09 PM
I turned some Morton Bay last year and had the same problem with the mould lines through the wood - it was hard to find bits without it. I too tried the bleach trick and it didn't doo much good. Used some red cedar stain and food dye helped hide some, other pieces I just let go and went with the spalted look.

The blue looks really nice.

I wonder if it burns
some of it did end up going to the fire, and I wasn't really all that worried!:-


17th July 2007, 11:39 AM
I wonder how it would look in black, that would cover the mould.

Maybe I should try some of "Soundman's Ebonising Solution"...... AKA..... thinned out GMH flat black.:D


17th July 2007, 12:26 PM
I like the color.... cool, I might try some color on some American Holly I screwed up and allow to get a gray color. Your bowl reminds me of a chamber pot my mom has beside the bed. (No she doesn't use it but has it there as a reminder of the olden days) Chamber pot or not, itis a good design and the color is unique.

Thanks for the post & Pictures.