View Full Version : Advice on CD unit needed.

16th July 2007, 04:42 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum and also have absolutely no experience woodworking, however I've decided I want to build myself a CD storage unit but have a small problem which I was hoping I could get your thoughts on. I'll attempt to explain the situation as clearly as possible, but if I haven't explained something very well, let me know.
I store my CD's in carry cases just like this one: http://www.djstore.co.uk/images/products/large/cas/cascd30.jpg)

The CD's themselves are held in a plastic case in the bag, which is removable. What I am hoping to do is build a number of modules, each of which hold four of these cases. I want to be able to stack these modules however I like. So, for each module, I will attempt to build a frame which will have a horizontal and vertical length of wood in the middle to divide it into 4 quarters, in which the cases will live.

My problem is that if I do it this way, where each module meets, the wood will be twice the width as it will be on the outside of the whole CD unit. So, the wood on the perimeter of the unit will look as though it is half the width in comparison to where the seperate modules meet. The best solution so far regarding a way to get around this has come from my Dad. He has suggested that the wood on the bottom back half and the wood on the top front half of each of the modules be removed so that they can be stacked on top of each other and give the apperance of a single width of wood. This would work well, but it would still leave the side lengths at a double width.

Does anyone else have any ideas? Have I confused you all? I'd be pleased to clarify any points of confusion.
Thank you,

19th July 2007, 03:19 PM
1. I don't think that your aesthetic fear is going to be as big a problem as you might imagine
2. But if you are worried then you could try doors that overlap the edge of the box.
3. Or simply have a horizontal divide in the main box and then have two T shaped sliding frames (one above the other) with a draw front on each to carry two of your cases side by side - draw front overlaps the total case.