View Full Version : Road Test of Uni Jig.

28th October 1999, 09:03 PM
Gooday all.

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, but I've been flat strap.

As all those that know me, I freehand sharpen all my chisels. For a while I have been looking at jigs for sharpening chisels so that my helpers can sharpen the tools that they use sometimes to rough stock down instead of me stopping what I am doing( I hate having my cuppas interrupted) to sharpen them.

Much as I hate to admit it, I think I might have found it.

The Unijig is easy to set up following the fairly detailed instructions. I had to jack my grinder up a bit but it was no drama. I have a 6" grinder but the blurb says it can be used on all size grinders.

Sharpening gouges is one area that the jig excels at. Skews took me a little playing around but I finally worked it out. Because of some of the peculiar grinds (bite your tongue stoppers http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif) on my tools I had to play around a little with the reccommended settings that come in the book.

All in all a rather neat tool that does what it says, (It'll even do drills) and has a definite use for those that can't freehand sharpen and with practise is quite fast to use.

A word of caution. It pays to know roughly what the correct angles for each tool is so that you can judge if it is grinding the correct way.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

Grand Poobah
29th October 1999, 02:05 AM
SHAME ON YOU http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/frown.gif

The Exhalted One (I was stopped but I'm going again now - just getting in before
Grand Poobah
Freehand Sharpener Extraordinair - (and crummy speller)

29th October 1999, 07:49 AM

My head is drooping in shame. http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/redface.gif

I still freehand my chisels.

The Uni jig is available at Beenatree Crafts, Jim Carrolls and other outlets aroumd Oz.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

[This message has been edited by (edited 29 October 1999).]

[This message has been edited by (edited 29 October 1999).]

[This message has been edited by (edited 29 October 1999).]

29th October 1999, 06:29 PM
I guess "the jig" is up. I know it is a shock Stoppers but I don't use it, Vick and Mick (sounds like a comedy duo) find it handy.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"