View Full Version : Hollowing Tools

5th September 2003, 02:55 PM
Found a couple of nice designs for urns/vases recently and am keen to have a go.

These will require some really deep hollowing and an amount of cutting behind a lip. Seems to me I need to invest in a hollowing tool of some description.

Have spent a fair bit of time searching the net and think I'm more confused now than ever. Sorby, Hamlet and a behemoth (pardon the pun) of tools on Yankee Sites.

Anyone care to offer any advice or at least experience of what works for them? :confused:


5th September 2003, 04:11 PM
you mean "plethora" not "Bohemoth" dont you ?


Sir Chiz
5th September 2003, 04:42 PM
Jamie,you may want to look at the Kelton hollower,
the cutters are sold as a three piece set,with a handle sold seperately.The cutters come in three sizes.
I have the smaller sized set and the handle will hold tool in each end.
Being made in N.Z.,they may be cheaper for you to buy than they are here.

Kelton Hollower (http://www.kelton.co.nz/hollow.html)


Jim Carroll
5th September 2003, 08:34 PM
I use and recommend the munro hollowing tool.
It has an articulated head which allows you to position the cutter head into any position you need, whether you are deep hollowing or creating a deep undercut lip. The depth of cut is adjustable so you can take deep cuts to get rid of the bulk material then adjust the guard to take smoother cuts to define your shape then adjust again to take your fine cuts and clean up and give an almost sanding free finish.
The guard acts as your bevel making it one of the easiest to use an reduces catches to almost zero.
This tool has a round cutter which is adjusted around as the edge dulls of. This can last a long time depending on what you are hollowing.For more info refer http://au.store.yahoo.com/cws-store/munholtool.html

5th September 2003, 10:23 PM
Yep..... Roly Munro's holowing tool is excellent. It is my humble opinion this tool has the wood on the others of this ilk. For starters it is a cutting tool not a scraper like some, and it is made by the originator of this style of tools. You will have to go a long way to get a better tool. There are a couple of similar tools around, but for mine, Roly's is the best.

Cheers - Neil :)
