View Full Version : ShopNotes mag

7th August 2007, 06:34 PM
Does anyone know of a library in Sydney that subscribes to ShopNotes?

8th August 2007, 02:14 AM
1. No

2. Border's bookshops have 'Airmail' copies in their mag stands - buy the interesting ones.

3. Do what I do - subscribe direct. It is relatively easy to subscribe, and the US dollar is low, so its even cheaper. http://www.shopnotes.com/

sea dragon
8th August 2007, 07:44 PM
North Sydney's Stanton Library do subscribe to a reasonable number of WW magazines.
If we both make a request, along with 200 of our "closest" friends, we might succeed.:;

My request will be there in the week.

8th August 2007, 07:57 PM
North Sydney's Stanton Library do subscribe to a reasonable number of WW magazines.
If we both make a request, along with 200 of our "closest" friends, we might succeed.:;

My request will be there in the week.

Good suggestion - I will put my request in next time I am there with the offspring.

Wood Butcher
8th August 2007, 08:33 PM
Is there a particular edition you are after? I have copies up to #85 if I can help

8th August 2007, 09:10 PM
Is there a particular edition you are after? I have copies up to #85 if I can help

Not really, WB - it just looked like a mag that I would like to browse through, but for which I could not justify a subscription.

8th August 2007, 10:25 PM
If anyone is interested in putting a chain together I am happy to post my copy to the first in the chain and get it back a month or 2 later.

11th August 2007, 07:54 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm not sure about any copyright infringement implications but I found some links a while ago you might be interested in looking into at (edit: Ethel don't look, politically incorrect ads included on this site) http://www.bittorrentshare.com/search/0/woodworking.html

Downloading entails installing certain peer to peer file sharing software on your PC and leaving it run for a couple of day (on a 256K broadband link).


11th August 2007, 04:14 PM
If anyone is interested in putting a chain together I am happy to post my copy to the first in the chain and get it back a month or 2 later.

How does this work, I might be interested and I could contribute "workbench" magazine???

Master Splinter
11th August 2007, 11:55 PM
Umm.... the torrent site link, the ads at the top of the page certainly got my woodworking.... :wink:

(sorry, I just had to say that :)) )

12th August 2007, 07:31 AM
Ah yes, oops. :)(:B

I guess I have been either using the internet too long or visited too many workshops when I was growing up. My inbuilt tolerance meter failed to trip over to politically correct on time. Now be a good boy and don't go searching for anything else on that site or I'll have to tell your mother! ;-)

12th August 2007, 09:56 PM
Hi fuzzie, the way it works is that 5 or 6 people who trust each other and/or have the same demented interest, put together a chain of addresses whereby the first buys, reads, posts to the second after a week or so, who posts to the third etc and then the (in this case) magazine eventually goes home to number 1.
I used to do it with aeroplane magazines and photos. The photo chain had another element. Each receiver would do a critique of all of the photos in the envelope, take out theirs with the critique, and then add another.
The web pretty much killed it off because the magazines could be downloaded or (illegally?) shared and the photos could be sent to all at once.

sea dragon
13th August 2007, 08:48 PM
Sorry, it is a considered opinion now, but I really do not think I recognise one of the fair damsels from the Sydney WWF show. I know they are locals, but perhaps I was too engrossed in sharpening my skills to have seen them.
I am positive I have not seen any at Stanton Library.
Any others have any success in recognising them? Any uncles see their neices?
Is this getting off topic?