View Full Version : Vic Wood Update (final)

7th November 1999, 11:26 PM
To all of Vic's friends.

Last night (Saturday) Beaut and I had a couple of burbons with Vic, Bev and Jeff (their son from USA). Well Vic, Jeff and I had the bourbons whilst the women had tea. Huh.

I can now report that Vic is home and doing really well. (He has actually been home for 2 weeks but we wanted to keep it quiet and give them a little peace to get on with the job of rehabilitation)

Vic is doing extremely well and can walk in a reasonably straight line, at least, until the bourbon kicks in. He still has no feeling for pain etc. on the right side but this is expected to come back. Can't walk a tight rope yet but will be able to soon as he is practicing really hard.

All in all a remarkable recovery for a remarkable man.

I apologize for the deception and not letting you know earlier about his return home but I am sure it was for the best, for both Vic and Bev.

Neil http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif