View Full Version : A few of my first attempts.

Mrs Woodpecker
13th August 2007, 10:01 PM
I did these before I knew about the forum. The bowl was my first attempt at holowing across the grain. I tried it this way to retain the pattern. My tutor was quite impressed when I took it up to Rockhampton to show my fellow club members.
The large vase is Hairy Oak, the small one Budgeroo and Red Ash, candle holder is Tassie Blackwood, round clock is Marbled Eucalyptus, the other is a figured Myrtle Burl. Hope they meet with approval.
Cheers, Shirley

Skew ChiDAMN!!
13th August 2007, 10:06 PM
Very nice. I absolutely love the bowl, I'm glad you chose to turn it that way and not "traditionally." :)

Is there a story behind it?

13th August 2007, 10:08 PM
G'Day Shirley

Very nice work, what finish did you use?


Mrs Woodpecker
13th August 2007, 10:14 PM
Thanks. Not really. I was given the piece of timber, and wanted to do something off my own bat, with no help from anyone. I loved the timber, and though I had not been shown how to hollow againsy the grain, decided to bite the bullet, and give it my best shot. I was quite pleased with the result.
Regards, Shirley

Mrs Woodpecker
13th August 2007, 10:19 PM
Thanks Bernie. I only used the sanding sealer, then took it up to the Club to be sprayed. I have now been trying the waxes with a fair bit of success. I guess as I get more experience I will experiment with different finishes.

13th August 2007, 10:22 PM
Very nice work Shirley:2tsup:. I think it might be you giving me the tips next visit eh!? - ha! - and here's me thinking you were just a beginner :doh:

DJ’s Timber
13th August 2007, 11:00 PM
Nice stuff Shirley :2tsup:, I really like the Hairy Oak vase the best

13th August 2007, 11:03 PM
Very nice work, Shirley :2tsup:

Is the bowl Norfolk Island Pine? No idea what NIP looks like, only I think I read somewhere that it sends out branches like this, all at one level.


Mrs Woodpecker
13th August 2007, 11:17 PM
Yes Scooter, it is NIP. I love it, and am trying to get some more. I gave the bowl to a friend who needed a bit of cheering up, and she loves it too. Hollowing against the grain shows up where the the branches were.
Thanks, Shirley

Mrs Woodpecker
13th August 2007, 11:22 PM
Thanks Vern, but trust me, some of my efforts find their way into the bin. I still get excited when I pick up a piece of timber, and after some thought, effort, and yes, occasionally un-ladylike words, something really attractive evolves. How I wish someone had told me I could do this many years ago.

Cheers, Shirley

14th August 2007, 02:02 AM
Hi everyone

Mrs Woodpecker, those are some nice peaces, in particular the NIP bowel. There are other species of pine that can produce a similar knot/colour design, the NIP is the most regular and consistent species to produce such formation, I found certain species of Cyprus Pine, capable of producing similar timber design. I'm fortunate that I have access to a 20 years Cyprus pine plantation, to where I can get as much as I want. This plantation has never been trimmed, so I can get 10 or more cuts from one single tree, as branches start from a couple of feet from the ground, all the way to the canopy. I can be "peaky", plenty to choose from, lucky that I like very much to work with pine.
Your bowel did remind me of a bowel I did a few weeks back, and I loved it!.
Pic attached, sorry all my peaces have a number!

Gil Jones
14th August 2007, 04:16 AM
Beautiful work, Shirley!!:2tsup:
The end grain bowl is my favorite, very well done!

joe greiner
14th August 2007, 01:42 PM
Very much approval from here, Shirley. Your workmanship is superb, although I'm not too fond of the bottom shape of the small vase (personal taste only).

NIP always looks best when turned like you did - very perceptive of you. A couple professional members of our club turn NIP hollow forms in that orientation, and they look spectacular, just like yours.


14th August 2007, 02:08 PM

Well done! Look forward to more pics.

Wayne Blanch
14th August 2007, 04:35 PM
Great work Shirley,

14th August 2007, 06:19 PM
Nice work Shirley

Love the bowl

17th August 2007, 08:54 PM
Nice bowl Shirley
For a beginner you are off to a good start.
The wood is talking to you.
