View Full Version : very long and thin

15th August 2007, 06:51 PM
i have just finished the longest peice i have ever tried it was 1420mm long and only 24mm thick.

i was going to make myself up a couple of steadys to supot the center of the peice but i tried to make the first one and got so annoyed that i threw it in the bin.

i only have a gmc with a bed length of 1000mm. it is in two peices so i disconected them and moved the headstock end up the bench 500mm.
i mounted the peice and started the lathe on its slowest speed (850) it was still a little fast but i made do. i got my angle grinder and put the corsest disk i could on it and started the lathe and the grinder it worked a treat. roughed it down without anything stabaliing it and then i simple sanded it smoth by hand.

joe greiner
15th August 2007, 11:40 PM
Sounds OK for more or less constant diameter, I guess. But wouldn't work very well for significant detail. What kind of steady were you trying to make, and what was your dissatisfaction?


16th August 2007, 12:54 AM
What sort of broom handles you making.


Cliff Rogers
16th August 2007, 02:04 AM
What sort of broom handles you making....
Nimbus 2000. :wink:

16th August 2007, 09:19 AM
it was a jo for stick fighter. it turned out perfict.