View Full Version : Life drawing

journeyman Mick
21st August 2007, 11:02 AM
I've been attending a few life drawing sessions of late, first time in over twenty years. The first week was incredibly frustrating as (not suprisingly) I found that skills were no longer there. The second week went a lot better as I was more relaxed and last week (wk3) I even started working on the light and shadow, which was quite hard because there were several light sources. Generally a 2 hour session starts with about 10 - 20 minutes of 2 minute poses with some 5 minute poses thrown in towards the end. I find the two minute poses great as they force you to find the lines that capture the essence of the pose/model. Towards the end of the session there's two or three 20 - 25 minute poses. These are all the same pose with a ferw minutes break for the model. I move to a different vantage point each time as I'm trying not to get too precious about the drawing, I'm not after a "finished product" The 5 and 10 minute poses inbetween I don't like, they're not long enough to get detailed and too long for a quick sketch. I'm enjoying the rekindling of skills and it's an inexpensive way to spend saturday morning. Comments welcome.


journeyman Mick
21st August 2007, 11:06 AM
A couple of drawings from week two.


journeyman Mick
21st August 2007, 11:10 AM
Some from week three.


journeyman Mick
21st August 2007, 11:14 AM
A few more from week three.


21st August 2007, 11:40 AM
I find the difference in the three weeks amazing! I think I would have given up in frustration week one.

I can't wait to see week five!

I think you were understating "the skills were no longer there", they were just hidden under a few chippies callouses! :wink:

My 30 year hibernation is in a similar thawing period. You may even have prompted me to show and tell!

Well done, don't stop now!

:D :D :D

21st August 2007, 11:49 AM
Good on you Mick,

You're a man of many talents. I have a hard time drawing a conclusion. :D I'm most envious.


21st August 2007, 11:56 AM
Yeh that's fantastic progress.Keep posting. :2tsup:

21st August 2007, 12:19 PM
Hi Mick

I'm with Midge! The difference between each week is obvious and great! :2tsup:


21st August 2007, 10:51 PM
Great stuff, Mick, keep them coming :2tsup:

Pic 4 week 3 (post #3 above) is a gooder - great lines. :)


21st August 2007, 10:59 PM
your a man of many talents Mick
l like week 2 #2 has good flow to it:)

21st August 2007, 11:08 PM
I also like the flow in week 2, the difference over the three weeks really is surprising. Nice work Mick I'm sure we are all looking forward to what comes out of the last week of the classes.

Cheers, John.

21st August 2007, 11:13 PM
G'day JourneymanMick,

:2tsup: Like others have said there's a noticeable difference and development from the first week to the latest. Keep 'em coming.

journeyman Mick
22nd August 2007, 12:05 AM
Thanks all,
you've got me worried now with this praise that I may plateau out and make little or no improvement.:rolleyes: / I keep telling myself I'll make the time to practice during the week but it never seems to happen.:no: I'll keep posting until either:
a) I stop going
b) Improvement ceases (in which case (a) will shortly follow:doh: )

Oh, and the "lines" as such are more to do with the model's pose and Rubenesque build than any talent on my part.:roll:


22nd August 2007, 12:08 AM
you've got a natural eye, so it seems.

I especially like this one:


The whole body is so relaxed, and you get a real sense of the weight pressing down. Brilliant stuff. Wish I had some of your talent.

Wood Borer
22nd August 2007, 12:08 AM
Good stuff Michael.

22nd August 2007, 12:14 AM
Yer doin well Mick,
yer wearin the rust off near forgotten skills
Onya mate :2tsup:

22nd August 2007, 07:49 AM
Good on you Mick.

They reckon that you should always keep your first efforts. Then when you get feeling a bit down, and you are not going anywhere, you can look back at them and see just how much you have improved.

I have never had the guts to sign up for a life class, my efforts seem to be restricted to dogs and frogs............. not the same is it.

Keep going and keep us posted.


3rd September 2008, 12:51 PM
Mick, I've been doing a few life classes in the past three weeks. Only just noticed this thread. I fear that I've started with a startling lack of skill compared to you. But after 3 sessions I too am noticing that I'm improving. And it is such good fun. Really teaches concentration and you tend to lose track of time. The models that pose where I go pose for anything from 2 minutes to 20 minutes. I find I can't capture much in the really short poses, as I'm slow.

And I also find hands, feet and faces particularly difficult. But last time I went I managed to capture a foot that I'm mostly happy with. I'll scan some of my efforts and post them in here. Not brilliant by any means, but good fun...

3rd September 2008, 10:40 PM
I find the difference in the three weeks amazing!
:D :D :D

Yeah, that model has stacked the weight on:wink::D:D

Very interesting to see the evolution of your drawings, only wish I had some of that talent. Bloody lefthander, I just end up with smudge. Thanks for sharing Mick.


3rd September 2008, 10:54 PM
Yeah, that model has stacked the weight on:wink::D:D

.....Bloody lefthander, I just end up with smudge. Thanks for sharing Mick.


Michaelangelo was lefthanded.
The only thing you need to draw is the will to do it.:wink:

Mick, it's definitely coming back! It just needed a little revision. :2tsup:

Claw Hama
26th February 2009, 08:44 PM
Excellent Mic, keep at it, you are giveing hope to the rest of us.
A few more weeks you'll be fantastic, takes a while to get your eye in.:2tsup:

journeyman Mick
26th February 2009, 10:33 PM
Unfortunately it's been well over a year since I've done any drawing, my life got very busy again. I met a wonderful lady and got married,:) "blended" our households, travelled away a few times to buy and sell some woodworking machinery, a trailer sailer and a welder and had a holiday. Started work again and am now officially snowed under. I have a house lot of doors and windows to make (done half, described in this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=81390)) I've also scored another house lot of windows because of this job, plus a few more windows as well as other joinery work for another client, two kitchens and a possible third one as well as a few little jobs. Haven't even had time to update that thread with more pics etc.

I'm afraid the only drawings I've been doing have been work sketches:rolleyes:.


26th February 2009, 10:42 PM
that's life :)

26th February 2009, 11:34 PM
You were cookin in week two man. I wish I had your skillz.