View Full Version : Clay Targets

2nd September 2007, 07:09 PM
does any one else here shoot clay targets DLT, Skeet, etc?:oo:

Brown Dog
2nd September 2007, 07:24 PM
Never tried it, mainly because I dont own any shotguns :C ...but its always been a discipline I wanted to try. Compared to the target discipline I shoot in, it looks like a lot of fun.


Colin Howkins
2nd September 2007, 08:47 PM

Yep, have burnt the odd pound or two of smokeless doing this. Preference is skeet.

So, Les, what is it you would specifically like to know?

Colin Howkins
Graceville Qld

2nd September 2007, 09:35 PM
I had a go once when I was in Korea, but missed the lot (the whole 3 that I shot at) , so I thought thaI't better stick to what I knew, I used to be a pistol shooter

7th September 2007, 07:52 PM
I had a go in the UK on a corporate day out, shot 30 out of 50 (won the day against the useless poms, needless to say) and had an absolute blast. We shot trap. I've been wanting to take it up as a sport ever since but time and finances are against me.

8th September 2007, 05:20 AM
I've had a go here in England at a club day and also at my son's wedding in New Zealand.
They had a set up at the country club where he was married and we had a great time shooting while they were away taking photos. The women and the older kids were all having a go.
Luckily the Brides father didn't have to escort my son to the wedding with one.

8th September 2007, 08:35 AM
You are right about the expense, but if you win then well more ammo. I am off today to shoot, DTL [down the line] we have about 30 shooters on average the age varies from 12 years to whatever but I have noticed that above 80 years there are not many. The friendship is superb.:2tsup: