View Full Version : Peer to Peer

Chris Parks
6th September 2007, 10:04 PM
Big Shed and I have just tried this peer to peer software.


It enables the parties to share files directly computer to computer by invitation only. It also has a message service built in ala MSN which we have both refused to use in the past, but this one being direct between the parties worked well. It does require Fire Fox to be on your computer. The best thing is that it is free and appears to work as advertised and is controlled by the participating parties.

Big Shed
6th September 2007, 10:25 PM
Yeah and it is so simple to use that even I managed it:2tsup:

6th September 2007, 10:37 PM
Big Shed and I have just tried this peer to peer software.


It enables the parties to share files directly computer to computer by invitation only. It also has a message service built in ala MSN which we have both refused to use in the past, but this one being direct between the parties worked well. It does require Fire Fox to be on your computer. The best thing is that it is free and appears to work as advertised and is controlled by the participating parties.

Is there any way of being sure that while the exchange is happening, it's not also exchanging all your files with someone?? Call me paranoid but I worry about such things, seen too many movies maybe:o

Chris Parks
6th September 2007, 10:42 PM
It is by invitation only, no one else would know what is going on. Maybe Fred can explain it better.

6th September 2007, 10:45 PM
so you get to nominate which files are exchanged??
While we are talking exchanging files, did you come across that "mobile machinery" video clip by any chance yet, I just posted a message in that forum enquiring about it.


bob K

Big Shed
6th September 2007, 10:47 PM
The sender places whichever files he wants to share in a share folder for a particular recipient.
So all the recipient sees is those files, he clicks on the one he wants and that's it. The recipient at no stage gets access to any of your drives, only download the file(s) you have earmarked.

So it is very easy for sharing photos etc with family, you put them in the share folder, the recipient(s) gets message and can download them at their leisure, even view them first.

Having seen the problems caused by MSN, have lost count of the number times I have had to rebuild the grandkids HDD, this seems a lot more secure, and being a Firefox add-on it is inherently far more secure than anything Mickysoft has ever produced.:(

Chris Parks
6th September 2007, 10:51 PM
Sorry I misread the question. As Fred said it is confined to the file placed in the share folder and to the person invited to share that file. Nothing is foolproof I guess but it seems reasonably safe to me.

6th September 2007, 11:16 PM
Having seen the problems caused by MSN, have lost count of the number times I have had to rebuild the grandkids HDD,

That's why my initial rection was one of caution. If my kids have been on the MSN, there's no telling what state the computer will be in and I don't have the computer knowledge to know what's been done to it to be honest.
Anyway, the software your talking about certainly sounds a great thing and I'll follow this thread to see how it goes, especially if there's safegauards in place.

Bob K

7th September 2007, 06:50 PM
Thanks fellas, could be handy :2tsup: