View Full Version : Home Made Respirator

8th September 2007, 03:42 AM

As you may be aware I am on a bit of a "home made" trip and surprisingly came across an article titled "How I built a Fresh-Air Respirator" in the Nov/Dec '94 edition of The Australian Woodworker by Peter Russell. Sure comes out a lot cheaper than a commercially built respirator.

The attachment shows all the parts:
Fig 2: PVC pipe (have off-cuts)
Fig 3: Face shield head-piece ($30 -there abouts)
Fig 4: Aluminium to hold the Face Flange (Fig 6) (will find something)
Fig 5: Cutting from a 2kg Yoghurt tub (Fig 8) (Sure to be able to find something)
Fig 6: Face Flange (3mm foam/rubber) (Have a poo load of stuff that is suitable)
Fig 7: Shroud connected to top of Face shield head-piece (surely have an old shirt that can be sacrificed)
Fig 8: Cut out diagram of yoghurt tub
Fig 9: Hair dryer (has two intakes (one on each side)), air filter cartridge and air pipe(bought a hair dryer at a market for $5, filter cartridges - $20(+/-) each - may need two, have some flexible piping for air flow)

All up it will cost at most $75 ($35 if I tried hard and was stingier)

I was thinking of modifying one of these:

Any thoughts, etc most appreciated.

Cheers, Steve

PS. Can scan in whole article, but not sure of copywright?

8th September 2007, 08:35 AM
There's another design somewhere on the web that used a 2" flex pipe hung from/through the ceiling to draw air in from the outside.

Sidesteps filter effectiveness issues but obviously restricts your movement.

8th September 2007, 12:02 PM
PS. Can scan in whole article, but not sure of copyright?

I wouldn't. The Australian Woodworker is subject to copyright and in the past they have pursued any breaches of their copyright as it affects their sales of back issues.


23rd March 2009, 03:07 AM
I am curious to know if you did build your own powered respirator. I live in the Arizona desert and I am concerned that these devices are uncomfortable in the heat. Australia is hot, too, right?

23rd March 2009, 07:17 AM

I was thinking of modifying one of these:


Hi Steve,

The link does not work, "Not found".


23rd March 2009, 07:39 AM
Andy, check the date.:wink:

23rd March 2009, 08:52 AM
Andy, check the date.:wink:

Thanks ,

I did not realize it was a revived old thread.
