View Full Version : Blood Cells

13th September 2007, 02:18 PM
Today in lab we viewed live blood cells. I've viewed a lot of tissues and cells before but this was the first time we used fresh blood. How did we get the fresh blood? Here's how, "All right class, use your lancet to obtain your blood sample, no, not on your partner, yourself".

I somehow, probably due to living in a vacuum, managed to reach adulthood without being aware of exactly what a lancet was and how to use it. All I knew was that it was a neat little device we were to use to make ourselves bleed. I assumed it was like a little scalpel, and was trying to cut though all my super tough skin using it like a scalpel, cussing at how dull the thing was and about to go get a razor blade out of my car, when a helpful classmate pointed out you weren't supposed to cut, you were supposed to stab yourself with it. I said, stab?

I'm not opposed to cutting myself but even I shy away from outright stabbing. I finished the job, using it as the dullest scalpel I've ever used, and prepared my slides.

Basically we had our normal saline, our hypertonic, and hypotonic solution.

Anyhow, the point of this whole post was how my red blood cells looked. They had little spinynibbydots all over them. I looked in and said, eek. :o I had the instructor look at them as well and he dismissed it and said the slide was probably contaminated with something. I was pretty careful preparing the slide though, and they were pretty uniformly odd looking. I suppose the saline solution we used to prepare the slide might have been contaminated with something, but why would it stick to the red blood cells? I also had quite a few white blood cells. Granted I've been feeling a bit down lately, and I might well just be fighting off a cold, but its kind of odd.

It wasn't sickle cell disease or anything.

On one hand I'm like, meh, it probably was just contaminated. On the other hand I'm like, that looked really strange, and if there is something wrong I really should find out (read before I die).

Maybe I'll see if I can take another sample and check it out. Yippie, I get to cut myself again. :C

13th September 2007, 02:43 PM
Gday Matt

Keep us posted, we all hope you get the all clear

13th September 2007, 02:57 PM
hypertonic saline will make your red-cell spiky as they shrink

you're not afro american are you? if so could be sickle cell

sounds like you should ask your doc for a 'full blood count'

13th September 2007, 04:10 PM
Unfortunately thats what happened, I spent so long looking at the first slide the second one was all misshapen from being in the hypertonic solution and the third one they had already blown up from being in the hypotonic solution for so long. :roll:

The first one though, with the abnormal looking cells, was just normal saline solution.

Negative, I'm not afro American and I'm sure it wasn't sickle cell, I'm well acquainted with what that looks like. They reminded me kind of those spikey rubber balls kids get out of the machines at the store.

The more I think of it the more I think it must have been contaminated. If my blood cells really looked like that surely I"d have already croaked. :q I was careful but maybe someone walked past when I wasn't looking and coughed on it or something.

It's just a bit of a fright when you're looking at a sample of your blood and you're pretty sure things aren't looking normal, its like holy croup, this shouldn't look like this, oh dear, do I have some dreaded blood disease or something? Croup, why didn't I just skip lab today? Drat. Pproffessor, uh, can you take a look at this.

Then when he looked at it and said it was probably just contaminated, well, "probably" wasn't what I wanted to hear, those were my blood cells on the slide there, (of that I was sure) and I was expecting a more definite answer like, "Oh, thats how your blood cells look in the morning after you've drank three cups of coffee and a pepsi" or something like that. :C I have been feeling a bit odd the last couple of weeks though, almost like I'm not processing enough oxygen. I've always had heart oddities, nothing has ever been found to be wrong though, but lately when I lay down I get the feeling that I'm getting a bit of backflow or murmur, no reason, just a feeling, I keep saying I'll take a stethoscope to bed with me and listen but I keep forgetting. A couple times I've also woken up gasping and sucking air like a, well, like a something. :roll: My hands have been a bit shaky at times too, and my lungs sometimes feel a bit raw, like when you get around mold or cocobolo dust or something.

Anyhow, don't worry about me chap, I'm really healthy as a horse, I just need to get more exercise and eat better, drop the soda pop maybe. I'll be fine. :2tsup: :cool:

If I get another chance I'll run another sample, but I'm not going to worry about it.:cool2:

13th September 2007, 06:24 PM
got to try th stab routine yesterday no not in a lab outside cutting timber using a bush saw right on the tip of the blade:oo:

drip dirp drip all over the pavers LOML washed & dressed it all better

hum :rolleyes: got an old microsope sitting round too

your lucky Matt88
your not like 3 big strong healthy fellows I have met moucho to the point it makes me puke till they see blood then their flat out horizontal fainted.:doh:

13th September 2007, 09:07 PM
hypertonic, and hypotonic

Mixed with gin, does that make and underwhelming and an overwhelming drink?

Capt. Zero
14th September 2007, 10:35 AM
If you have a concern, you really should go to your local MD or (as I like to say) Doc in the box and have routine labs run. A CBC and a Chem 7 should do it (costs about $50 US) and have it checked out.