View Full Version : Help and advice please!!!

18th October 2007, 06:32 PM
I have been forced to move as landlord returning, all at short notice. Have found a place, and on starting the litany of account changing, have hit a snag:

After years of Telstra, I changed to a bundled Optus service, which followed me in my last move, and has recently upgraded to DSL2+. Very happy with them, BUT

When I tried to transfer to the new address, was told that they "do not have servicability at that address" . Went and checked, and it looks as if the telephone line had been torn down. Property manager is checking for me. Could this be the cause?

If the above means that Optus don't have a network in that area, what are my options? Bearing in mind that I will only return to Telstra for services as an absolute last resort. Questions as follows:

I assume if no Optus copper, I have to use Telstra?
If so, do I have to use their landline phone service, or can I contract via someone else, like Soul or AAPT?
Do I contact them, or Telstra to get a number?
Does anyone here have any recommendations?

How can I find out what Broadband service I can get? I have to have a landline no first before I can find out? If I enquire through Telstra what would be available, will that info apply if I wish to use (eg TPG or Internode?) Again, recommendations?

What is involved if I want VOIP instead? ie Handset? Modem? Will still need the copper, I know, but will I still need a landline home phone?

Apologies for the raft of questions, but it is a very confusing world out there when I have been nicely comfortable and protected up to now!!


18th October 2007, 09:25 PM
Ton of questions there, Alastair, but to tackle a couple.

I believe you can either get ADSL to your abode, or you can't. Full stop. I think it is to do with your proximity to the local exchange and possibly the quality of the telecommunication infrastructure.

ADSL2 may be a different matter.

I'm not sure about having the phone connected first before shopping for broadband, but I would expect so because when you ring around you give them your phone number & they can check if you have access to ADSL.

If you end up with a wired (as opposed to wireless) broadband connectioin you will need to pay rent on the line, this is where people who exclusively use VOIP shop around for the cheapest line rental deal.

Hopefully others with more knowledge will chip in, otherwise I'd just start talking to providers & see what they can offer, for your broadband as well as the landline with initial connection.


18th October 2007, 10:32 PM
For VOIP you still need the line, and ADSL. I have 2 numbers, the Telstra number and the VOIP number. I have our line rental on the lowest charge we can get, and make all calls through VOIP (engin). We save on average around $60/month.

18th October 2007, 11:59 PM
Have a look at the Virgin Broadband at Home offer - no copper line needed!

It all runs over the Optus mobile network, so if you have coverage, and 240 volts, you can have a 'landline' number, plus broadband for $60 per month.

A few guys at work are happy with it, and it's got a 30 day trial period.


19th October 2007, 01:07 PM
Hi Alastair,

A couple of points to ponder.

If you use adsl, or adls2 you will need a phone line, therefore line rental. You also need a phone number to find out if you can get adsl.
Cable or wireless does not need a phone line, therefore you could go voip and not need land line rental at all

Have a look at http://whirlpool.net.au/ for various providers. To get a number, you need to connect the phone. Sometimes, applying for broadband through telstra will give you a better chance of getting it, if the wire to you door is not up to broadband, then it's more likely to be updated by going through telstra.

I was stuck, because I am on a RIM, which mean no broadband, so I found a good wireless provider.

Hope this helps

25th October 2007, 06:19 PM
Thanks for the replies guys.

To update, Optus don't use Telstra copper now, so won't service unless have own cabling. Bugger, as I have to do whole change.

Landlord with Telstra, but on principle won't deal with them.

Virgin BB was very tempting, but decided against, as one of the prime users is my 14yo son, and Virgin website mentions in small print that "... not recommended for 1st person shooter game applications" bugger!

Biggest ripoff creeping into the system is that buried in the small print of a number of the ISP's is that they have quietly changed to counting both up- and downloads against your data allowance. (Optus, Telstra, AAPT etc). Not too much problem if just a normal Internet user, but a killer to online gaming.

Finally decided to KISS by using same crowd for phone and DSL, and best I found was IInet.

Just a mission to manage. Can't do anything until cancel landlords Telstra account, which can only happen when my lease kicks in. Then delay until phone connected, and number assigned. Then only can check if DSL or DSL2+ available, and can apply for it. Then 3 - 8 working days to activate. Bloody inconvenient, considering I have daughter in HSC, so being off the net is a handicap.


25th October 2007, 06:21 PM
I play 1st person shooter game and are with iinet and very happy