View Full Version : Another intro:)

19th October 2007, 12:09 PM
Howdy all,

My name is Megan. Just finished Tafe this year and found i have alot of spare time on my hands and in need of a hobby. Saw this beautiful Japanese jewelery box in a movie and have decided i want one but not at $165 + postage.

Always liked helping my dad and uncle with projects so now i am going to give it a go. I already have a list of things i want to make.

Went over to my local hardware shop to get some materials - going to start easy with a toolbox, might even try some dovetails- i do have to say it was very intimidating going into a hardware store. I am only 22 and all the blokes are very intimidating.

Have to say i love looking at what you've all created, gives me ideas. Will post some pics when i finish my toolbox.


19th October 2007, 12:18 PM
Hello Megan, and welcome to the wonderful world of woodworking (and to the forum of course!)

Don't let the salespeople in the hardware/wood shops make you feel intimidated, they are there to serve you:2tsup: Its actually more frustrating when you find that you know more than they do about the item you are looking for.

What did you do at tafe? Anything woodworky? Some tafes offer night courses in woodwork, and often let you work on your own project (benefits are using their tools, and gaining hints and inspiration off teachers and fellow students).


19th October 2007, 05:38 PM
Hi Meggles


I totally agree with Donna's sound advice. Keep asking questions and eventually they will get the idea that you are genuine and serious and then they will bend over backward to help you :)

Adding to Donna's suggestion, have a look through your local library at the woodwork books and magazines they might have. Browse the magazines at the newsagents to get an idea of which might interest you.

And if you have any other questions, just ask :)


19th October 2007, 07:38 PM
Hello Megan, and welcome to the wonderful world of woodworking (and to the forum of course!)

Don't let the salespeople in the hardware/wood shops make you feel intimidated, they are there to serve you:2tsup: Its actually more frustrating when you find that you know more than they do about the item you are looking for.

Donna took the words out of my mouth!:2tsup:

20th October 2007, 01:26 AM
you go girl!!

20th October 2007, 02:39 AM
This may interest you Meggles. Good way to meet other woodworkers and increase the network.


Wild Dingo
20th October 2007, 12:09 PM
ahem... puttin on me dadda of 8 cap (6 of whom are sheila non bloke types and 3 of which are Megan aged types) I must say...





Now I have your attention... welcome :;

And... another thing NEVER be intimidated by ANY git in the hardware or Blunderings... cause even if you only have a tiddler ants knowledge of what you want you will probably have more than half a clue more knowledge than the git serving you

AND... another thing they are the operative words there... SERVING YOU... not pandering to you not condescending to you not overseeing you not anything but SERVING YOU... and as a servant serving you they are at YOUR direction! So think about that for a tick... YOU are in charge of them dont let them get away with even THINKING they know more than you cause they probably bloody well dont.

And... another thing... well since I got me cap on I may as well go for broke eh?... dont let the gits with beddathananysheilaitis get to you... remember no matter how good they think they are there is ALWAYS someone better... and another thing on that point is... no matter how good they think they are or actually are they ALL bar none started with nothing no knowledge no experience no tools no nothing but start they did and start you have so you just stand up thrust your chest out (I mean that in a nice way) and say stickitupyerdatesport! and carry on... for every arrogant ignorant up his own ass bloke who is condescending to you there are at least a dozen who would willingly help

AND!!!... yeah you go Shane!! :U I think some of the stuff the other shielas here make are bloody drop dead gorgeous fanfriggintastic and well put some of the stuff some blokes make to shame... and Im not talkin about the shielas themselves either... mmm although some of them are pretty snazzy too :; Im talkin about what they make... we have some pretty talented ladies among us

trouble is some of them only hang out here in the ladies bar :doh: nothin changes over the years eh? Why I membas back when the local pub had to have its own ladies bar just for the sheilas yeah I membas an every now an then some uppity young shiela would waltz into the mens bar (sportsmans bar of course) and by crickey talk about the shyte hittin the fan!!!... but then over time the old ladies bar was taken down and it became one big bar with sheilas an blokes mingling pretty good together... sadly some bars are now starting to make sheilas bars popular again... same here on the forum :roll:

Aaaaaaaaaahhh well its all good I just ignore all the skirts curlers g strings leatherette gear frilly curtains over the shoulder boulder holders high plush carpet and those damned pesky little umperellas your flamin nancyboy bartender with the bulging biceps keeps stickin in me beer :~... and with a huge smile beamin outta me dial I just fit right in! :2tsup:

hey Megan?


You still with me?


Ask questions post pics (you being in them is NOT madatory by the way) and share any ideas and brainstorm any niggling thoughts of what to do how to do something and we will watch out for you and help you along... wont we fellas an sheila types? OF COURSE WE WILL!!! :2tsup:

Your second dadda
Shane :U :U

20th October 2007, 12:39 PM
Megan Welcome to the board and as the ladies said. If he is condescending then find another hardwares shop or look into maybe an online shop and ask lots of question here on any of the boards. the men here are great. Gee Whiz I have asked some dum questions and have had the lot answered every time with out copping too muich flack.. but what I did was all in good fun and you could tell that by the throne. They are very helpful so don't let that man undermine you. Us girls can do a good job with wood too. It does not discriminate ..so welcome
bye Toni

20th October 2007, 12:41 PM
shane...shaaaaaaane.........SHANE ! :D. ya nutter. :wink:

20th October 2007, 05:12 PM
thanks for the welcome everybody, i started my dovetails practice today lol one end of a really small piece of pine lol very shonky with only the tiniest of improvement (but it's still improvement)and temporarily gave up after a call from the ex bf. Will do more tomorrow, have to work soon. I'm so getting a dog!!

My first hardware visit was to local mitre 10 :s as i don't drive and i don't live close enough to bunnings :(

but dad drove me to bunnings today :) much more helpful lol.

20th October 2007, 09:38 PM
great to hear.

20th October 2007, 10:42 PM
dovetails terrify me,
after 5 years mine are shocking
cant think in 3d
keep it up

Wild Dingo
21st October 2007, 03:55 AM
thanks for the welcome everybody, i started my dovetails practice today lol one end of a really small piece of pine lol very shonky with only the tiniest of improvement (but it's still improvement)and temporarily gave up after a call from the ex bf. Will do more tomorrow, have to work soon. I'm so getting a dog!!

My first hardware visit was to local mitre 10 :s as i don't drive and i don't live close enough to bunnings :(

but dad drove me to bunnings today :) much more helpful lol.




Yes you Megan :;

Its me again :q ...Gidday again from dadda number 2 way over here on the west coast!! See I keeps tellin everyone that us daddas are bloody good blokes yours... thats dadda number 1 by the way... took you to Blunderings!! FLAMIN TOP BLOKES US DADDAS!! Good on yer son :2tsup:

ahem back to MEGAN!!!

aaahhh dovetails... delightfull little suckers them buggars... NOT!!!... I mean your what 21? Im what 50?? GAWD STREWTH THAT FRIGGIN OLD??? sigh well I was 21 onct... I was!! anyways MeggleyWeggley dovetails...

See even some of us old ancient fossils have to get some help with them mongrels from time to time... and that my dear girl is where the likes of... que drum roll...


Come to the fore! With their wonderous dovetail JIG!!! amazing creature of thing this makes dovetails LEAP out of the timber at you with a single swipe of the router!!! too right it do! Makes legends outta peanuts it does

Thats why I dont use one

No I use a set of them Veritus things you know you slip em over the ends of the timber get your KNIFE and mark both sides then using the trusty JAPANESE saw (which saw you wont find in Blunderings by the way if you did the poor sod working there wouldnt know what to do with it) and do it the mucho mucho way Im gonna be a mucho dovetailer man mucho mucho dovetailer... bloody Villiage People!!! :~

Anyways... theres a bunch of ways of getting around the dreaded dovetail... have you gots a router? get one... a triton if you can the big sucker and a router table or make one your a sheila you can make one easy as a mere snap of the fingers!

Now on the other hand bein a sheila type non bloke of tender years... no offence meant... none taken I know... you really must make it a rule and this is your dadda number 2 speaking here you must make it a rule that when a BF of the EX type calls that you make sure you are OUT UNAVAILABLE BUSY IN THE SHOWER IN THE DUNNY IN THE SHED EVEN... cause really what about the BF of the NEXT type eh? he coulda been givin yer a call and there you are yakkin away with BF of the EX type? Very unfair of you me dear unfair indeed.

BUT!! ALL IS NOT LOST!!! No indeed for here at the legendary Woodworkers forum of UBLOODYBEAUT we are here to help in EVERY WHICHAWAY WE CAN!!! NO WUKKERS whatever! We are here for you... just like were here for Wendy Astrid Donna Kerry and all the other loverly sheila type non blokes... We are here for you... you ask we come easy as!

So whatever the question dont sweat it Meggly you just pipe up an ask... of course that might mean you will have to accept say Apricots response... or even Wheelins... or maybe heaven forbid givin yer a servin... and of course theres a whole bunch of old farts who love nothin more than takin an hour or so of your time waffling along about this that and the other thing... then theres me... Im your typical silent type Aussie bloke... you know the sorta fella thats there in the background ever ready to step in and help a damsel in distress with his brilliance wit and damnably fine looks :2tsup:

yeah yeah so Im a tad of a shortwheelbase sorta fella... an so Im a tad on the well shall we say tubby side... an well... ah shut up already!! :doh:

Anyway Ive said it before Meggies Welcome to the farm... the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time... hahahehe... mmmm anyways show us your work to date if you want we wont laugh... honest... well okay maybe just a little but thats okay these galahs go into hysterics whenever I post a pic

21st October 2007, 06:55 AM
meh i'm already too stuck in my ways for a bf lol. he was supposed to be stayin with us for a few months and after 1 month i knew i wasn't ready to share, so now i'm waitin till december-ish to geta dog. can't wait.

as for a router i started thinkin about that yesterday after my first attempt, dad, pop and i are out to the markets as it's a sunday and that's what sundays are for, and if i can't pick us something cheapish there to practice with i'm goin to try to talk the olds (no offence) into going back to bunnings. lol we'll see. then i have the whole day off!!! from work...

21st October 2007, 09:31 AM
I havent done dovetails for a while, but, have done them with a router and jig, and also completely by handtools. I much prefer the ones done by hand.

Take real good care when marking out, and cutting the line with a knife is a good idea. I wouldnt mind a set of Veritas dovetail markers, make it real simple.

RELAX, being uptight makes you grip your saw too hard, and turns the blade. So before you cut, get your hands and arms and give them a good ole shake, sort of like you were shaking water off them. :pDon't laugh, it helps. Start your cut with the saw upright, then once it has bitten in, angle it to the angle of the cut. I sort of cut along the line on one side and then do the same to the other, then level the saw and cut right through. :rolleyes:If that makes sense. Make sure your work is securely clamped upright. (this is my method, I'm sure there are others who could tell you theirs)

Dont be in a rush, if things are going wrong, walk away and go and smell the flowers for a while.


21st October 2007, 11:54 AM
Thanks donna,
I think you just solved about 50% of my probs
what kind of saw do you use?
now where can i buy 20kg of patience and an extra 5 hrs per week:U


21st October 2007, 12:27 PM
now where can i buy 20kg of patience and an extra 5 hrs per week:U


Next to the fountain of youth...:D:)

Wild Dingo
22nd October 2007, 02:06 AM
Well... sigh... okay so my attempts at humor seemed to have slid right over Megans young noggin :C ...so I will do the short succinct style and just say...

sigh :B

Welcome Megan :2tsup:

Take care in the shed... ask questions... learn... enjoy... have fun... share the adventures

Thats enough from me apparently :roll: I just gotta stop bein SOOOOOO flamin nice an start bein a cranky grumpy ol fart :roll: its just not workin!! :doh:


22nd October 2007, 10:38 AM
Nah, i laughed out loud,:D

:~ bit of a grumpy ppl myself lately,

trying to break the habit of hanging out with a??h???? :p

Wild Dingo
22nd October 2007, 06:43 PM
Nah, i laughed out loud,

bit of a grumpy ppl myself lately,

trying to break the habit of hanging out with a??h????


Im shocked!! Im flabbergasted Im well Im just totally gobsmacked an speachless :o such language from one so... well... so... ummmm sheila non bloke type??

I sure hope you wasnt talkin about your old mate me there :no:

Actually one of the really REALLY good things about the internet is you dont have to be a grumpy ppl when you come on... you can be yourself!!! AMAZING eh!! :2tsup:

See I try to leave all the grumpyassed sourpussed cussing type things at the door when I log on... that way no one knows Im a grumpyassedsourpusscussing mongrel... they all think Im a total gennelsman see? :2tsup: cute... nice... friendly... did I say cute?... happy go lucky... cheeky... with one eye on the sheila non bloke types at all times... I think I mentioned cute... only as old as she sheila I fe :smack: ...nah bedda not!!

I WAS... was bein the operative word here... I was gonna give you a warm welcome like so :pash: that bein the Ubloodybeaut forum welcome for sheila non bloke types but I thought Id better not cause then Wendy an Donna Toni an astrid along with all the young sheila type non blokes would want some :kiss1: as well an you know a bloke can just do that sooo much then it fair tuckers him out... hope you dont mind?? :;

22nd October 2007, 07:47 PM
Yes I was also little intimidated with the alt-ego male counter hand. when I first started...tends to put you off a little.....like to do my own research before I enter tool shops....as the counter usually come with a kids that knows nothing...& are young enough to be my grandsons....
...who cant understand that woodworking is quite natural for both....male & female alike.....just we're a little more clevery...LOL

that should get Dingo really started....!!!!!

NOW that's said and out....there are some ways to help make your journey into WOODWORK an exciting and rewarding one....

Go along to the reputable specialist...they do recognise when you are genuinely interested in getting into woodwork....and have great staff to assist you.
Ask around and find some other lady woodworkers....they will all help as much as possible...
Join groups or weekend workshops
Woodwork....covers so many facits....carving, turning, sculpture, construction, scrolling...to me they are all connected and even if they cant help you specifically...sometimes it teaches us something about wood we might not have learnt otherwise.....is listen and watch...anything about WOOD.

I do "furniture construction"....wanted to have nice solid-lasting durable furniture and could never afford it when I was younger....so decided to make my own...self taught with technique I call incasement...cheaper stronger & faster...less material & looks sensational.....

I also offer one other little hint, which I will keep encouraging everyone on Ubeaut to participate in....each time you post...put a link to your web page if you have one...if you haven't start one...to show us your progression & we can all enjoy & follow your new passion....

Kindest regards KEKEMO........Shed butterfly....


...if you can post a picture it encourages more people to enter the woodworking dream....

Wild Dingo
23rd October 2007, 02:07 AM
Get me worked up Kerry?... ME?? :o... You couldnt do that me dear!! :2tsup: Your way too nice!! :; :U

23rd October 2007, 08:22 AM
Hi Megan

As you can tell everyone is interested in you and your hobby others just your hobby:p

You just finished TAFE doing what may I ask???:rolleyes: if it was woodwork you'd be posting pics already.

thanks for the welcome everybody, i started my dovetails practice today lol one end of a really small piece of pine lol very shonky with only the tiniest of improvement (but it's still improvement)and temporarily gave up after a call from the ex bf. Will do more tomorrow, have to work soon. I'm so getting a dog!!hanks for the welcome everybody, i started my dovetails practice today lol one end of a really small piece of pine lol very shonky with only the tiniest of improvement (but it's still improvement)and temporarily gave up after a call from the ex bf. Will do more tomorrow, have to work soon. I'm so getting a dog!!

See even the Wild Dingo can infliunce people some times your going to get a BIG DOG:2tsup: to protect you from the WILD animals some of which are 2 legged type even if they got wonkey knee's.:roll:


23rd October 2007, 09:23 AM
Yes welcome aboard Megan. It's nice to have some young blood in here and give the place a bit of a lift. You have come to the right place to learn. Between them the guys in here can just about solve any problem.

Part of being a member here means having Wild dingo as a brother member, or in your case a Dadda 2 member. I'll let you into a secret, between you and me, he's really a pussycat. The only problem he has is his shyness and he is always at a loss for words but we learn to live with that.:)

Good to see you firing on all cylinders again Shane:2tsup:

23rd October 2007, 10:33 AM
Cheers all, Completed Diploma of Hospitality Management, Worked in 4 1/2 star hotel while i was doing my last year of that and worked just about every job position to gain some experience and drove myself crazy from lack of sleep so this year I'm taking a break and working at a cafe near home.

Realised when i finished tafe i had no hobbies whatsoever but my boyfriend filled that hole so it didn't really matter until a few weeks ago when we broke up owing to him having to move with his family to Darwin and me not wanting to leave mine + a few minor things like me not being ready for that relationship anyways.

Soz now i have a hobby and unfortunately for me i have to wait until December to find out if we have this house for another year or so, and then i can have a dog, which I've wanted for 2 years now.

Actually the house we are in is really good because it has 2 tool sheds :P

lol went on for a bit there, but that's the long and short of it.

23rd October 2007, 02:03 PM
Well, if you happen into another relationship, dont give up on your hobbies! So many women go thru the relationship/kids/marriage etc and come out the other end and all they can do is cook and clean house and talk about cooking and cleaning house and kids. So much lost potential!


PS. Dogs are cool, we have 4

23rd October 2007, 02:56 PM
Since you share a name, (and nickname) with my daughter, you get preferential treatment.

Enough of all this huggy feely stuff, and on to some practical info!!

I have just been going through the whole learning curve of doing hand dovetails, after (too many) years of thinking about attempting them. Managed to skirt most of the disasters.

Here are a bunch of links, which constitute all the knowledge I started with. Sift through it, and hopefully it will give you some guidance.

After due consideration, I have found the "tails first" method works for me.



23rd October 2007, 05:19 PM
thanks alastair,
I have been trying to get my head around this for ages.
(lucky my clients are tolerant)
this should help

23rd October 2007, 09:13 PM
nice. just a quick look through, i especially like http://www.am-wood.com/joints/dove2.html as there's a section for wood types and what best to use that wood for. Will spend some more time on my day off looking at it.

30th October 2007, 04:00 PM
hey all, just completed my first project. about to attempt to upload it in woodwork pics.

30th October 2007, 04:02 PM
hey all, just completed my first project. about to attempt to upload it in woodwork pics.

we are waiting meggles

30th October 2007, 04:16 PM

If you are have trouble uploading piccies - read this (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/faq.php?faq=vb_read_and_post#faq_vb_attachment_explain).

30th October 2007, 08:24 PM
got it on there in the end, took me awhile to compress the pics.