View Full Version : Pibgorn

25th October 2007, 11:23 AM
I'm looking for plans to make a Pibgorn.It's a horn pipe from South Wales.Thanks for your help,Lynn

26th October 2007, 07:04 AM
I'm looking for plans to make a Pibgorn.It's a horn pipe from South Wales.Thanks for your help,Lynn

Hi Lynn,

I reckon you have been searching far and wide for this one! I assume you mean this instrument here. http://www.mochpryderi.com/letter2.html Given the "folk" nature of the instrument I expect that quality drawn plans will be difficult to get. This guy makes and sells them http://www.pibydd.fsnet.co.uk/welsh%20pibgorn.htm

Some thoughts, Quickest way to draw a plan, get a hold of one and copy it. Failing that, copy off the web page or correspond with an owner / maker.

From the above weblink's piccies I think the distinctive sound producing bit would be the reed setup. You could start with some bagpipe practise chanters tell you can get the precise shape and material. Horns should be relatively easy to aquire (go to an abbatoir) and the body drilled and turned wood (Oak?). The placement of the holes is interesting. It is not a modern equal temperament system from the look of it. The maker listed tunes his. Often older instruments were tuned for the ease of finger placement as they were solo instruments. It appears the instrument has been reconstructed from older sources, even medieval, so it would be an interesting project,

These people might be able to help http://www.thinkers.org/mel/sca.html


26th October 2007, 07:19 AM
Sebastiaan56,Thanks for your time and reply.Have email Mr.Tose about cost and $450 plus shipping is alot.The biggest proble is getting reeds,They are only two inches long and bagpipe reed won't work.I'm in Carson City NV.I have no one around that has one or knows what they are.Had a gentleman in Calif. that use to make them.Thanks again I'll keep looking,Lynn

26th October 2007, 08:10 AM
Lyn, the horns are only that of a cow or such and would be available from a rancher in your country, the rest is a piece of wood suitably shaped and with holes in appropriate places. You would be able to have a lot of fun making several of these "musical instruments", I have simplified the thing here and it does not matter what it is there are always a few wrinkles to iron out.

Regards Mike:wink:

26th October 2007, 08:31 AM
MickyG,Your right I have order horns,And I'm going to try to make my own reeds,This should be fun,Thanks for your reply Lynn

26th October 2007, 10:26 PM
The instrument in the link looks very much like a chanter from a set of Macedonian bagpipes, especially with the decoration of rings down the length of it. I've made the whole set of those pipes before, and just for the chanter, I'd suggest a bore done in steps of 6, 7 and 8mm in roughly equal steps expanding from the top. I would also like to experiment with the type of reed they use in bagpipe drones these days, plastic body with cane or plastic beaters, as an alternative to the traditional cane one. I could probably take some measurements from the macedonian pipes I made, they have a peculiar scale (to my ears) but they may serve as a reference if you want to.

27th October 2007, 12:13 AM
burraboy,That would be great.I need all the help I can get.Thank You again Lynn