View Full Version : Veritas Scandinavian Workbench kit plans

2nd November 2007, 11:14 AM
A question for the Galoots,

I am currently in the middle of resurrecting a workshop and I have been considering building a new bench. I built my current utility bench 25 years ago, but lately have been seeing the need for a tail vice and bench dogs. Yesterday I acquired somebody else's unfinished project to add to my own unstarted projects list.

I bought at auction what appears to be a complete Veritas Scandinavian workbench kit, it includes a shoulder vice screw, a tail vice screw, a couple of bench dogs and some knock down fittings. The box is supposed to include the plans for a bench as well, unfortunately the plans have gone MIA.

I assume the bench is basically the Klaus bench from the Workbench Book. However if any body out there has a set of the original Veritas plans I'd be very interested to have a look to compare, particularly if there are specific details included on building the vices.

I haven't really made a decision on the bench design yet. Some time ago I picked up a Joplin 9" Quick Action vice that I had intended to use as a face vice on a new bench, recycling the old Dawn 7" as some sort of tail vice. Now I have the extra hardware I'm not sure whether to go with the Joplin or make a Klaus style shoulder vice.

I guess I've got enough hardware now for three benches, but a lack of suitable wood to build them and no room to put them!:doh:

3rd November 2007, 04:01 AM
For me, they've always been very helpful.

3rd November 2007, 05:38 AM
I am not sure if they are plans for a European bench, but I have got a set of Veritas bench plans at home. They used to sell two different plan styles years ago when I bought them, not sure if they still have both styles.

What passes for my grey matter is not coping well tonight with night shift so I am struggling to remember what style and where I saw them last...........

As I said, can't remember what style they are but I will have a look when I get home and after I have a sleep.

If I have the right plans I am happy to help out.