View Full Version : well its gt me bugggerd

4th November 2007, 09:15 AM
i made a clock from and end grain slice of silky oak.
inserted the mecanisum and away she went or so i thaught the second hand was moving but the minute and hour hands arnt. i tried chainging mecanisums but the otheone did the same and the one i took out started working fine. so i changed the hands still no change. so changed the mecanisum again and it still didn't work and well its got me buggerd as to why its its not working.:?

4th November 2007, 09:46 AM
Are the hands catching on anything.
??? centre hole too tight
??? burs on mechanism side of centre hole.

4th November 2007, 02:04 PM
Are the hands catching on anything.
first thing i checked.

??? centre hole too tight
it slides threw with some puhing not as tight as others thow. willtry that next

??? burs on mechanism side of centre hole.

no, but how would this afect it anyway?

4th November 2007, 03:37 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER- 1px inset; BORDER- 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">??? burs on mechanism side of centre hole. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
no, but how would this afect it anyway?

Just another straw to grasp at. :roll:

???? Distortion of mechanism when tightened (presuming a nut on shaft)
???? hole not square to flat of clock insert hole
???? Clock insert hole deeper at centre causing pressure on mechanism when fitted.

Will try to think up some more straws.

4th November 2007, 03:51 PM
thanks your help is apreciated.

i begining to thik that the mecanisum dosent like silky oak

4th November 2007, 06:24 PM
i begining to thik that the mecanisum dosent like silky oak
Thought about that one but thought better of it. :doh:

Skew ChiDAMN!!
4th November 2007, 07:22 PM
I was wondering where my gremlin had gone. :U You can keep him, BTW!

I had a clock doing similar, except the second hand would move forward four or five seconds... then backwards for one or two! Tick. Tick. Kcot. FWIW, it's a station clock we have hanging high over a door, so it's a right PITA to fiddle with - needing either a ladder brought into the house or balancing on tip-toes on one of our wobbly chairs.

At first I thought the batteries (NiMH CCC's.) might be losing their edge, so I recharged 'em, then left the clock lying on the bench to make sure it was keeping time properly before re-hanging it... a day went by, no problems. Rehung the clock, got off the ladder and looked up to admire my handiwork... ARRGH! Four/five ticks forward then a couple back. :~

Hmmm... it worked when lying flat but not when hung? Must be the mechanism! OK... so I stuff around trying to source a replacement, which was neither cheap nor easy to find as it also runs a pendulum. A week later, the mechanism arrives, in the clock it goes and I'm back up the ladder.

Would you believe it? Even with a new mechanism... four/'five ticks forwards and a couple back... :oo:

? Recharge the batteries again, up the ladder again and... still tick tick kcot. Both mechanisms work perfectly on the table, but not on the wall.

Then I thought to try some brand new batteries. Guess what? Three months later and the clock's still tickin' away happily, keeping perfect time... :doh:

So, try using different batteries before getting too experimental!

4th November 2007, 07:32 PM
changed batteries about a dozen times.

iv had it running all day out of the clock and it keeps perfect time.:oo:

about an hour ago i put it back in the clock and it has been keeping time perfectly.:doh:

it works now but it still has me buggerd:roll:

4th November 2007, 08:41 PM
changed batteries about a dozen times.

iv had it running all day out of the clock and it keeps perfect time.:oo:

about an hour ago i put it back in the clock and it has been keeping time perfectly.:doh:

it works now but it still has me buggerd:roll:

In reality I hope not:oo:

5th November 2007, 06:05 AM
Look out Skew! Looks like the gremlin has packed up and heading back to your place...:D

6th November 2007, 08:16 PM
Hey Carl,

So ya still having problems?
Does it work standing up these kinds of problems intrigue me, if its like skews maybe build a table around it :wink:.


6th November 2007, 09:26 PM
Most rechargeables only supply about 1.2V per cell. Those clock movements are sensitive and require proper 1.5V. The 5 forward, 2 reverse is a definate low/flat battery symptom.

My guess would be that you applied too much strain onto the movement when you tightened it in your clock. If the back of the surface that the movement butt up too is not flush up against the movement, the shaft pulls away from the guts. This causes the drive gears to pull away from the driven and the last to quit working is the second hand. If the second hand quits as well you can bet that the whole shaft has pulled out and the square plastic bit of the movement will part company with the arbor.

Never overtighten these movements.
