View Full Version : Furry visitor

Andy Mac
16th November 2007, 12:43 PM
Hi there,
We were wondering why the dogs have been barking their heads off... thought it must have been the stray cat that started hanging around, stuck up a tree, or even the Indian myna bird that teases them. I just went and had a better look, and there it was, up in a wattle tree on the dog yard fence line...a young koala!
First one we've actually seen on the property, even though the neighbours have the odd one, and we hear them some nights. Horrible noise it is too, like a grunting.
I've just locked the dogs away so the little thing can climb down and make it to a feed tree.


16th November 2007, 01:55 PM
I hope it found a good tree away from the dogs

I had a coupla grunters out the back last night
Don't get them much in this bush, I don't think they like our tucker much.

It's always intrigued me the that the northern ones are a powder grey yet down south they're noticeably darker

Allan at Wallan
27th December 2007, 09:35 PM
The poor koala having to put up with
barking dogs.

Just how much can a koala bear.:?



One good turn requires a decent piece of wood.

30th December 2007, 09:47 AM
aww so cute.

8th January 2008, 10:30 PM
Had a juvenile tassie devil in the yard a couple of nights ago. The dog was making a lot of noise so went out to look and thought he bailed up a cat. Turns out it was a devil. The little blighter stood his ground and the dog had no idea what it was. Had to get the dog away otherwise the devil would have gottached him. The teeth and claws on those devils are scary. He eventually got through the mesh and took off into the apple orchard. I was chuffed, I love the little buggers.
Waiting for the snakes to appear as well as possums. We curently have a bushfire up the road ( deliberatley lit) The fieries want to get it under control before Thursday when we get some high temperatures here. Mate of mine lost half his garden. Other people we know lost a couple of paddocks. Hope they catch the mongrel who lit it.