View Full Version : NEED HELP woodwork industry

27th November 2007, 02:11 PM
i was wondering if anyone could help me with telling me the historical background for the timber industry...thanks:2tsup:

27th November 2007, 02:15 PM
It began when man discovered fire and found wood would burn , collection began from there and has grown ever since as new discoveries and uses for wood were found :doh:

27th November 2007, 02:20 PM
I agree with Ashore, just play Age of Empires and see how important the industry is!
Regards :doh:

27th November 2007, 03:03 PM
methinks that this could be an assignment of some sort?

Alas I can't assist - at least not with anything factual.

Age of Empires would be the extent of my knowledge, also.


27th November 2007, 03:31 PM
Try this link to Forests NSW.


Search around and there should be enough information.

A couple of years ago there was a book published on the

Cedar Cutters (I think it was called)

It had a lot of history of NSW timber industry.

27th November 2007, 04:50 PM
New Scientist this week has a good article on how trees permanently altered the earth

27th November 2007, 06:53 PM
i was wondering if anyone could help me with telling me the historical background for the timber industry...thanks:2tsup:

Firstly which part of the industry do you want to know about, Harvesting, Milling, Social History Etc.
The industry history is "Gianornous" or big whichever you choose.
Each State in Aus has a different history, Each district is different again and each area of the industry.
Your best source of info is the State Library, Look or ask for BOOKS on the industry, there are hundreds of them. You will need to decide what research you wish to follow or you will be swamped.

The first timber industry as we know it began with the convicts, using saw pits.

Try The library they still print books and they are still usefull :U

Cheers Ravlord

27th November 2007, 07:18 PM
Welcome to the Madhouse.:D You've already encountered some of the range of personel who inhabit the site.:q:o
Sounds like a pretty big task if it's a school assignment.
The more cogent remarks above are worth following up.

When you piece your tome together you will need to consider such things as the opening up of river country along the coast of NSW by the Cedar getters, The use of timber for bridge building, railway sleepers. housing, export. Small saw milling operations that were set up for case making supplies (eg for the banana growers). The woodchip industry may need to get a run along with plantion grown timber.
Other oddball factors include the harvesting of fire wood in big quantiities along the Murray River to supply the paddle steamers with fuel; the harvesting of certain Eucalypts and Melaleucas for their oil; the harvesting of Sandalwood.

Soooo much to find out:oo: and so little time. Good luck. WE will give you all the help we can But we want to know how well you do.:2tsup::2tsup:

27th November 2007, 07:28 PM
I'd also add the harvesting of timber specifically for charcoal making during the 2nd World War.
Around here we still have bald hills from this practice....must have been important at the time.

27th November 2007, 07:59 PM
I guess also as part of the timber industry research (in addition to the very good summaries above) a side question relates to issues of horticulture, forestation, issues about which vegetation in Australia (or each state) is relevant.

As well as the practical areas of timber uses mentioned above, by artme, don't forget about the useless, but extremely aesthetically wonderful, aspects of wood use.

Whether your question extends to all of these issues or not it's hard to say. Big question for a massive industry.

I can feel my research bug coming back now...

27th November 2007, 08:11 PM
Yep Agree sCORCH,
Our new member.......and Welcome by the way......is in for a Doctorate if he keeps going with this.
I've sat with old ladies in kitchens with an IXL stove....who went on & on about things like " oh for scones I always use Red Stringy" ....or a roast needs a good fire of Yellow Box.more than boys stuff here!

27th November 2007, 08:19 PM
The history of the woodworking industry commenced in 4600 BC when after Adam's proposition had been turned down by Eve he stormed off in protest and stubbed his toe on a tree root. In anger he picked up a stone and smashed the root into pieces - when he saw the exposed grain for the first time it place a magic spell on him and said "my name is grain and you will learn to love me, go forth and develope wood working tools and cut down trees to expose my alluring nakedness"! Since then, mankind has pursured the exposure and heightening of wood grain. The outcome after 6600 years is a flourishing woodworking industry. [Reference: "The Woodworkers Bible" by Thic Kas Aplank)

27th November 2007, 08:23 PM
I saw the movie too!.......Kas a Planka

I'm sorry...off to the sin bin!

1st December 2007, 08:11 AM
Mr woodwork i think you mean the austrailian wood work industry... if it was the general woodwork industy of the world.. thats a little broad.