View Full Version : Like a tiger... grrr

2nd December 2007, 07:14 PM
I turned a few pens today but I fell in love with this one. Wood is X cut Hairy Oak. I thought that with the orange's and the dark stripes it looked like a tiger. I was in the garage making another pen and some people walking past asked what I was making. I showed them the pen on the lathe and my case with a few finished ones in it. They have gone home to get some money and this pen is now sold:2tsup:. Its only been finished for about 3 hours:D. This is a great time of year to be a pen maker, everyone wants them as gifts.


2nd December 2007, 07:24 PM
I agree fight that Tiger,they dont come easy but that timber is hard when you drill it. Ring my mate John about inlace etc I talked to him at the meeting. I regardyour pen highly and I am a fan of Hairy Oak,when you find a piece with tight grain you swear it had teeth as well.
Take care mate. Peter:2tsup::2tsup:

2nd December 2007, 09:52 PM
Great looking grain:2tsup:, don't get too attached it will bite you! Amos:)

3rd December 2007, 10:44 PM
Thanks for the comments Peter & Amos. Going to have to get to a guild meeting in Canberra when things calm down and get some more woodie contacts.

Rather than start a new thread for it, I finished another pen out of the same board just before so will post it in here. This one is with the grain and I wanted a thicker pen so made a spacer out of some ebony. It was going to be a bronze kit but the ebony centre band changed my mind.


3rd December 2007, 10:49 PM
Enjoy I did,the reverse taper is good,finished beautifully,altogether great.
Regards Peter:2tsup:

4th December 2007, 12:08 AM
nice work corbs. that cross cut timber looks great:2tsup: the second pen looks great:clap: