View Full Version : need someone to make frames for me

miss spintula
3rd December 2007, 03:30 PM
I have been trying to make deep box-type picture frames for some artworks that I want to sell at markets but my efforts are sub-standard. I have a consignment contract with a craft store to sell the artworks but I don't feel I can supply them adequately at the moment because so many of my frames are so badly finished.:C

Is there anyone out there who would be willing to make quantities of frames for me from time to time for a fee? I'd probably ask for them in batches of 10-20 at a time.

They're about 220mm square or 190mm square depending on the image within and need to be about 50mm deep. I've been making them with a 25 degree bevel and rebating the inside to put in the glass and the image. I've posted two images so you can see what they look like finished.

3rd December 2007, 04:14 PM
You can buy raw infinished frames like that at the bunnies craft section made out of clear pine. Might be an option.

3rd December 2007, 04:58 PM
Ideally, you would need to find someone in your own area. packaging and shipping the items would be costly if sent from another state and the chance of breakages is high with something that includes glass.
The kind of frame in your pictures would not be difficult to make, maybe you could hone your own skills or perhaps take a course if one is available.
Having the frames manufactured for you is going to add to the cost of your product whereas if you can make them yourself, the profit is all yours.

miss spintula
3rd December 2007, 07:03 PM
thanks guys for the tips. I've looked at craft suppliers everywhere and noone makes anything suitable. i wish they did! As for doing it myself, I have all the gear and can make them easily enough. It's just that I find the quality of my work varies depending on how much time i have to make them. And to be honest, fiddling in the shed takes the joy out of making the rest of the piece 'cause I find it frustrating and time-consuming.

I don't need someone to put the glass in or anything or even paint them
- just would like someone with more patience and skill to construct the timber bit - the rest I will happily do.

By the way, I'm currently in Perth but also spend a lot of time in Melbourne so if there's anyone in either of those cities who would be willing I'd really like to hear from you. I can supply the wood and personally collect them.