View Full Version : New C4 Sieg mini lathe with 1000W motor

5th December 2007, 10:17 AM
There is a new version of the Sieg lathes about and it has a massive motor. Ideal for deep cuts without bogging down. Also a digital readout.

As its new, it looks like its pretty rare in OZ. HAFCO dont have it. HAs anybody seen it actually available in Sydney?

Here is the link

here is the review by the mini lathe site. They think its the ants pants in mini lathes (even more that the recently popular 8x14" heavy model)


5th December 2007, 11:06 AM
Sieg responded and pointed to carbatec as having them.
$1795 (ouch)

Seems the bigger C6 model is only $1350 at H&F at present.

Then I found the C4 on ebay UK for 595pounds ($1400AUD).

Maybe Carbatec are air freighting them in and thus the expense (rather than simply more profit on a new model).

Either way the proce will come down once a few people have them (it is a chinese lathe after all)