View Full Version : Somewhere to Make Sawdust

Ivan in Oz
7th December 2007, 09:56 AM
G'Day Ppl,

After seeing some very Smick looking Workshops on here recently;
I thought I would give a bit of a let into what I might have for Christmas.

Yesterday the Concrete for the MAIN 'Garage' Building was poured.
AND, I am RESTING today:)
The 'other' area is for an Awning in front of the 3 Roller and 1 Personal Doors.

Pipework is for Toilet, Shower and Laundry.
I was not able to have a Vanity Unit,
as this would deem it to be a 'Liveable' area:oo:

400Metres up the Hill is the Millmerran Sawmill:2tsup:
Only does Cypress :(:(:rolleyes:

7th December 2007, 10:12 AM
dimensions you forgot dimensions 3 door is just that you can have 3 doors different sizes:p
Vanity yours or swmbo what you want a vanity for stick a shelf in there after inspection is done who's going to know unless they read this forum :D then there are going to be a shyte load of fellow in trouble :D:doh:

Ivan in Oz
7th December 2007, 10:40 AM
12M wide
9M deep
with a 3M awning,

making it 12M X 12M

Window at Western end
and Windows at Laundry, Toilet and the remaining half of the Eastern end

7th December 2007, 12:41 PM
Nice one Ivan. I love working outside so the idea of an awning to work under some shade appeals to me greatly. Also you can run in and out feed tables almost as long as you like in that situation.

7th December 2007, 01:03 PM
I was not able to have a Vanity Unit,
as this would deem it to be a 'Liveable' area:oo:It's so pathetic isn't it?
I am sure you will be able to rig something up yourself later that will skirt this stupid ruling.:rolleyes: Who makes these rules anyway?

7th December 2007, 02:02 PM
Very nice Ivan you must be itching to move the tools in....:2tsup:


7th December 2007, 02:03 PM
I was not able to have a Vanity Unit,
as this would deem it to be a 'Liveable' area:oo:

Yeah, they're not nice mob in the council up there in the Downs area, given my Uncle's experience with them in Helidon way. :no:

:2tsup: on the shed.

7th December 2007, 03:16 PM

Do yourself a favor. Do not tell them at home how pleased you are with your new toy. When I got my new shed I thought how good is this and how long has this caper been going on for.

well, not very long I can tell you. Bit by bit, stealth by stealth things were coming out of the house and finding their way into my shed as a storage bin.

Then my eldest daughter decides she is coming back home, no room in the shed for any more furniture so we decide to buy a storage container and put it besides the shed. her furniture filled up half the container and before I could ferret some things from the shed and into the container to free up a bit more space my other daughter says the she and her husband have just sold their house and are going to rent until they find what they are looking for.

They put the majority of their furniture in storage and filled the remaining half of my container with things that they might need and would be too difficult to get out of storage.

Now, when I open the container to air it, I have to stand back in case all the contents do not bubble out the door. It is that full.

7th December 2007, 03:29 PM
move the container away from the shed and put a roof between container and shed

7th December 2007, 08:58 PM
Aren't Councils full of upstart liilt Hitlers.?:o

Put a sink in for washing hands, afterall it is a workplace!?
what yoy do after that in the way of storage cupboards etc. is up to you. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Besides does any body want to live in a "tin shed" in the middle of winter in your part of the world?:D:D:D

You've no dout heard the new addition to the lexicon for dealing with petty beauracrats - TELLEMBUGGEREM.:oo:

7th December 2007, 09:11 PM
I have to stand back in case all the contents do not bubble out the door. It is that full.

It will not last for ever.

Andy Mac
8th December 2007, 12:45 AM
Good stuff Ivan, should be one excellent workshop!:2tsup: Ideal for a Forum get together on the Downs, and we'll excuse the lack of vanity!!
