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22nd December 2007, 03:08 PM
Just found this site this page in particular is worth a review many of the others worthy reading too.


WOW where's Dimgo when you want him after all his worry for a dial guage and its post he could have made one of these http://benchmark.20m.com/workshop/Jigs_Dial/Jigs_Dial.html and had a whale of a time :D

24th December 2007, 09:43 PM
RE: If God made man in his own image he must be of good humour, as we are all so different to look at. Yet all the same inside.

Actually we're not all the same inside - I was looking a a pictorial reference book a few months back about just how amazingly different we are in the inside. Some of us have long stomachs, short kidneys and different shaped bones and skeletons. It's one of the reasons why medicos sometimes stuff things up because they assume we are all the same on the inside. Some people even have more than one or two, none or two of some things!

25th December 2007, 12:15 AM
True, some politicians do not even have a heart.

There is this story going around before the Election that Howard popped into Costello's office and said that the polls are not going that good,especially out in the marginals in the country.

Peter said. what do you suggest. Howard then said Peter, I think we should go to the local saddlery and outfit ourselves in country gear. So off they went, Akruba hats, JH Williams Moleskins and boots with Driza bones to top it off.

Peter thought he would get a blue heeler and a holden ute to top off that country look. off they went into the red dust and when they found an outback hotel , in they went with all their new gear and blue cattle dog in tow.

Up to the bar they went, nodding, smiling, tipping their Akrurbra"s to all in the bar and said to the bartender they wanted a schooner of the best. Within two minutes, one local shearer, in stubbies and singlet and wearing Blundstones, came up to them, nodded, bent over picked the cattle dog up and looked under its tail and then departed.

A couple of minutes later, another local came up, nodded, picked the dog up and looked under its tail and then he too departed. This procedure went on and nearly everyone in the bar had inspected the cattle dog.

by this time this had got the better of John and Peter and asked the bartender, What are they inspecting the dog for?

The bartender said rumour has it " That their was a cattle dog in here with two ar#eholes"