View Full Version : Termites they're funny things eh...

8th January 2008, 10:35 AM
When I demolished my house I kept all the structural timbers (bearers, floor and ceiling joists, rafters, hips, valley's etc). Over the last couple of weeks I've been de-nailing and restacking the timber (Jarrah and/or Karri not sure which, I'll have to do the test). In doing so I discovered Termites in the stacks. They have gone past lots of the same to eat the same. They have also traversed and parshially eaten timber to get to a more tasty piece of the same.

The way they have parshially eaten the timber along the lenghts of timber gave me a great idea to show the effects off by making e.g. a table top and filling their channels with something like Estpol 7008 and bringing it up to a flat smooth finish. It would be a bit of mucking around and work but I reckon it would look fantastic.

8th January 2008, 11:28 AM
Certainly would be a interesting look.

8th January 2008, 04:15 PM
I hope you,re stack of termite snacks is nowhare near you're present house. They will not be funny things if they get in there.


8th January 2008, 09:03 PM
Not so funny when they bite

9th January 2008, 09:14 AM
Not so funny when they bite

thats true especially in the crutch area

9th January 2008, 09:42 PM
thats true especially in the crutch area

Is that from personal experience? If so, you have my pity.

9th January 2008, 11:04 PM
You wood knot want to know that would you :)

9th January 2008, 11:41 PM
a table top and filling their channels with something like Estpol 7008 and bringing it up to a flat smooth finish. It would be a bit of mucking around and work but I reckon it would look fantastic.

use casting resin (get it from bunnies about 15 bucks) as when dry you can sand flat with a belt sander. go through the grades of paper up to 400 with a orbital hit with 1200 wet and dry then use cut and polish (car stuff) to make it shiny. have a look at the picture as this is a gumvein about 3/4 inch deep in a piece of jarrah that is now part of a bed:2tsup::2tsup:

the termite tracks would look cool done the way you said it:cool:

10th January 2008, 09:56 AM
Is that from personal experience? If so, you have my pity.

Yes mate... they sorta snuck up.

10th January 2008, 10:01 AM
use casting resin (get it from bunnies about 15 bucks) as when dry you can sand flat with a belt sander. go through the grades of paper up to 400 with a orbital hit with 1200 wet and dry then use cut and polish (car stuff) to make it shiny. have a look at the picture as this is a gumvein about 3/4 inch deep in a piece of jarrah that is now part of a bed:2tsup::2tsup:

the termite tracks would look cool done the way you said it:cool:

Thanks for that Black1. Hey how liquid/runny is the casting resin as it would have to sneak into all the little nooks and crannies.

10th January 2008, 08:03 PM
Yes mate... they sorta snuck up.

