View Full Version : XBOX COD4 - Players

8th January 2008, 08:31 PM

Anyone online with Call of Duty 4 Xbox Live?

Interested in being taught a lesson :p.

PM or just put your gamertag on and we can add each other as "friends" and have a session.

If you dont know what Im talking about then you havent lived :D



"big dazzler"

8th January 2008, 08:58 PM
i have that game on my nintendo ds i quite like it ive clocked it 3 times now since dec

11th January 2008, 05:37 PM
Bah.... PC gamers rule!

23rd January 2008, 05:19 PM
Bah.... PC gamers rule!

Xbox rulz dude and the 360, even better.

23rd January 2008, 07:24 PM
ROFLCOPTER, PC games pwn noob! :)

Been playing for a bit. Started with Quake, now TF2, Crysis etc.

23rd January 2008, 09:52 PM
"Xbox rulz dude and the 360, even better."

XBOX360... old hat, PC surpassed them well before they were even released!
Remember a XB/PS3 only run good on low res tv screens like 1024x768, mine runs at 1600x900 on graphic intensive games 1920x1200 on normal games... and its out dated by 2yrs!
Run your XB/PS3 on a full 1920x1200 screen and see what happens :D

24th January 2008, 11:21 AM

I've stumbled into some alternate geek universe :rolleyes:


24th January 2008, 11:39 AM

I've stumbled into some alternate geek universe :rolleyes:


Back away dazzler, and whatever you do don't make eye contact:D:D

24th January 2008, 06:03 PM
"Xbox rulz dude and the 360, even better."

XBOX360... old hat, PC surpassed them well before they were even released!
Remember a XB/PS3 only run good on low res tv screens like 1024x768, mine runs at 1600x900 on graphic intensive games 1920x1200 on normal games... and its out dated by 2yrs!
Run your XB/PS3 on a full 1920x1200 screen and see what happens :D

Phwoar! What's you're config, Harry? (obviously a widescreen LCD for starters) :D
More importantly what are you playing ATM?

27th January 2008, 01:29 AM
Dell system, Pent 3.4D, 2gb ram,160gb sata HD, SB card, Asus 7950GT gpu (O'Cd), 24" Dell LCD.
Current game is "The Witcher"... Upgrade system soon to play Cyrsis, Im waiting for the next gen GPU's(Nvidia 9000 series)to be released, prob go a quad core CPU and 4~8gb ram as well.